Thought for the day 17 February 2017

This weekend, the Sun enters Pisces. As you would imagine, it brings a brightness and sparkle to all that Pisceans can expect in their lives. But, to echo a poem by the wonderful Tim Key, when the angler cycles home with a fish in his basket, somewhere a lonely trout is missing a friend. Does the Sun leaving Aquarius mean that Aquarians can expect darker times? No! It simply brings a shift in priorities. All of us can now feel the cosmic wheel beginning to turn.

What was the position of those cosmic wheels when you were born? What are you like and why are you like it. How can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Pessimism is like a virus. We only have to stand too close to a sufferer and we begin showing all the symptoms. All those dark thoughts and gloomy expectations - those projected problems and anticipated drawbacks; they're enough to make anyone start to shiver. Is there no cure? Of course there is! You don't even have to stand next to an optimist. The Sun may be leaving your sign this weekend, but it leaves behind a great deposit of positivity. Reach into your reservoir of hope and faith, and you'll find the resources you need to inoculate yourself. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


To paraphrase the late great George Harrison, '...the smiles are returning to the faces, seems like years since its been here. Here comes the Sun ...and I say, it's all right'. Now I never got to meet Mr Harrison, though my mum did once spend time with his wife cooking him cauliflower cheese. But if he's looking down now, I'd like to thank him for providing these words to illustrate your weekend. It may seem like years, but it's actually only twelve months since the Sun was in your sign. Yet its return does indeed mean that things will turn out all right. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Wherever there's competition, there's the potential for tension and disappointment. The moment we take sides, we challenge the universe to rob us of our happiness. If we win, we feel elated. If we lose, deflated. Yet how long does a triumph last? Even the greatest victors must soon defend themselves against the next contender. Try, this weekend, not to see life as a battle or a race. With Mercury and Mars still linked, this is a time to work with people, not against them. You may yet be successful... but true success has a different definition. Who is the true you? What are you like and why are you like it? How can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Apr 21 - May 21


Yesterday, I talked about how passion and belief can be used as a substitute for substance in an argument. Often, particularly in England, and more particularly in football, it's seen as the missing ingredient that our sportspeople don't have when they fail to do as well as national pride dictates they should. Of course, a lack of teamwork or skill are rarely mentioned. Where, in your life, could a greater emphasis on co-operation and reform improve your chances of a real achievement? Soon you'll see the way to make real progress. So, how can you be the best that you can be and find out what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


May 22 - June 22


You're back again? I thought we'd established that you can't read your forecast without a special permit. It's no use arguing that just because I let you stay for your prediction last time, you ought to be okay to come back and read it again. You need to go back to central office, queue up for a form, fill it in and wait for approval. Er, don't you? Oops. I've just seen the look on your face. I hereby give way. And with your ruler's link to Mars, and the Sun's change of signs, so too will anyone else who tries to stand in your way unnecessarily today! So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


Up the portcullis, down the drawbridge and... whoops I've done it again. I promised no more fortress analogies and here I go, picturing you on a great white steed, riding out of your castle. Except, this time, it's not where you've been that's important. It's not even where you're going. This weekend, life encourages you to begin a journey and emerge from your hiding place. Don't worry so much about what's on your horizon - as long as you're free to explore unencumbered, you'll make a discovery which will make your quest worthwhile. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


They say, 'Heaven helps those who help themselves'. So does this mean that greedy, assertive people will always do well in this world? As we, less ambitious mortals watch such folk ascend the ladders of power and wealth, we can easily imagine that they're being granted a cosmic boon. We don't know, though, what their lives are really like. As the Sun leaves your opposite sign this weekend, if you must push for something, push for a change that will benefit someone else. A change that benefits you is already on its way. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Whose light is attracting your gaze like a flame to a moth? Whose beams are providing a source of orientation through the mist? There's a problem with both of these analogies. They both assume that you face an element of difficulty. If you're on a ship in sight of a lighthouse, we assume that there are rocks in the water... and if you're a moth attracted to a flame, that there's a chance your wings will be singed. But in truth, the only dangers you face now are half imagined or insignificant. This weekend, someone has your best interests at heart. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


There's a difference between acting without thinking and thinking without acting. It's hard to say which is worse - or better! Sometimes, it's better to cogitate than to agitate. If we have a bad idea, the best we can do with it is fail to put it into action! But sometimes, we have to trust our instincts and allow impulse to take us where intellect never would. The right thing doesn't always seem like the right thing until it has happened. As Mercury moves on from linking to Mars, the energy and 'feel' of ideas could now be as important as the content. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


We've all met them. People whose first response to a question or request is to shut it down. When I used to work as a sound engineer, half the job was turning up with a 'can-do' attitude, keen to find a solution to anything the gig threw at me. It's amazing (and a bit disappointing) how often that set me apart from my peers. This weekend, life encourages you to approach problems with a new, creative optimism. The issues you face aren't as insurmountable or as frustrating to solve as you imagine. Just be willing to do things differently! So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Last week I quoted Bob Dylan's song, All Along The Watchtower. But thinking again about the opening lines, what is the last word the Joker says to the Thief? Is it 'release' or 'relief'? These are the kind of arguments that, as I mentioned yesterday, a quick internet search would end. But should it? While it's good to get details right, isn't it more interesting to debate the meaning and merit each word brings? In the aftermath of Mercury's recent dalliances, don't let a focus on 'correctness' keep you from a powerful exploration of alternatives. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


I have a secret. No matter how sophisticated my tastes get, no matter how much I may love the intricacies of Ravel's Bolero or the improvisation of obscure Congolese jazz bands, I will never stop loving the shouty, sweary rock band Rage Against The Machine. Though some might deem their music immature, I can wax lyrically about the structural complexities that make it almost unique. But the truth is that it's a passion from my youth that I can never fully move on from. Don't feel required to justify every choice you are deeply passionate about. So, how can you be the best that you can be and what's in store for you in the future? A full horoscope chart will tell you. Be amazed! Download your personal reading now!