Heather Mack faces tougher sentence after prison video confession where she admitted murdering her Chicago socialite mother and forcing her 'innocent' boyfriend to stuff the body in a suitcase

  • Balinese prosecutors are reviewing Heather Mack's YouTube video confession
  • She is serving a 10 year sentence for her mother's murder but it may be extended
  • Mack claimed she masterminded killing her mother Sheila von Wiese-Mack
  • She said she roped boyfriend Tommy Schaefer in to dispose of the body
  • The pair stuffed the 62-year-old's body in a suitcase in Nusa Dua, Bali, in 2014
  • Mack says the murder was revenge for her composer father's 2006 death
  • Schefer is serving 18 years for the killing at the plush St Regis hotel 

Heather Mack is facing a tougher jail sentence after confessing to killing her mother herself in a prison video uploaded to YouTube. 

Balinese prosecutors said they were reviewing the videos during which Mack said coldly 'I killed her myself' and 'I don't regret killing my mother'. 

The 21-year-old is currently serving a 10 year sentence after being convicted alongside boyfriend Tommy Schaefer in 2015 of murdering Sheila von Wiese-Mack and stuffing her body in to a suitcase at the St Regis Hotel in Nusa Dua.

'If Mack is indeed the mastermind of the murder, the video can be used as evidence in the case, and the sentence should be heavier than it is now,' Ashari Kurniawan, a public relations official in the Bali prosecutor's office, told Reuters.

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Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack is facing a tougher sentence after confessing to murdering her mother alone in a YouTube video she shared last week (above)
Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack is facing a tougher sentence after confessing to murdering her mother alone in a YouTube video she shared last week (above)

Bali suitcase killer Heather Mack is facing a tougher sentence after confessing to murdering her mother alone in a YouTube video she shared last week (above)

Mack's attorney said she had been 'pressured' into making the video and that Schaefer, who is serving 18 years for the killing, wanted to 'attack' her. 

His lawyers have not responded to Mack's YouTube videos. 

They were shared online on Thursday and detail how she plotted to kill her mother after learning that she was responsible for her father's 2006 death. 

James Mack, a Chicago composer, died in Athens, Greece, from a pulmonary embolism during a holiday with his wife and daughter. 

Mack believes he was murdered by her socialite mother and that the Bali killing was her revenge.

'I don't regret killing my mother and as evil as that may sound, that's my reality.

'When I was 10, my mother killed my father in a hotel in Athens, Greece. 

Mack (above in 2015) is currently serving a 10-year sentence for the murder but Balinese prosecutors say it may be extended if they can prove she masterminded the plot as she claims 

Mack (above in 2015) is currently serving a 10-year sentence for the murder but Balinese prosecutors say it may be extended if they can prove she masterminded the plot as she claims 

Sheila von Wiese-Mack was murdered by her daughter and her boyfriend  at the St Regis hotel in Bali's Nusa Dua in August, 2014 
Mack's boyfriend, 23-year-old Tommy Schaefer, was with her at the time and confessed in court to murdering her heiress mother. She claims she forced him to lie for her

Mack said she murdered her mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack (left) herself and that her boyfriend Tommy Schaefer (right) only helped her dispose of the body by stuffing it in a suitcase 

'Two weeks before I came to Bali, I found out that she killed my father and I made it up in my heart, in my mind, my soul, in my blood, in the oxygen running through my body, that I wanted to kill my mother,' she said. 

She made the videos out of remorse for dragging Schaefer into the murder plot, she said.

Schaefer and Mack stuffed her mother's body in this suitcase which they left at the hotel before fleeing in a taxi 

Schaefer and Mack stuffed her mother's body in this suitcase which they left at the hotel before fleeing in a taxi 

'I got this whole new savage idea in my head that I wanted to kill her in a hotel room because she had killed my father in a hotel room.'

Mack claimed she forced Schaefer into joining her and her mother on the trip, booking him a ticket with her mother's credit card. 

Once they'd arrived in Indonesia, she said she told him of her plan and forced him to help her dispose of her mother's body.

When the pair were arrested, Mack said she and her lawyers convinced him to take the fall for the killing so that she could keep her inheritance. 

'My lawyers and I, because of the fact that if I get money, if my article that I was charged with was not that I'm the one that killed her, I'm still entitled to the money and therefore I can pay the lawyers more.

'So we told Tommy together, my lawyers and I, that if he didn't take the blame in the court, that he would get the death penalty.' 

They said Schaefer bludgeoned von Wiese-Mack to death after she launched racial slurs at him. 

In the videos, Mack said he had chosen to speak out because she was 'tired of living in a lie'. 

Mack gave birth to the pair's daughter Stella while in custody and now lives with the infant behind bars, regularly sharing photographs on Instagram of their prison life
Mack gave birth to the pair's daughter Stella while in custody and now lives with the infant behind bars, regularly sharing photographs on Instagram of their prison life

Mack gave birth to the pair's daughter Stella while in custody and now lives with the infant behind bars, regularly sharing photographs on Instagram of their prison life 

Through tears, she told Schaefer that she was sorry and that she loved him before signing off.

'I'm sorry you won't be able to get a job, I'm sorry everybody thinks that you're some crazy killer. This is the truth and whoever is watching this, don't hate Tommy.

'He's innocent. I'm not. I love you Tommy.'

Mack gave birth to the couple's daughter Stella while in police custody for the murder. She now lives with the baby in Bali's notorious Kerobokan Prison where Schaefer claims she drinks, smokes and has sex with female inmates. 

Mack enjoys preferential treatment at the prison and has a cell phone which she uses to upload selfies on Instagram. 

She presumably used the phone to film her confessional videos to share on YouTube last week.   


'Hey so this is a video that I need to make. A lot of times since I've been a kid I've heard "the truth sets you free", "the truth sets you free," and I never understood but I'm Heather Mack, I wanna be set free. I don't want to live in a lie anymore.

'When I was 10, my mother killed my father in a hotel in Athens, Greece. Two weeks before I came to Bali, I found out that she killed my father and I made it up in my heart in my mind, my soul, in my blood, in the oxygen running through my body that I wanted to kill my mother.

'First, I asked Tommy Schaefer to help me find somebody to kill my mom $50.000 and he said no.  After that, I got this whole new savage idea in my head that I wanted to kill her in a hotel room because she had killed my father in a hotel room.

'We were going to Bali so I began to plot, I began turning off Tommy's phone, taking Tommy's phone when he was asleep. This started in Chicago. Texting myself, having fake conversations and then deleting them before he could see them.

'I did that because part of me knew that with this plan of killing my mom in a hotel, that she might... I might get arrested. I didn't want to get arrested by myself in a different country so I came to Bali and I told Tommy that he was going to come here for a vacation with my mother and I and that she knew about it.

'And in reality, I stole her credit card and bought him a ticket without her knowing about it.

'I trapped him here and that is what I regret. I don't regret killing my mother, and as evil as that may sound, that's my reality. If somebody killed Stella, I wouldn't regret killing them either but I regret bringing Tommy into it.

'I regret being selfish. I regret trapping an innocent person into this because it was my battle, my mother, it was my father. It was my mother, it was my father, it was my battle. I'm sorry to Tommy Schaefer for trapping him.

'We came to Bali, my mom found out. I killed her myself and then I told Tommy that if he did not help me clean the room and get rid of the body, that I would tell the police that he did it, that I would pay money to get him arrested.

'So he helped me clean. He ran with me, in the court the same thing happened. My lawyers and I, because of the fact that if I get money, if my article that I was charged with was not that I'm the one that killed her, I'm still entitled to the money and therefore I can pay the lawyers more. So we told Tommy together, my lawyers and I, that if he didn't take the blame in the court, that he would get the death penalty.

'So he lied in the court because of me, my motivation for doing this was myself. It's from inside of me and it's my battle. It wasn't Tommy's. Tommy is an innocent man and an even more innocent man is Ryan, Tommy's cousin.

'I don't even know how hegot involved in this or why the FBI involved him because he had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. He's innocent. I don't know if he wanted to sell a better story or what the FBI was on but Tommy ad Ryan are innocent, I'm not.

'The only thing Tommy is not innocent of is hiding the body. And the only reason he did that is because of me. 

'Because it was so burning and so deep in my heart, my plan, that I didn't think. I involved him, I hurt him and I hurt Stella and I am sorry Tommy Schaefer, I'm sorry. I love you. 

'I really love you and if I could go back I would do it myself and I'm sorry that everyone who ever knew you now thinks you're a murderer when you're not. 

'I'm sorry you won't be able to get a job, I'm sorry everybody thinks that you're some crazy killer. This is the truth and whoever is watching this, don't hate Tommy. 

'He's innocent. I'm not. I love you Tommy.'


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