One In Ten Aussies Admit To Checking Their Phone During Sex

Image: iStock

Huawei and Decibel Research recently conducted a study into how Australians use their phones, and the results vary from expected to ridiculous. During sex?! Seriously, people.

The average Australian spends 38 entire days a year on their phone - that's 2.5 hours per day. Honestly, I feel like that's pretty conservative. Think about time in transit, eating lunch, on the toilet (just admit it, it's normal now) and while relaxing after work.

Guys are apparently more attached to their phones than women, too - 74 per cent say they have their phone at hand throughout the entire day, compared to 60 per cent of women surveyed.

Far from just a communication device, here's what the survey reveals we are using our phones for:

Three out of five Australians aged under 30 say they have taken a selfie to check their look. Victorians and Queenslanders do it the most, with 53 per cent of mobile phone users snapping to check themselves out, followed by Western Australia at 50 per cent and New South Wales at 48 per cent.

46 per cent track their fitness routines and goals on their mobile phones, and 36 per cent would share these details with their friends. 31 per cent have lied about their workouts.

Then there's the one in ten. Ten per cent of Aussies say they used their phones "in more secluded or risque situations". They are checking their phone during sex.

On what may perhaps be a related note, more than two thirds (70 per cent) of survey respondents say they have stored potentially embarrassing information on their phone that they would prefer to keep to themselves.

The survey also reveled what we look for in a new phone:

42 per cent say battery life, with 52 per cent saying insufficient battery life is the number one complaint that they have with their existing phone.

When choosing a new mobile phone, women are twice as likely to consider the camera quality as compared to men, while men are thrice as likely to consider its processing power.

Some of these results seem a little iffy to me, so I'm chasing up the sample size used from Decibel Research. I mean, some of this is pretty explosive if accurate.

During sex?!

[Decibel Research]


    I personally watch Netflix on my iPad, whilst doing my tax return, right before serving souffle before anyone thinks about coming.

    I don't wish to live on this planet any more.

    How else am I supposed to check if I'm doing it right? The instructional videos are very important!

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