WA News

Man severs finger on nightclub razor wire, loses wedding ring

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You can't make this up.

A Busselton man is appealing for the public's help to find his missing wedding ring... which fell off his finger after it was severed on razor wire protecting a nightclub he snuck into.

The man, named David, said he decided to jump over the Bunbury nightclub's sharply defended outer wall with a few other mates on Friday night as a bit of harmless fun and a thrill.

"Initially I didn't know what had happened, I thought wow, that's a big cut and I just wrapped it up," he said.

"It wasn't until I got out that my friends came up and said 'here's your finger mate' and handed me my ring finger but minus my wedding ring."

David said he was immediately intercepted by the venue's security guards and removed from the premises.


According to the establishment's owner, David "showed no signs of injury" when he left.

"I couldn't see any blood and he had his hand up his shirt so I couldn't see how bad it was," the owner said.

"The full extent of the situation wasn't actually raised with us until half-an-hour later when his friends returned looking for the ring that was on his finger.

"We get hit every week with stupid acts and this incident wasn't about money, it is just about the thrill of the act."

David said there was no problem with the staff or owner of the venue and accepted the entirety of the blame for the horrific accident, claiming he'd done it countless times before for fun.

"It really wasn't about trying to cheat them out of money, I'd have spent over a $100 with them at the bar that night," he said.

"I just did something for fun that I've done a million times, and it went very wrong."

Recently married David is calling for anyone who may find his ring to return it to him.

"I hadn't done anything like this since I got married and the finger wasn't able to be reattached," he said.

"But I'm not so concerned with the finger, I'd just like my wedding ring back."

David has asked if anyone finds his wedding ring to hand it in to the police.

- Bunbury Mail