- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 1253464
Arabic numerals, also called Hindu-Arabic or Indo-Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, based on the Hindu–Arabic numeral system, the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world today. In this system, a sequence of digits such as "975" is read as a single number, using the position of the digit in the sequence to interpret its value. The symbol for zero is the key for the effectiveness of the system, which was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent around AD 500.
The system was adopted by the Persian and Arab mathematicians in Baghdad and passed on to the Arabs further west. There is some evidence to suggest that the numerals in their current form developed from Arabic letters in the Maghreb, the western region of the Arab World. The current form of the numerals developed in North Africa, distinct in form from the Indian and eastern Arabic numerals. It was in the North African city of Bejaia that the Italian scholar Fibonacci first encountered the numerals; his work was crucial in making them known throughout Europe and then further to the Europeans who spread it worldwide. The use of Arabic numerals spread around the world through European trade, books and colonialism.
Arabic (/ˈærəbɪk/;Arabic: العَرَبِية, al-ʻarabiyyah [alʕaraˈbijja] or Arabic: عربي ,عربى ʻarabī [ˈʕarabiː]) is the Classical Arabic language of the 6th century and its modern descendants excluding Maltese. Arabic is spoken in a wide arc stretching across Western Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. Arabic belongs to the Afroasiatic family.
The literary language, called Modern Standard Arabic or Literary Arabic, is the only official form of Arabic. It is used in most written documents as well as in formal spoken occasions, such as lectures and news broadcasts.
Arabic is a Central Semitic language, closely related to Aramaic, Hebrew, Ugaritic and Phoenician. Standard Arabic is distinct from and more conservative than all of the spoken varieties, and the two exist in a state known as diglossia, used side-by-side for different societal functions.
Some of the spoken varieties are mutually unintelligible, both written and orally, and the varieties as a whole constitute a sociolinguistic language. This means that on purely linguistic grounds they would likely be considered to constitute more than one language, but are commonly grouped together as a single language for political or religious reasons (see below). If considered multiple languages, it is unclear how many languages there would be, as the spoken varieties form a dialect chain with no clear boundaries. If Arabic is considered a single language, it is perhaps spoken by as many as 422 million speakers (native and non-native) in the Arab world, making it one of the six most-spoken languages in the world. If considered separate languages, the most-spoken variety would most likely be Egyptian Arabic with 89 million native speakers—still greater than any other Afroasiatic language. Arabic also is a liturgical language of 1.6 billion Muslims. It is one of six official languages of the United Nations.
Indian numerals are the symbols representing numbers in India. These numerals are generally used in the context of the decimal Hindu–Arabic numeral system, and are distinct from, though related by descent to Arabic numerals.
Below is a list of the Indian numerals in their modern Devanagari form, the corresponding Hindu-Arabic (European) equivalents, their Hindi and Sanskrit pronunciation, and translations in some languages.
Since Sanskrit is an Indo-European language, it is obvious (as also seen from the table) that the words for numerals closely resemble those of Greek and Latin. The word "Shunya" for zero was translated into Arabic as "صفر" "sifr", meaning 'nothing' which became the term "zero" in many European languages from Medieval Latin, zephirum.
The five Indian languages (Hindi, Marathi, Konkani, Nepali and Sanskrit itself) that have adapted the Devanagari script to their use also naturally employ the numeral symbols above; of course, the names for the numbers vary by language. The table below presents a listing of the symbols used in various modern Indian scripts in comparison to Hindu-Arabic and Eastern Arabic-Indic numerals for the numbers from zero to nine:
The Hindu–Arabic numeral system or Hindu numeral system, a positional decimal numeral system, is the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world. It was invented between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians. The system was adopted by Perso-Arabic mathematicians (Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī's c. 825 book On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals) and Arab mathematicians (Al-Kindi's c. 830 volumes On the Use of the Hindu Numerals) by the 9th century. It later spread to medieval Europe by the High Middle Ages.
The system is based upon ten (originally nine) different glyphs. The symbols (glyphs) used to represent the system are in principle independent of the system itself. The glyphs in actual use are descended from Brahmi numerals and have split into various typographical variants since the Middle Ages.
These symbol sets can be divided into three main families: Arabic numerals used in the Greater Maghreb and in Europe, Eastern Arabic numerals (also called "Indic numerals") used in the Middle East, and the Indian numerals used in the Indian subcontinent.
The Weird Truth About Arabic Numerals
Learn Arabic. Numbers 0-20 & more! Lesson 2
Learn the Arabic Numbers with Zaky | HD
Easy way to learn Arabic numbers 1-100!
1 The Story of Numbers (0 and 1) Indian Numerals or Arabic?
2. Roman numerals vs Arabic numerals
These are NOT Arabic Numerals!
Hindu-Arabic numeral system
Converting Arabic Numerals to Roman Numerals
Arabic Numbers 0-100 writing and reading
Hank unravels the fascinating yarn of how the world came to use so-called Arabic numerals -- from the scholarship of ancient Hindu mathematicians, to Muslim scientist Al-Khwarizmi, to the merchants of medieval Italy. Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: http://dftba.com/artist/52/SciShow -- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow Tumblr: http://scishow.tumblr.com Sources for this episode: http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/HistTopics/Arabic_numerals.html http://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl/ma330/project2/al-khwa21.html http://books.google.com/books?id=SpyYKC-pNGoC&...
This is my second lesson which teaches you the numbers from 0 to 20 and how to add by tens in the standard Arabic.
This video clip is from the new Zaky DVD, 'Let's Learn Arabic with Zaky'. Written, Produced and Directed by Subhi Alshaik In this latest animated film by One 4 Kids, Zaky teaches the Arabic alphabet, numbers, colours & lots of Arabic words in a fun & entertaining way. Children will also learn about Allah (swt), the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and many Islamic topics. To keep the children entertained, 'Let's Learn Arabic with Zaky' includes voice only songs by various nasheed artists from around the world such as Zain Bhikha, Abdullah Rolle and Hussein Kalla. DVD available online: http://1islam.net/store/index.php?route=product/product&path;=11_12&product;_id=1253 Zaky APPs: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/lets-learn-arabic-with-zaky/id591041259?mt=8 Visit Zaky: http://www.one4kids.net/html/...
Hey guys!! In this video you will learn how to say any number between 0 to 100 in just minutes! Let me know if there's anything else you want me to say! :) Linda
The Zero, decimal system, Indian numerals, astronomy, astrology, trigonometry, ayurveda, chemistry, everything even dream-analysis are some of the numerous contributions of scholars from India. Unfortunately, the bias has always been against giving no credit whatsoever to the Indian mind. For instance, I was taught in school that the numerals we use are "Arabic Numerals". Why? Why the shameless lying instead of giving credit where it is due for monumental discoveries? The story of numbers is the story of civilization. Terry Jones ("Monty Python's Flying Circus") goes on a humor-filled journey to recount the amazing tale behind Indian numerals. Interesting Facts: * Baudhayana gave the 'Pythagoras theorem' centuries before the Greeks in 800 BC. * Pingala (400 BC) invented the ...
Extract 2 of Niall Ferguson's acclaimed documentary 'the ascent of money'. this extract focuses on Fibonacci and the introduction of Arabic or Hindu numerals to Europe.
You've been lied to! I'd start a Twitter campaign to call our number system (0123456789) "Hindu-European" numerals, but there's no real catchy hashtag for that. MUSIC: "Ibn al-Noor" by Kevin Macleod SOURCES: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_numerals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_ibn_Musa_al-Khwarizmi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar7CNsJUm58 Did you enjoy this video? Be sure to like it, share it with your friends and family, and subscribe for more videos every Sunday and Wednesday! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KhAnubis LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KhAnubisProductionsOfficial VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://khanubisproductions.weebly.com FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @khanubisproductions
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMy2bmSAIeA The Hindu-Arabic numerals are the ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). They are descended from Indian numerals, and the Hindu-Arabic numeral system by which a sequence of digits such as "406" is read as a whole number was developed by Indian mathematicians. The Indian numerals were adopted by the Persian mathematicians in India, and passed on to the Arabs further west. The numerals were modified in shape as they were passed along, and developed their European shapes by the time they reached North Africa. From there they were transmitted to Europe in the Middle Ages. The use of Arabic numerals spread around the world through European trade, books and colonialism. Today they are the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the worl...
Get help converting arabic numerals to roman numerals. Know how to do it quickly and watch the conversion worked out in mutliple examples. Visit: http://www.mometrix.com/academy/converting-arabic-numerals-to-roman-numerals/ Subscribe to more free test preparation videos: http://bit.ly/1dJH1yb Follow Mometrix Academy on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1hZE2Jj Review our free test prep directory: http://bit.ly/1hZE2Jj Mometrix Test Preparation Academy: http://goo.gl/1A9qj7 #MometrixAcademy #ConvertingArabicNumeralstoRomanNumerals
Practice to read and write Arabic numerals and pronounce them. Arabic numerals also called Hindu-Arabic or Indo-Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, based on the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. The Eastern Arabic numerals (also called Arabic–Indic numerals and Arabic Eastern numerals) are the symbols used to represent the Hindu–Arabic numeral system, in conjunction with the Arabic alphabet in the countries of the Mashriq (the east of the Arab world) and its variant in other countries that use the Perso-Arabic script in Asia. Written numerals are arranged with their lowest-value digit to the right, with higher value positions added to the left. #arabic #language #numbers #lengua https://goo.gl/g6Uh7o Arabic playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB54...
When we start getting serious about the foundations of arithmetic, we have to acknowledge the possibility that natural numbers can be defined in intrinsically different ways. The most mathematically fundamental way is the one outlined in the previous videos: natural numbers as msets of marks. However for practical work, we use the Hindu Arabic representation of numbers. So what is this exactly? That is quite a profound question, and there are different approaches to answering it. In this video we sketch three important possible ways of setting up Hindu Arabic numerals.
In the second part of class, we look at the sample REST server/client application to get you started with Project 3. We also begin our code kata exercise in which we develop an application that converts an Arabic numeral into a Roman numeral.
The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown. Although Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries. The text was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century. Numerous translations, interpretations and commentaries followed. The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher's stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transiti...
We review some of the development of number systems from the ancient Greeks, followed by the Indian and then Arabic development of our Hindu-Arabic numeral system. Then we focus on the new directions forged by the European mathematicians of the 15th and 16th centuries, culminating in the work of Simon Stevin, who shaped our current view towards decimal number arithmetic. We examine the idea that Stevin was the father of `real numbers' (this is not really credible) and also look at some of his other achievements, for example in music and physics. If you are interested in supporting my YouTube Channel: here is the link to my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/njwildberger?ty=h You can sign up to be a Patron, and give a donation per view, up to a specified monthly maximum.
INPORTANT PARTS OF THE DISCUSSION TO WATCH OUT FOR - Asrar Rashid was trying to turn the discussion into a debate, so we briefly agreed to a 3 minutes back and forth in which Ustadh Abdul Rahman clearly dominated him with evidences to the extent where Asrar Rashid had to swiftly get out of the 'mini debate' by going back to discussing the contract conditions [01:02:10] - Watch out for the numerous times that Ustadh Abdul Rahman caught him out on his Arabic grammar mistakes... - Berelvis are really going to be upset with this one. Asrar Rashid called Ahmed Raza Khan al Berelvi a muqallid, in other words he said he is not a scholar! He brought him down to the same level as Asrar himself, a Muqallid just like him :| [01.47.20] - The end part is actually quite interesting as Asrar Rashid p...
Hi! my dear friends! After you learned the numbers from 0 to 9,999,999,999,999,999 in Mandarin Chinese, let's apply them in some useful subjects starting with saying the "Year, Month, and Day" in Mandarin Chinese. For saying the Year, Month and Day, you only need to learn several characters and some rules. Here is structure of this lesson. Part1: (1.1) Learn the characters 年, 月, and日 (1.2) Basic concept and rule for saying the Year, Month, and Day Example 1: November 31st, 2013 Example 2: March 28th, 1876 Example 3: December 4th, 2139 Part2: Detailed explanation for saying the Year, Month, and Day (2.1) Explanation for the Year (2.1.1) Introduction: The Arabic numerals of the Year are commonly pronounced as individual digits and sometimes are as a single number Exampl...
How to win KINGDOM (COMPLETE). Guide and Tutorial in a FULL Walkthrough. Levels in arabic numerals: 1 I 2 II 3 III 4 IV 5 V 6 VI 7 VII 8 VIII 9 IX 10 X 11 XI 12 XII 13 XIII 14 XIV 15 XV 16 XVI 17 XVII 18 XVIII 19 XIX 20 XX 30 XXX 40 XL 50 L 60 LX 70 LXX 80 LXXX 90 XC 100 C If yout want to see the short version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWC0Wa7J0yc
It is time to turn our gaze back to the true foundations of the subject: arithmetic with natural numbers. But now we know that the issue of "What exactly is a natural number?" is fraught with subtlety. We adopt a famous dictum of Errett Bishop, and start to make meaningful distinctions between primitive natural numbers, Hindu Arabic numerals, and arithmetical expressions. We will see that we need to have a much more careful look at both natural numbers and a lot of modern number theory. In particular we touch base with a disconcerting reality: that there are not an "infinite number of prime numbers". And we give a perhaps novel definition: we actually define clearly and unambiguously what a (primitive) natural number actually is. Not surprisingly, our experience and facility with data ...
The real Temple site is not the mound where the wall and mosque are located. It is across the street some 600 ft from the area of wailing wall. The City is David is occupied by some 50 Jewish families and numerous arab muslims. The Spring of Gihon is there as is the Pool of Siloam. So what does this mean in term of unfolding end times Bible Prophecy? Why is this recently coming out in the light? Any connection to the upcoming jubilee year in Sept. 2015?
Vedic Mathematics research by Alex Bellos |Journalist| more info: gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/early-mathematics-day Few Quick Facts: Hinduism isn't a religion, Hindus aren't Hindus but Aryans, Term Hindu coined by arabs as they couldn't pronounce indu, Indus valley civilization. Sadly Hitler was obsessed with the word "Aryan" and Sanskrit, All math numbers and all of Advance math came form India, Arabic numerals are a modified written font of Indian numerals, India/Hinduism has no one religious book, since its not a religion, its Vedas "definition:knowledge/passed down wisdom"are basically poetic stories which has wisdom of Math, Physics, Astronomy, Medical , Dance, Music and other sciences mixed in, although there are 4 distinct Vedas. A lot of which are scientifically pr...