Tiny Trump meme proves a big hit

Tiny Trump meme proves a big hit
DONALD Trump loves to talk himself up. But a new meme storming the internet is determined to pull him down a size or two.

Don’t let age hold you back at work

Don’t let age hold you back at work
AUSTRALIAN workers — young and old — are more likely to face career barriers because of their age than those in the UK or USA. Here is what you can do about it.

Court approves Samsung arrest

Court approves Samsung arrest
A SOUTH Korean court has approved the arrest of a Samsung heir accused of bribery and other charges in connection to a massive corruption scandal.

Second Coalition MP threatens to jump ship

Second Coalition MP threatens to jump ship
ANOTHER Coalition MP is threatening to quit the Turnbull Government after Cory Bernardi jumped ship to start his own party last week.

Palmer lashes out on mystery woman

Palmer lashes out on mystery woman
CLIVE Palmer endured intense questioning over a mystery woman from Kyrgyzstan who was given $1 million of Queensland Nickel’s money.

Trump fumes over damning leaks

Trump fumes over damning leaks
DONALD Trump, seething over the leaks that are still plaguing his administration, has lashed out at the intelligence community.

Woman arrested over airport assasination

MALAYSIAN police have arrested a suspect in relation to the assasination of of Kim Jong-un’s half-brother at Kuala Lumpur airport.

‘Turnbull will have his day in court’

‘Turnbull will have his day in court’
CLIVE Palmer says he has launched legal proceedings against the Prime Minister and the public will hear “what really happened” in the collapse of Queensland Nickel.

‘I just can’t cope any more’

‘I just can’t cope any more’
OUR principals are in trouble. From being stalked by incensed parents to violence and burnout from ever increasing work demands. This is their reality.

Photo Ivanka wants world to see

IVANKA Trump has been attacked and her fashion line has suffered, but she is still flaunting her significant power.

Bernardi’s plan to cut Life Gold Pass

Bernardi’s plan to cut Life Gold Pass
CORY Bernardi has outlined part of his plan to “clean up Canberra” and former prime minister Tony Abbott is in the firing line.

Palmer suing Turnbull over ‘lies’

Palmer suing Turnbull over ‘lies’
CLIVE Palmer says he will sue Malcolm Turnbull for defamation over “lies” about his role in the collapse of Queensland Nickel.

Wesfarmers chief to step down

Wesfarmers chief to step down
WESFARMERS managing director Richard Goyder will step down this year after more than 12 years in charge of the company.

‘No bogans’ job ad is just fine

‘No bogans’ job ad is just fine
A PERTH small business has ignited debate about workplace discrimination by advertising an administration role but stipulating “no bogans need apply”.

Trump visit: ‘Don’t be a Malcolm’

Trump visit: ‘Don’t be a Malcolm’
CANADIAN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been warned not to be a “Malcolm” when he visits the White House.

One Nation support soars to 23pc

One Nation support soars to 23pc
PAULINE Hanson’s One Nation could be on track to hold the balance of power in Queensland as the party’s popularity soars.

Former tech boss jailed over $9M fraud

Former tech boss jailed over $9M fraud
HE LOVED a punt, but the millions Andrew Sigalla was betting with were not his own. Now he’ll pay for it with at least six years in jail.

‘This is jaw-dropping’: Trump advisor’s gaffe

‘This is jaw-dropping’: Trump advisor’s gaffe
TOP Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway may have broken the law on live television by spruiking Ivanka’s fashion line. Now she’s in big trouble.

Aus Post grilled over CEO’s salary

Aus Post grilled over CEO’s salary
AUSTRALIA Post will be asked to justify the $5.6 million salary of its CEO when it faces questions in the Senate.

‘Please, for god’s sake give me a job’

‘Please, for god’s sake give me a job’
WHEN this Queensland man was forced to stop work in his usual trade through injury he decided to get a business degree and find a new job. Six degrees and countless knock-backs later, he’s still looking.

Iran’s supreme leader mocks Trump

IRAN’S supreme leader says the US has shown its “real face” with the election of Donald Trump, mocking the new president in a televised speech.

PM Turnbull parodied on SNL

PM Turnbull parodied on SNL
THE PM’s frank call to Donald Trump began Saturday Night Live, yet it was Melissa McCarthy’s impression that stole the show.

Why you need to be computer literate

Why you need to be computer literate
COMPUTER literacy is set to become a non-negotiable requirement for 90 per cent of roles within five years, in occupations from carpentry to plumbing and law.

Dutton: ‘We’ve got unfinished business’

Dutton: ‘We’ve got unfinished business’
PETER Dutton has confirmed Australian and US officials are on Nauru to look at individual cases of those held in immigration detention.

PM staffer removed for Trump post

Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull. Picture: AP/AAP
A STAFFER in Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s office has been suspended after posting anti-Trump propaganda to her Facebook page.

Australia’s self proclaimed prince gives up throne

Australia’s self proclaimed prince gives up throne
PRINCE Leonard — and his wife Princess Shirley — have announced they will give up the throne of their Australian kingdom recognised by no one.

Trump names his Supreme Court judge

UPDATES: President Donald Trump has nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, who is known for his strict interpretations of the US Constitution.

Jobless rate soars among migrants

Jobless rate soars among migrants
AS MANY as a third of all Middle Eastern migrants remain on the dole in their first five years in Australia — but who’s really to blame?

Prince Charles’ ominous warning

Prince Charles’ ominous warning
IN a controversial speech, Prince Charles has warned the lessons of World War II are in “increasing danger” of being forgotten.

Shorten’s plan to ‘save politics’

Shorten’s plan to ‘save politics’
OPPOSITION Leader Bill Shorten has put forward a three-point plan he says will restore the Australian public’s faith in politics.