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If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please Contact Us. Our friendly Subscriber Services team will be happy to assist with your subscriptions enquiry. 


Why should I get the The West Australian and The Sunday Times home delivered?

With a subscription to The West Australian and The Sunday Times you'll stay informed every day with the latest news from WA, interstate and abroad. With the convenience of home delivery and an array of other Subscriber Benefits, plus the flexibility to place a Holiday Hold when you're out of town  - a subscription to The West Australian  and The Sunday Times has never been easier. 

What is my subscription number?

A subscription number is allocated to every home delivery customer for each publication you subscribe to. Your subscription number is listed on your West Australian Newspapers invoice and on most subscription-related communications you will receive from West Australian Newspapers. If you’re making a payment for your subscription through Pay Now, you will need to have your subscription number with you. If you don’t know your subscription number, please Contact Us

Please note, if you are already a subscriber and are still being invoiced directly by your Distributor you will not yet have a West Australian Newspapers subscription number. 

How do I switch to email billing?

If you're currently receiving a paper invoice from West Australian Newspapers and would like to switch to an email invoice, simply Contact Us. Once you have received an email invoice you can simply click through to pay in just a few clicks, so you can get back to enjoying the news without waiting for your invoice to arrive in the mail.

How much notice do I need to give if I want to suspend my papers while I am away?

To temporarily suspend your papers if you’re going to be away from home, please advise us by 12pm for next day suspension of Tuesday to Saturday publications or by 12pm Saturday for Sunday and Monday suspensions. Advance notice of your holiday requests is greatly appreciated. To place a Holiday Hold now, please click here, or to see the options available please click here. Otherwise, you can call our friendly Subscriber Services Team on 1800 811 855 during business hours.


What should I do if I am going on holidays?

When you are getting ready to go away on holidays, don’t forget to choose your Holiday Hold option before you go. 

Place a Holiday Hold to Suspend Your Subscription

To Place a Holiday Hold while you are away, please advise us by 12pm for next day suspension of Tuesday to Saturday publications or by 12pm Saturday for Sunday and Monday suspensions. Your delivery period will be extended in accordance with your payment value. If you are an Easy Pay customer, the debit from your bank account or credit card will not be made until a later date. If you receive an email or printed invoice, you may not receive your invoice until a later date to account for your Holiday Hold. If your subsciption is still being looked after by your Distributor you can still place a Holiday Hold, however the way this is reflected on your invoice will differ.

Or, simply call our Subscriber Services Team on 1800 811 855 during business hours to choose one of the following options:

Donate Your Paper to our Newspapers in Education (NIE) Program

Get twice the enjoyment while you're on holidays by choosing to donate your papers to our Newspapers In Education (NIE) program where the funds from your subscription will be used to provide newspapers to WA primary and secondary schools. To donate your papers to NIE while you're away, please advise us by 12pm for next day donations of Tuesday to Saturday publications or by 12pm Saturday for Monday donations. This option is only available to subscribers being billed directly by West Australian Newspapers. 

Take Your Papers with You

If you are going on holiday within our delivery network you may be able to take your papers with you. Simply provide us with your destination address and if it's in our delivery network, we will organise your newspaper to come with you (conditions apply). To take your papers with you, please let us know by 12pm two days prior for redirection of Tuesday to Saturday publications or by 12pm Friday for redirection of Sunday and Monday publications. When you choose this option, your payments will continue as normal.

How can I support The West Australian's Newspapers In Education (NIE) program?

The West Australian’s Newspapers In Education (NIE) program provides primary and secondary teachers with newspaper-based teaching programs by producing affordable, ready-to-use lessons and resources which link newspapers to the Curriculum Framework.

You can support NIE by donating your paper when you go on holidays. Instead of being delivered to your home, the funds from your newspaper will be used to provide newspapers into WA primary and secondary schools. To donate your paper to NIE, simply call our Subscriber Services Team on 1800 811 855 and ask to donate your papers for the dates that you will be away. This option is only available to subscribers being billed directly by West Australian Newspapers.


Can I redirect my subscription while I'm away?

Yes, if you’re going away, you may be able to take your papers with you! We deliver to most of metropolitan Perth and to some parts of country WA such as the Margaret River region. To redirect your subscription to a temporary address within our delivery network simply call our friendly Subscriber Services team on 1800 811 855 during business hours. Simply provide us with your destination address and if it's in our delivery network, we will organise your newspaper to come with you (conditions apply). To take your papers with you, please let us know by 12pm two days prior for redirection of Tuesday to Saturday publications or by 12pm Friday for redirection of Sunday and Monday publications. When you choose this option, your payments will continue as normal.


I'm moving house, what should I do?

If you are moving house to another location within our delivery network, we can arrange for your subscription to The West Australian and The Sunday Times  to move at the same time as you. Please Contact Us with at least two business days’ notice and have your subscription number ready. Our friendly Subscriber Services team will make sure you don’t miss out on the news, just because you’re moving house.


What happens if my paper is not delivered, or it's damaged or wet?

If your paper is not delivered, or is damaged or wet, please Contact Us by 9am on 1800 811 855 and we will redeliver your newspaper where possible. Our Subscriber Services Team operate from 7am Monday to Sunday to assist with your enquiries and feedback. Should redelivery of your paper not be possible, the date of your next Easy Pay debit or the date of you next invoice will be extended to make up for any amounts owing - so you can be sure you always receive the papers you have paid for. If you are still being invoiced by your Distributor your account will be adjusted as normal. 


How can I order a gift subscription?

A subscription to The West Australian or The Sunday Times is a gift that keeps on giving. With a gift subscription your friend, colleague or family member will always be up-to-date with the latest news. They will receive a special gift subscription card which can be provided to you or directly to the recipient if you prefer. To order a Gift Subscription please call our friendly Subscriber Services Team on 1800 811 855 during business hours.


Who should I contact if I have any questions about my subscription?

If you would like to subscribe to The West Australian, The Sunday Times or to one of our other publications, please call our friendly Subscriber Services Team. New and current subscribers can Contact Us online or call 1800 811 855 during business hours and our Subscriber Services Team will be happy to assist you.