Call me Beary Potter! Meet the PANDA which can’t stop riding a broomstick… until it sees milk

  • Video footage shows a panda at a zoo in China playing with a broom 
  • It refuses to let go of the brush and wrestles with a keeper
  • However, when it sees a saucer of milk it soon forgets about its plaything  

Harry Potter might have some sharp broom skills but here's a panda which determined have some stick talents to match.

Video footage, posted by People's Daily Online, shows the bear at a zoo in China, playfully gripping on to a long broomstick.

The bruin refuses to let go of the wooden sweeping brush - even when a keeper picks it by the scruff of the neck.

It's a wizard bear! Adorable footage has emerged showing a naughty panda which can't stop playing with a broomstick

It's a wizard bear! Adorable footage has emerged showing a naughty panda which can't stop playing with a broomstick

Animal magic: Harry Potter might have some sharp broom skills but here's a panda which is determined have some stick talents to match

Animal magic: Harry Potter might have some sharp broom skills but here's a panda which is determined have some stick talents to match

Brushing up: Video footage shows the baby bear at a zoo in China, playfully gripping on to a long broomstick

Brushing up: Video footage shows the baby bear at a zoo in China, playfully gripping on to a long broomstick

When it's moved into another area of the pen it continues its wizarding play.

The keeper tries his best to get the broom back but he is almost wrestled to the floor. 

In a final attempt to get the brush from the bear, the keeper fetches a dish of milk.

As soon as the saucer of creamy liquid lands in the bear's paws it forgets about its plaything. 

Determined: The bruin refuses to let go of the wooden sweeping brush - even when a keeper picks it by the scruff of the neck

Determined: The bruin refuses to let go of the wooden sweeping brush - even when a keeper picks it by the scruff of the neck

Not budging: When it's moved into another area of the pen it continues its wizarding play

Not budging: When it's moved into another area of the pen it continues its wizarding play

Distraction: In a final attempt to get the brush from the bear, the keeper fetches a dish of milk

Distraction: In a final attempt to get the brush from the bear, the keeper fetches a dish of milk

The keeper quickly whisks the broom away and leaves the panda cub to lap up its dinner.

It's estimated that there are around 1,800 Giant Pandas in the wild with more than 300 in zoos and breeding centres around the world.

People are not sure how long Giant Pandas live in the wild. However Chinese scientists reported zoo pandas as old as 35. 

Once off milk, Giant Pandas need to consume around 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo each day to get the nutrients they need. 

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