From the craver to the socialiser and the person who is always thinking about food: Experts reveal there are five diet personality types... so which one are you?

  • Experts have revealed that there are five different diet personality types
  • These include the thinker, the craver, socialiser, freewheeler and the foodie
  • According to CSIRO, if you fill in a quiz, you can identify your dominant type
  • More than 40 per cent of people surveyed occupied the thinker category
  • The questionnaire can be filled out online and it takes about five minutes 

Are you the sort of person who eats well Monday to Thursday and then falls off the wagon only to devour an entire packet of biscuits on Friday afternoon?

You might be a craver. 

Experts at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) have identified five different diet personality types, and they believe that if you take their quiz and find out your type, you can better control your weight loss.

Difference: Experts at CSIRO have identified five different diet personality types, nd they believe that if you find out your type, you can better control your weight loss (stock photo)

Difference: Experts at CSIRO have identified five different diet personality types, nd they believe that if you find out your type, you can better control your weight loss (stock photo)


* The thinker

* The craver

* The socialiser

* The freewheeler

* The foodie 

So what are the five different diet personalities?

First up is the thinker. The thinker is an over-thinking, goal-orientated perfectionist. They are often prone to anxiety and stress, which in turn leads to overeating and a low diet success rate.

According to CSIRO, more than 40 per cent of the 55,000 Australians they surveyed are thinkers. 

Majority: More than 40 per cent of people surveyed occupy the thinker category - the thinker is characterised as a perfectionist, goal-orientated type of person (stock photo)

Majority: More than 40 per cent of people surveyed occupy the thinker category - the thinker is characterised as a perfectionist, goal-orientated type of person (stock photo)

The second most popular diet personality is the craver, with some 25 per cent of people surveyed falling into this bracket.

The craver is someone who feels as though they need to eat a certain delicious food, and who finds it hard to stop, which leads to overeating in tempting situations. 

According to the experts, cravers are one of the personality types that are most likely to be obese.

Too tasty: The second most popular diet personality is the craver, with some 25 per cent of people falling into this bracket - they might be good and then fall off the wagon (stock photo)

Too tasty: The second most popular diet personality is the craver, with some 25 per cent of people falling into this bracket - they might be good and then fall off the wagon (stock photo)

The short questionnaire - which is available to take online - identifies the foodie as the third diet type.

For the foodie, food is on their mind 24/7. Whether it's thinking about it, making it or eating it, food is key to their existence.

Luckily for the foodie, however, they are less likely to be overweight than the craver.

Central: For the foodie, food is on their mind 24/7. Whether it's thinking about it, making it or eating it, food is key to their existence (stock photo)

Central: For the foodie, food is on their mind 24/7. Whether it's thinking about it, making it or eating it, food is key to their existence (stock photo)

Fun and games: The socialiser, meanwhile, prioritises hanging out with friends over dieting, and doesn't let food restrictions dictate their social life (stock photo)

Fun and games: The socialiser, meanwhile, prioritises hanging out with friends over dieting, and doesn't let food restrictions dictate their social life (stock photo)

The socialiser is the fourth and penultimate diet type. 

This is you if you prioritise socialising over dieting, and don't let food restrictions dictate your social life.

The final diet personality is the freewheeler; a spontaneous and impulsive eater, who regularly makes decisions as to what they fancy eating on the spot.

'It [the test] accommodates five different styles of diet types,' CSIRO research director, Professor Manny Noakes, said.

'Everybody does have a bit of everything but you'll have one dominant type.'

To take the five minute diet personality quiz, click here.  

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