Hilarious yearbook messages left by students before graduation show high school taught them a thing or two about humour

  • Leaving school is a big milestone moment for every young student
  • The yearbook allows them to have their picture taken and leave a message
  • These hilarious quotes will give them something to laugh at in years to come

Leaving school is a milestone moment in the life of any teen on the cusp of adulthood. 

That sense of possibility is traditionally captured with a yearbook photograph and an accompanying message - parting words to the friends and classmates with whom you've shared your formative years.

But it's also a golden opportunity to have one last laugh, and these students chose to make the most of it. 

In addition to some fashion missteps and very ill-advised hairstyles, these snaps reveal comedy messages ranging from groan-inducing gags to Paris Hilton quotes. 

Plenty of other high school students will sympathise with Alexander Faur's plight 

Plenty of other high school students will sympathise with Alexander Faur's plight 

Never under-estimate a woman simply because of the colour of her hair  - it gets on her pet peeves

Never under-estimate a woman simply because of the colour of her hair  - it gets on her pet peeves

Some high school students' parting words in their yearbook are more amusing than others 

Some high school students' parting words in their yearbook are more amusing than others 

Very few students can claim to have made it through their school days without a hair disaster

Very few students can claim to have made it through their school days without a hair disaster

Gregory decided to test his luck and ask whether he could simply put anything and have it appear in the yearbook

Gregory decided to test his luck and ask whether he could simply put anything and have it appear in the yearbook

This high school student 

This high school student 

Lots of students took the opportunity to have a bit of fun with their message to classmates 

Lots of students took the opportunity to have a bit of fun with their message to classmates 

One man jokingly pretended to be the 'Nigerian price' behind the notorious email scams

One man jokingly pretended to be the 'Nigerian price' behind the notorious email scams

Is Alixandra Garcia an archetypal high school 'mean girl'? Apparently so 

Is Alixandra Garcia an archetypal high school 'mean girl'? Apparently so 

John and Ian planned their yearbook photos perfectly - with two accompanying messages spelling out the phrase 'best buddies'

John and Ian planned their yearbook photos perfectly - with two accompanying messages spelling out the phrase 'best buddies'

Student Joanna Clark looked to socialite and heiress Paris Hilton for her yearbook inspiration 

Student Joanna Clark looked to socialite and heiress Paris Hilton for her yearbook inspiration 

Joe McDonald decided to make fun of his surname before anyone else could 

Joe McDonald decided to make fun of his surname before anyone else could 

Jireh used the information he learned in his science class to win over peers with his message 

Jireh used the information he learned in his science class to win over peers with his message 

Witty Hugh Vo knows well that education isn't as important as having big biceps 

Witty Hugh Vo knows well that education isn't as important as having big biceps 

Amanda Cook clearly has her post high school future all planned out

Amanda Cook clearly has her post high school future all planned out

This student wanted to make it clear that he's not vegetarian for ethical reasons 

This student wanted to make it clear that he's not vegetarian for ethical reasons 

Perhaps this teenager decided to leave school ahead of his graduation ceremony  

Perhaps this teenager decided to leave school ahead of his graduation ceremony  

Kylie came to the same conclusion that we all did about high school: that it isn't at all like High School Musical

Kylie came to the same conclusion that we all did about high school: that it isn't at all like High School Musical

Jacob took advice from his mother and decided to quote her directly in his school's yearbook

Jacob took advice from his mother and decided to quote her directly in his school's yearbook

Katia Perez gets honest about her hopes for the future in her yearbook message 

Katia Perez gets honest about her hopes for the future in her yearbook message 

Michael decided to address his school directly, and cheekily thanked his teachers 'for nothing'

Michael decided to address his school directly, and cheekily thanked his teachers 'for nothing'

Two homeroom teachers decided to have a little fun with their yearbook photos one year

Two homeroom teachers decided to have a little fun with their yearbook photos one year

The content of some students' yearbook messages was on the bizarre side 

The content of some students' yearbook messages was on the bizarre side 

Bradley, along with his collection of brooding photos, revealed his favourite song 

Bradley, along with his collection of brooding photos, revealed his favourite song 

Amanda Taggart clearly didn't learn anything about modesty at high school  

Amanda Taggart clearly didn't learn anything about modesty at high school  

This student knew that to get ahead in life others would have to fail - and he was OK with that 

This student knew that to get ahead in life others would have to fail - and he was OK with that 

Some stormtroopers appear to have taken over the science department at this high school 

Some stormtroopers appear to have taken over the science department at this high school 

Alex decided to test the yearbook committee with his message and it apparently worked 

Alex decided to test the yearbook committee with his message and it apparently worked 

There is quite the difference between Alexander's message and Joseph's yearbook quote 

There is quite the difference between Alexander's message and Joseph's yearbook quote 

These students definitely didn't seem to agree with one another on the length of a lifetime 

These students definitely didn't seem to agree with one another on the length of a lifetime 

Brandon decided to make sure his yearbook photograph stood out among his fellow teachers' snaps

Brandon decided to make sure his yearbook photograph stood out among his fellow teachers' snaps

A young woman had a bit of a nightmare when her yearbook photograph revealed an inadvertently rude message on her top

A young woman had a bit of a nightmare when her yearbook photograph revealed an inadvertently rude message on her top

Sean used his quote to make fun of the classmate featured alongside him in the yearbook

Sean used his quote to make fun of the classmate featured alongside him in the yearbook

Morgan decided to use her single status as a funny yearbook message for her peers to enjoy

Morgan decided to use her single status as a funny yearbook message for her peers to enjoy

Another student made a joke out of her surname before her classmates could have a go 

Another student made a joke out of her surname before her classmates could have a go 

Nicholas Edmond is one of the few people who does not 'bow down' before Queen Bey 

Nicholas Edmond is one of the few people who does not 'bow down' before Queen Bey 

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