Trump's pick for Labor Secretary Andrew Puzder admits having an undocumented immigrant on his payroll for years 

  • Andrew Puzder admitted he had an undocumented worker for household help 
  • Puzder, 66, said he didn't know his household help was undocumented Monday  
  • The CEO said once he learned, he fired the employee and paid back all taxes 
  • Puzder was nominated two months ago and this could hinder his confirmation

Donald Trump's pick for secretary of labor Andrew Puzder admitted that he had an undocumented immigrant on his payroll for years.

Puzder was announced as Trump's man for the job two months ago but still has not been confirmed, as it emerged on Monday that he had once employed an undocumented immigrant.

The 66-year-old had hired an undocumented worker as household help and this could prove a problem in his confirmation process as the confession has sunk other nominees in the past.

Donald Trump's pick for secretory of labor Andrew Puzder admitted that he had an undocumented immigrant on his payroll for years on Monday
Puzder said he fired the employee once he learned of their status

Donald Trump's (right) pick for secretory of labor Andrew Puzder (left) admitted that he had an undocumented immigrant on his payroll for years on Monday

Despite the revelation Senator Lamar Alexander said this will not immediately disqualify the CEO for the position because he 'reported his mistake and voluntarily corrected it', reported USA Today

Puzder said in a statement to CNN: 'My wife and I employed a housekeeper for a few years, during which I was unaware that she was not legally permitted to work in the U.S.

'When I learned of her status, we immediately ended her employment and offered her assistance in getting legal status.

'We have fully paid back taxes to the IRS and the state of California and submitted all required paperwork.' 

The 66-year-old had hired an undocumented worker as household help. Trump nominated the CEO two months ago and this could be a roadblock in his confirmation process

The 66-year-old had hired an undocumented worker as household help. Trump nominated the CEO two months ago and this could be a roadblock in his confirmation process

Puzder heads CKE Restaurants Holdings, the parent company of Carl's Jr., Hardee's and other chains. In 2010, he published a book called 'Job Creation: How it Really Works and Why Government Doesn't Understand It. 

Announcing his pick back in December Trump said in a release: ' Andy Puzder has created and boosted the careers of thousands of Americans, and his extensive record fighting for workers makes him the ideal candidate to lead the Department of Labor. 

'Andy will fight to make American workers safer and more prosperous by enforcing fair occupational safety standards and ensuring workers receive the benefits they deserve, and he will save small businesses from the crushing burdens of unnecessary regulations that are stunting job growth and suppressing wages.

Donald Trump's choice of Andrew Puzder signifies the administration will favor management over labor.
Puzder is against a $15 minimum wage

Donald Trump's choice of Andrew Puzder signifies the administration will favor management over labor. Puzder is against a $15 minimum wage

The Californian was one of Trump's earliest campaign financiers, serving as a co-chairman of his California finance team and organizing fundraisers well before most major donors got on board with the eventual Republican nominee.

Puzder said of his nomination: 'I am honored to be nominated by President-elect Trump for Secretary of Labor.

'I look forward to the opportunity to help President-elect Trump restore America's global economic leadership.'to be offered the chance to serve in his administration.'

Together with his wife, Puzder contributed $150,000 in late May to Trump's campaign and Republican Party partners, fundraising records show. 


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