
Updated: 09:50 EST

Barack Obama kite-surfs with Richard Branson in new photos

Former President Barack Obama (bottom right) unwound from eight years in the White House with some extreme sports on his Caribbean vacation with billionaire friend Richard Branson (top right). Newly-retired Obama was pictured kite-surfing with Branson during a vacation on the Virgin founder's private Necker Island. He was seen fooling around with Branson on a boat (bottom left), smiling widely for the camera (top left) and launching himself into the air on a board (centre). The Obamas are now back in Washington, DC where they have chosen to stay while youngest daughter Sasha finishes high school. 

Brexit rage breaks out in the House of Commons

Shortly before midnight, Mr Hoyle tried to move the debate to an end, cutting SNP MP Joanna Cherry off by saying: 'I think the honourable member has come to an end.' She used her speech to accuse the Government of 'hubris and contempt' in rejecting SNP demands for Scotland to be given full consultation on Brexit negotiations.

The Speaker has dismissed a furious backlash over his attack on the US President, during which he said he would not authorise the use of historic Westminster Hall during the impending state visit.

Christopher Shipp tried to strangle his wife Shirlianne (pictured together) after she confronted him at their home in Lutterworth, Leics, about money missing from her bank account.

Leona Omalley, 24, pictured, paid a beautician £180 to come to her home in Wigan, Greater Manchester, and inject her lips in the hope of improving her pout.

Asda's Clapham store is stocking some bottles on shelves and some in the fridge following a fierce Twitter debate about the best place to keep the condiment.

A jury at Southwark Crown Court has still not reached a verdict on other charges. Judge Alistair McCreath gave the jury a majority direction.

Forget road-clogging Chelsea Mums on the school run, smug cyclists are far more likely to send your blood pressure roaring. It's their conviction they're the most ethical, clued-up folk on the road.


Articles on 17 and 24 September said that police were examining the death of Margaret Hesketh after she was allegedly placed incorrectly on an end of life pathway at a Wigan hospital.

Bus driver throws off passenger who spat in his face

The Yellow Buses driver, who has not been named, furiously leaped from his seat and grabbed hold of the man (pictured left) and tossed him into the street (right). The drama at Horseshoe Common in Bournemouth was filmed by a passenger and the clip is now going viral. It shows the drunken lout, in a grey hoodie, boarding the bus and lurching over to the driver's seat and spitting at him. Then the driver then addressed the shocked passengers and apologised (right) 'for the disruption' before returning to his seat to resume the journey.

John Leatham was attacked by James Gellately two days after switching to a new jail in a bid to save him from being killed by lags after the murder of Paige (pictured) in West Dunbartonshire.

Terri White, from Hull, claims that her speech changed after her jaw locked while eating over 10 years ago and she has been living with foreign accent syndrome ever since.

Pagolu Prasad, 51, was in between treating patients at Southend University Hospital with his colleague when he began talking about his bedroom 'activities', it is alleged.

Devon couple who lost baby abused by carpet cleaning firm

Dean and Charlotte Coutts (left) were shocked when they received abusive and threatening messages (right) from Clean Carpets Plymouth after refusing to pay for an £85 invoice. The couple booked a session with the firm but called it off when Ms Coutts was taken to hospital. Weeks later, Mr Coutts claims a representative from the firm said 'The best thing has happened' to their baby and that the couple aren't 'worthy of being parents'.

John Bercow, who has been in a peculiar mood since early January, exploded messily all over the Commons yesterday when he attacked Donald Trump, writes QUENTIN LETTS.

Brexit minister Davis Jones made clear the Government had no intention of accepting any amendments to the Article 50 bill. In the first vote tonight, the Government won by 49 votes.

Councils will be ordered to give permission for hundreds of thousands more homes today as part of Government plans to fix the 'broken' housing market.

The MEP, who has split from his wife and is now living with a politician 15 years his junior, told LBC listeners he was going through 'a few personal difficulties' with his 'marriage and family.'

Some 500 supporters were expected to throng The Strand in London in solidarity with the jailed Royal Marine. An even greater number is expected tomorrow.

Ministers have begun the process for selling off part of the student loan book to private companies in a move branded 'ugly' by campaigners.

Phil Shiner, 60, who made his name suing the Government at taxpayers' expense, received an honourary doctor of Law from the University of Kent in 2012. He was told to pay interim costs of £250k.

Britain will be the fastest growing major economy in the developed world between now and 2050, according to a report published today.

David Beckham put off a charity visit to Downing Street

At the time, Beckham was playing for LA Galaxy and therefore domiciled in the US for tax purposes. If he travelled to the UK, it could have meant to pay more to HM Revenue and Customs. He did later undertake the visit, (left) but on a more convenient date. It follows revelations in leaked emails that Beckham’s knighthood was blocked by a ‘red flag’ from the taxman to warn there were issues over his tax. Pictured right: Victoria Beckham going to work in New York on Monday.

London-based Marclay Associates have been employed by the former footballer to try and identify who stole the 18.6million messages and documents.

As she tried to focus on her own business by sharing product images on Monday, the backlash turned on her - with critics slamming her for her husband's emails and for using slim models.

The former footballer shared a series of messages with his 37.2million followers in which he praised the monarch and plugged his involvement with Buckingham Palace.

The firm takes a cut of more than 6 per cent from almost every donation. Accounts show more than £10million last year went on staff costs. Pictured: The Managing Director and Co-founder.

Charles Joy, 65, from Stockton in Country Durham, thought he was Facebook messaging an underage teenager called Jess but he was actually talking to the Internet Interceptors.

The broadcaster, 58, was told by his consultant that they would have to halt treatment this week, a year after he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of the disease, as it has spread to his liver.

Russell Square knifeman locked up indefinitely

Zakaria Bulhan (centre) killed retired teacher Darlene Horton (left) who was visiting the UK with her university professor husband, and stabbed five others including Israeli Yovel Lewkowki (right). CCTV footage shows the killer in a white T-shirt as he walked away from the scene of his knife rampage before he was Tasered by armed police. Bulhan, a Norwegian of Somali origin who was living in south-west London, pleaded guilty to manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility yesterday. He faces a possible life sentence when he comes before a judge today.

A new survey has found that 55 per cent of Britons struggle to identify the correct way to hang the UK flag. When shown two images only 45 per cent were able to choose the right option.

Jessica Pegg, 41, from Bristol, spent £17 on the bottle and was looking forward to a gin and tonic. But when she poured herself a drink she couldn't taste any alcohol and discovered it was water.

Lisa Murphy, 39, and Violet Smith, 29, both admitted blackmailing the former England player Danny Cipriani between September and October 2015.

7,200 midwives are aged over 50, including 1,000 who are over 60. The Royal College of Midwives says they need another 3,500 professionals to keep wards running smoothly and safely.

The pictures of Harry’s love buying flowers in Kensington were not the only ones to emerge yesterday — the brunette beauty has given fans an insight into the way she lives back at home.

Senior executives said they received details of 287 cases of the model catching fire. Just 59 of these incidents have been investigated. Almost 70,000 owners have failed to take them in for repair.

£2.7m settlement 10 YEARS after we got divorced

Glenn Briers, 61, from Willenhall, West Midlands, already gave ex Nicola their £600,000 house, a £10,000-a-year salary and child maintenance for their three children. He has built up a £10m fashion empire, which was worth little more than £1m in 2005.

Kaden Hadfield continued to attend school while in agony, some days struggling to walk, others to lift his arms despite visiting Blackpool Hospital more than 20 times.

A male contraceptive jab more effective than the Pill has been found to prevent pregnancy for up to two years, in a dramatic new scientific breakthrough. It is scheduled to be trialed as early as next year.

Scientists at Cambridge University say that if everyone aged 30 to 60 maintained their weight, one in five cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented.

The BBC broadcaster (pictured) said his relationship with his wife Jackie Ashley improved following his debilitating stroke - despite the marriage being rocked by his long-running affair.

Tory backbencher Johnny Mercer, who is leading a parliamentary inquiry into Ihat, said he believed a 'rotten core' of civil servants had warped the purpose of the process.

Conservative rebels are said to be plotting with Labour, the SNP and Liberal Democrat and cross-bench peers to pass key amendments to the legislation in the Commons.

Veteran German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said cutting the City of London adrift would be counterproductive because it had capacity that did not exist in the rest of the continent.

British DJ accused of murdering Bali police officer

A witness said she heard David Taylor (pictured, left) shout obscenities before the law enforcer died on Bali Beach. The bloodied body of Wayan Sudarsa (inset) was found in the idyllic tourist hotspot of Kuta Beach in the early hours of August 17 last year. Taylor, 34, claims he acted in self-defence after a row broke out over a missing handbag belonging to his Australian girlfriend, Sara Connor, 46 (pictured, right). Both deny murder.

Oluwafemi Nylander (pictured) accused Harris Manchester College of institutional racism after they sent out a photo of him in a security alert - despite Nylander being a former student.

John Caudwell, who founded Phones4u, has been accused by a former employee who took legal action after losing her job. Mr Caudwell, who grew up in Stoke-on-Trent, denies the allegation.

Fewer than five foreign prisoners a month are being booted out of Britain under controversial transfer deals, it has been revealed.

Paul Thompson said at an inquest that he and his wife were 'pushed' towards choosing Tunisia, and were told by travel agents that a previous attack in the capital had been a 'one-off'.

Police Constable Christian Ciobanu, based in Barnet, north London, received a penalty notice on his car - so made a false entry on the police database to support an application to have the notice quashed.

Manchester United fans gathered outside Old Trafford to remember the 23 who lost their lives on February 6 1958, when the Busby Babes were returning from a clash versus Red Star Belgrade.

Flight Lieutenant Andrew Townshend, 49, was flying 187 passengers from the UK to Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, when he was practicing 'long-exposure photography' while his co-pilot got a cup of tea.

Brave dog survives being mutilated by Bucharest Butcher

The dog, named Spirit, was found bleeding in the street, in the same spot where three murdered puppies were found in the same week. One had been cut in half, one had its skull caved in and the other had been disemboweled. Horrified animal campaigners Nicky Stevens, Amanda Keask and Anneka Svenska (pictured in Bucharest, inset) uncovered the catalogue of cruelty in the Romanian capital, and called for tougher laws to protect the thousands of strays that roam free across the country, a hangover from Romania's Communist years.

Ollie the Pyrenean mountain dog made his way onto the roof of his home in Pontardawe, South Wales, after escaping through an attic window while his owners were out shopping.

Iris Sibley, (pictured), had been taken to Bristol Royal Infirmary last June after she suffered a fall at her care home. It took health officials until January 4 to find the 89-year-old a suitable nursing home.

Bryony Nierop-Reading, 71, was determined to live the land she owned near Happisburgh on the north Norfolk coast, which is subject to fast-moving coastal erosion.

Maria Christofi, 42, from London, was diagnosed with a fibroid - a benign tumour - a decade ago. She made the decision to have surgery last month after the symptoms became too much.

Single mother-of-three Leanne Keating, from Abergale, North Wales, claims 10-year-old daughter Tia was left with an angry, itchy rash which developed five days after using the product.

Moving video footage captures the moment an autistic nine-year-old sings for the first time at his school concert in Bristol. Musab Mohamoud, who has learning difficulties has amazed his teachers.

Woman is filmed watching a martial arts movie at the wheel

Software engineer Adric Marsh spotted the driver enjoying the film on the M4 near Newport, south Wales, on Wednesday afternoon. The phone, which is fixed to a holder on the car's windscreen, clearly displays moving pictures for the duration of Adric's 20-second clip. The father-of-two said the woman risked causing an accident on a 'particularly tricky' part of the motorway near a tunnel.

Amin Abdullah (pictured), 41 - who was said to have 'lived for his job' - suffered a 'mental breakdown' after he was dismissed from Charing Cross hospital, London, in December 2015.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Samir Hussain, 28, left the Cineworld at Crawley Leisure Park in West Sussex when Michael McPherson, 27, threw sulphuric acid in his face.

A video showing two inmates entering a boxing match while other prisoners cheer them on has been published online. The footage was apparently filmed at HMP Featherstone.

Robert Colwell, 18, was shot in a car at the Ship Inn in Llanbedrog, North Wales just after midnight on Sunday. Officers recovered a shotgun from the scene and four men were arrested and bailed.

Channel 5 show star was friends with Milly Dowler killer

Brian O'Shaughnessy (right), star of Channel 5 show 'Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away, met Bellfield (together, left) while he was working as a bouncer at a nightclub, and the pair were reportedly good friends for 'five or six years'. Mr O'Shaughnessy, 39, who repossessed cash and goods for courts on the show, was also interviewed by police in 2005 about a joint sex allegation with Bellfield. No suggestion has been made that Mr O'Shaughnessy knew about Bellfield's crimes. Mr O'Shaughnessy has since admitted to having been an 'associate' of the killer, whose actions he called 'disgusting and vile'. Bellfield is currently in jail for life for a number of murders, including Milly Dowler (inset) in 2002 and those of Marsha McDonnell, 19, and Amelie Delagrange, 22.

PC Ben Perkins teamed up with two friends to apprehend the alleged thief while he was running out of TK Maxx in Brixton, south London.

Cyril Mowforth served with a tank regiment in El Alamein, North Africa, and Germany. He exchanged letters with bride Olga, from Sheffield, nearly every day from 1940 to 1946.

Rare archive footage shows the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II on her Coronation day in 1953. She was cheered along by thousands as her great procession made its way along Pall Mall.

Michael and Joan Parkinson could not believe their eyes when they spotted the albino blackbird in their garden in Nottinghamshire and now it pops by on a daily basis for food and a wash.

It was claimed the footballer engineered the cut-price transfer 'miles away' from the English club in a bid to prove to his wife that the affair was over and to get his marriage back on track.

Victoria Riley chased burglar Lee Cheney out of her home in Hedon, Yorkshire, after coming back to the property to find him in her kitchen. Cheney was later sentenced to 10 months in prison.

The motorist, who has not been identified, noticed that she had parked next to another silver Ford Kuga at Melbicks Garden Centre in Coleshill, Warwickshire.

ISIS terrorists left to rot alongside their suicide belts

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - The fly-blown corpses of ISIS militants have been left to rot on a main street in Mosul as the Iraqi Army leave them as a grisly warning to others. The bodies (pictured, circled) have been there for two weeks. Two men on a motorbike glance at the corpses (top right) and the stench of death is all-pervasive as people walk past (bottom right). As Iraqi forces prepare to expand their offensive against Islamic State from east to west Mosul, they want to stamp out any sympathy that residents may have for the group, which seized the city in 2014. 'The message is clear to Iraqis, to keep them from joining or supporting Daesh. This will be your fate. The Iraqi army will finish you off,' said Ibrahim Mohamed, a soldier.

Francois Fillon and Penelope Fillon, originally from Wales, face prison after French prosecutors launched a corruption investigation of abuse of public funds, embezzlement and concealment.

The youngsters' passage to Europe and the UK is being funded by the terror groups, who hand over cash to human smugglers to get them over the border having radicalised them at some stage along the way.

Fighters from the Free Syrian Army disembark from a vehicle near the town of Bizaah northeast of the city of Al-Bab on February 4, 2017 ©Nazeer al-Khatib (AFP)

Syria's army and its allies advanced towards the northern Islamic-State held city on Monday, cutting off the last main supply route that connects to militant strongholds further east towards Iraq.

With officers staging a walk-out over conditions, thugs are running riot in Brazil, with people running rampant with guns and machetes, shops being robbed, buses set on fire and bodies left in the street.



How West Papua’s gold rush has created a wasteland

The western half of the island of New Guinea is rich in minerals, especially copper and gold, but its discovery has been a very mixed blessing for the local people. Indigenous tribes like the Kamoro (pictured, left) say they have been hit by disease, poverty and environmental degradation since operations began at the Grasberg mine in 1973. The mine allegedly dumps as much as 200,000 tonnes of mine waste directly into the Aikwa delta system every day, turning thousands of hectares of forest and mangroves (bottom right) into wasteland. All the Kamoro can do is pan for gold (top right) and hope to hit it rich.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT -- The idea of sending cash to China to help their older people while ours endure a miserly, threadbare service sticks horribly in the craw.