Turnbull talks up future of coal

Turnbull talks up future of coal

MALCOLM Turnbull believes coal will be part of Australia’s energy future and says the country needs reliable sources of electricity.

Next thing on Trump’s hit list

Next thing on Trump’s hit list

FIRST it was immigrants. Now Donald Trump has an even bigger target in his sights as the US looks set to change course.

‘We are not the US of Australia’

‘We are not the US of Australia’

BARNABY Joyce has dismissed calls for Australia to follow America’s lead if Donald Trump walks away from the Paris climate change agreement.

Earth hit record hot year in 2016

Earth hit record hot year in 2016

EARTH sizzled to a third-straight record hot year in 2016, government scientists have said, and us humans are to blame.

Scary truth behind Australia’s heatwaves

Scary truth behind Australia’s heatwaves

YOU think the weather is bad now? Just wait. Last year was the hottest year on earth, and there could be disastrous consequences for Australia.

Another heatwave is on the way

Another heatwave is on the way

PARTS of Australia are set to swelter in another summer heatwave, forecasters have warned, that could last as long as a week.

Massive iceberg poised to break

Massive iceberg poised to break

A MAJOR crack that has rapidly expanded is poised to create one of the world’s biggest icebergs in a matter of months, scientists warn.

Australia’s weather map is wrong

Australia’s weather map is wrong

MANY Australians just shifted 200km north without moving an inch. That’s not a riddle - it’s the result of our crazy weather.

Double whammy of 40C+ heat

Double whammy of 40C+ heat

SOUTH AUSTRALIA is about to sizzle with two day’ of temperatures above 40C. But elsewhere it’s chucking it down.

Country towns plunged into darkness

Country towns plunged into darkness

SADDLEWORTH in South Australia resembled a ghost town as its 400 residents were without power for a staggering 38 hours.

‘A great stain on our national character’

‘A great stain on our national character’

FORMER PM Bob Hawke has divided the crowd at an Australian music festival with a controversial call to arms.

Wild storm: Port Augusta under water

Wild storm: Port Augusta under water

THE storm that began on Tuesday is continuing to leave a trail of chaos across South Australia, cutting power to thousands of properties.

Boys plucked out of South Australian river

Boys plucked out of South Australian river

UPDATED: TWO boys were plucked to safety by SES workers after they became trapped in fast-flowing Sturt River in Morphettville.

Brisbane the ‘coldest capital city in Aus’

Brisbane the ‘coldest capital city in Aus’

SOUTHEAST Queenslanders have endured a damp and chilly Christmas Day, with the mercury struggling to make it past 23 degrees.

Hottest Christmas in 75 years

Hottest Christmas in 75 years

ADELAIDE sizzled on a Christmas Day scorcher — but storms are brewing in the west of the state and tropical downpours are forecast.

Firefighters battle blaze in Mid North

Firefighters battle blaze in Mid North

UPDATE: As the temperatures soar across South Australia a fire has been keeping firefighters busy near the Hallett Power Station at Canowie.

Melbourne’s hottest Christmas in 18 years

Melbourne’s hottest Christmas in 18 years

FIRE crews battled a grassfire which jumped a highway and threatened farms as Victorians sweltered through the hottest Christmas Day in 18 years.

‘Earth will not be able to support life’

‘Earth will not be able to support life’

EARTH is slowly turning into a barren red world just like Mars and it spells doom for every living being on the planet.

Arctic shatters heat records in 2016

Arctic shatters heat records in 2016

WARMING at the top of the world went into overdrive, happening twice as fast as the rest of the globe and extending heat into cooler months.

Climate-sceptic Perry picked for Energy

Climate-sceptic Perry picked for Energy

CLIMATE-SCEPTIC Rick Perry has been selected as US Energy Secretary as department officials claim a witch hunt is being conducted.

Bad news for Britain’s favourite dish

Bad news for Britain’s favourite dish

THE quintessential British dish of fish and chips could soon be off the menu, as new research shows climate change is threatening the classic meal.

Unprepared for what’s coming

Unprepared for what’s coming

IF YOU think it’s hot today, brace yourself. Because it’s about to get much worse and more often. And the heat will kill.

Santa’s reindeer are shrinking

Santa’s reindeer are shrinking

SANTA might need to recruit a few extra reindeer this festive season. They’re shrinking, according to scientists, and climate change is to blame.

Time for another Inconvenient Truth

Time for another Inconvenient Truth

TEN years on, Al Gore’s Oscar-winning climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth is getting a sequel, to premiere in January.

Higher power bills are ‘inevitable’

Higher power bills are ‘inevitable’

NO ONE wants to pay more for electricity but it looks like we will be facing higher prices no matter what pollies say.

Donald Trump’s ultimate troll job

Donald Trump’s ultimate troll job

MEET the Malcolm Roberts of America. Only this guy has a job that really matters for the environment, and somehow Trump gave it to him.

Weather lady demolishes climate deniers

Weather lady demolishes climate deniers

A SCIENTIST has delivered a scathing response to a Trump-linked website for trying to use a video “with my face on it” to back its misleading views.

Malcolm Turnbull’s humiliating backdown

Malcolm Turnbull’s humiliating backdown

THE backflips from the Turnbull Government just keep racking up. Another of the government’s thought bubbles has officially burst.

$21 billion mega project dividing state

$21 billion mega project dividing state

IT ENDURED six long years of lawsuits and setbacks — but there’s one key reason why Adani’s mega coal mine could be unstoppable.

Mysterious ‘dead zone’ a threat

Mysterious ‘dead zone’ a threat

A HUGE, mysterious dead zone — 60,000 sq km virtually devoid of oxygen and life — has been discovered in Australia’s northwest.

Moment we’re dreading has arrived

Moment we’re dreading has arrived

RIGHT now it’s an unprecedented 22 degrees hotter than normal in the Arctic, and in just two years the North Pole could be completely gone.

Severe thunderstorm warning issued

Severe thunderstorm warning issued

UPDATE: The southeast of Queensland has been put on alert for severe thunderstorms, with wild weather detected on the radar.

Brace yourself for the summer from hell

Brace yourself for the summer from hell

IT’S the first day of summer, and the new season is already making its presence felt with a vengeance. The thing is, it’s only going to get worse.

‘They are afraid of the power we have’

‘They are afraid of the power we have’

A GROUP of young people have been given the go-ahead for a groundbreaking climate change lawsuit against the USA.

‘People would call you an idiot’

‘People would call you an idiot’

PETER Holding has been a farmer all his life and in the past 20 years he has noticed a seismic shift happen in Australia.

Pauline Hanson’s PR disaster

Pauline Hanson’s PR disaster

PAULINE Hanson has set out to prove climate change “untruths” on the Great Barrier Reef ... but she was about 1300km off.

Killer storms that are ‘unfightable’

Killer storms that are ‘unfightable’

MEGAFIRES will become more intense and frequent as Australia becomes hotter and drier. They will be so big, firecrews will be unable to fight them.

Climate change’s odd effect on volcanoes

Climate change’s odd effect on volcanoes

SCIENTISTS have detailed the consequences Earth could face as a result of climate change wreaking havoc on our planet’s volcanoes.

Aussie continent moves with the seasons

Aussie continent moves with the seasons

A WORLD-FIRST discovery using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment satellites has found out something very interesting about our country.

Expect to rake in the cash in these jobs

Expect to rake in the cash in these jobs

THEY are the jobs predicted to be the next big thing. Those “lucky enough” to work in these fields are expected to rake it in.

US ‘must respect irreversible deal’

US ‘must respect irreversible deal’

FRANCE has urged the US to respect the “irreversible” Paris Agreement on climate change, and said they will lead talks with Donald Trump.

‘Trump factor’ impacting on climate talk

‘Trump factor’ impacting on climate talk

THE UN says 2016 could be the hottest on record, but Environment Minister Josh Frydenburg says Donald Trump’s victory has created ‘uncertainty’ at global climate talks.

Is climate science doomed under Trump?

Is climate science doomed under Trump?

DONALD Trump once said climate change was a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese government. Will his crazy belief hurt the planet?

Climate denying senator in press row

Climate denying senator in press row

SENATOR Roberts walked out of his own press conference after it descended into a shouting match with reporters.

How Hazelwood impacts all Aussies

How Hazelwood impacts all Aussies

AUSSIES are facing higher electricity bills and a “major impact” on power supply after the closure of Australia’s dirtiest power plant was announced.

The massive risk Australia is ignoring

The massive risk Australia is ignoring

A BIG global agreement comes into force on Friday and many Australians seem to be unaware of how it will impact their lives.

Australian continent getting sunburnt

Australian continent getting sunburnt

AUSTRALIA is known as the sunburnt country but according to a new report it’s not just the people who are getting sunburnt, but the continent as well.

Get used to extreme heat Australia

Get used to extreme heat Australia

WE’RE copping very hot days more often and below average rainfall across southern Australia, the latest State of the Climate report has revealed.

Writer claims Great Barrier Reef is ‘dead’

Writer claims Great Barrier Reef is ‘dead’

AFTER suffering “the worst mass bleaching on record”, a writer claims the 25-million-year-old Great Barrier Reef is “dead”.

Mountains ‘to be wiped from map’

Mountains ‘to be wiped from map’

SEVERAL mountains in the UK could literally disappear from the map forever. Here’s the shocking reason why.

Climate agreement set to become binding

Climate agreement set to become binding

THE landmark Paris agreement on climate change will enter into force in 30 days, after the number of countries ratifying it passed a key threshold.

Turnbull’s big fail on SA disaster

Turnbull’s big fail on SA disaster

SOUTH Australia has copped a battering from gale-force winds over the past week. The last thing they needed from Malcolm Turnbull was a load of hot air.

Drone footage: All the rivers run

Drone footage: All the rivers run

EXTRAORDINARY footage, shot using a drone, has revealed the scale of flooding and the remarkable volumes of water rushing down Adelaide’s Torrens River system.

‘Lower than a snake’s belly’

‘Lower than a snake’s belly’

THE Federal Energy Minister has been blasted online for turning the South Australian storm into an attack on renewable energy.

Earth facing scary new prediction

Earth facing scary new prediction

A NEW study shows we may already be on track for a significant temperature rise if greenhouse gases remain at current levels.

Is this our told-you-so climate moment?

Is this our told-you-so climate moment?

THE Earth’s climate keeps going in one direction as August shatters global heat records.

Heatwaves too intense for our plants

Heatwaves too intense for our plants

AUSTRALIA’S outback is getting hotter. A global study has revealed longer and more intense heatwaves are rapidly pushing our plants and crops towards breaking point.

Surprising reason we go to war

Surprising reason we go to war

IT’S not all down to oil or land. Most conflicts come down to one thing, and it could be about to spark a battle with China.

‘It’s affecting the whole earth system’

‘It’s affecting the whole earth system’

FOR the first time in 11,700 years, Earth has shifted into a new geological era. The awkward thing is, it’s because of us.

Get ready for 60-day heatwaves

Get ready for 60-day heatwaves

THE latest predictions for our future are out — and they’re not good. New projections show how badly Australia will suffer if the globe warms up by just two degrees.

East coast to cop battering as low looms

East coast to cop battering as low looms

RESIDENTS in large parts of the nation’s east are likely to be hit with torrential rain as winter delivers its final — and potentially dangerous — storm.

Wind farms add to power bills

Wind farms add to power bills

THE market price of the subsidy households end up paying to wind farms has surged by up to 270 per cent in just two years.

Secret US military base revealed

Secret US military base revealed

IT’S been kept a secret for decades, but now melting ice is set to reveal a hidden US military project.

The Earth’s ‘scary’ new reality

The Earth’s ‘scary’ new reality

NASA scientists have warned about the unrelenting trend experience by Earth as last month takes the mantle of hottest month in history.

NASA: Our ‘hottest month in history’

NASA: Our ‘hottest month in history’

EVEN after the fading of a strong El Niño, NASA has confirmed that July managed to burst temperature records.

This place is ‘too hot for human survival’

This place is ‘too hot for human survival’

IN PARTS of the world right now, it feels like 60C. Experts fear it won’t be long till the scorching heat threatens human survival.

Turnbull Govt u-turns on climate change

Turnbull Govt u-turns on climate change

IN A move reminiscent of the 2010 Malcolm Turnbull, the Coalition has ordered the country’s science body CSIRO to refocus on “critical” climate science.

Anthrax outbreak’s climate change link

Anthrax outbreak’s climate change link

A SMALL nomadic tribe in the Arctic Circle has been put in quarantine after unseasonably high temperatures prompted a deadly outbreak.

Why coal is now a dirty word

Why coal is now a dirty word

THIS minister once wanted coal dug up. Now in his new job he wants it kept in the ground. Confused? So are we.

Why risk of war is increasing

Why risk of war is increasing

RECENT conflicts from Afghanistan to Syria have been amplified by a suprising cause. It could be a threat to future peace.

NASA’s worrying prediction for 2016

NASA’s worrying prediction for 2016

LAST year was the hottest on record but so far 2016 “has blown that out of the water” according to NASA scientists.

Hottest June in recorded history

Hottest June in recorded history

LAST month was the hottest June in modern history, marking the 14th consecutive month that global heat records have been broken.

Florida swallowed by toxic algae

Florida swallowed by toxic algae

THE waterways in the US state of Florida have been chocked with a toxic sludge — and it’s a problem that just won’t go away.

‘Near perfect’ storm smashes Taiwan

‘Near perfect’ storm smashes Taiwan

TERRIFYING footage is emerging from Taiwan as Super Typhoon Nepartak slams the country’s east coast with winds close to 300km/h.

It’s going to get a whole lot wetter

It’s going to get a whole lot wetter

DON’T blame La Nina, and it’s got nothing to do with El Niño, but a little known climate phenomenon is set to scupper any plans to return to the beach.

‘Gateway to Hell’ volcano may erupt

‘Gateway to Hell’ volcano may erupt

EXPERTS fear that an Icelandic volcano — similar to the one that caused chaos when it sent a huge plume of volcanic ash across Europe — is about to blow.

Pink snow makes scientists see red

Pink snow makes scientists see red

WHAT’s turning Arctic snow pink? Chemical spills? Baby seal clubbing? It’s actually just algae — but its spread has scientists deeply worried.

Rodent wiped out by climate change

Rodent wiped out by climate change

AN AUSTRALIAN rodent has been declared extinct due to climate change, making it the first mammal to be wiped out due to the global phenomenon.

Turnbull’s big plan to save Reef

Turnbull’s big plan to save Reef

THE LIBERAL government will today announce a huge $1 billion taxpayer-funded scheme to save the Great Barrier Reef.

Innovative solution to CO2 emissions

Innovative solution to CO2 emissions

IT JUST received funding from Bill Gates, but could an industrial plant which vacuums carbon dioxide out of the air help save us?

After the sun, here comes the deluge

After the sun, here comes the deluge

FORECASTERS are warning residents along Australia’s east coast to prepare for “a very significant weather event” this weekend.

The truth Australia doesn’t want to hear

The truth Australia doesn’t want to hear

SAVING the Great Barrier Reef should be about more than embracing a photo opp. We need to make the one hard decision that could actually save it.

Decoding the climate gibberish

Decoding the climate gibberish

IF YOU can’t make sense of the Labor and Liberal environment policies, here’s our guide to decoding their messages.

‘We’d vote for Branson, not Bill’

‘We’d vote for Branson, not Bill’

THE British tycoon and our political leaders simultaneously pledge to save the reef. But the audience only heard one voice.

Branson, Shorten announce reef aid

Branson, Shorten announce reef aid

RICHARD Branson has launched a $10 million partnership to help save the Great Barrier Reef on the same day Labor announced its own $500 million funding package.

Australia axed from UN report

Australia axed from UN report

IN A scandalous move, the Turnbull government has scrapped all mentions of Australia from a UNESCO report.

Australia, you’ve been taken for mugs

Australia, you’ve been taken for mugs

EL NINO is on the way out and winter is just around the corner. But before it went, the weather system fooled us all.

Country melting in 51-degree heatwave

Country melting in 51-degree heatwave

AUSTRALIA, you have no idea what extreme weather feels like. This heatwave across the ocean is so bad it’s barely believable.

It’s so hot the roads are melting

It’s so hot the roads are melting

AUTHORITIES in India sprinkled water on the streets after temperatures reached 51 degrees, leaving some pedestrians stuck to the tar.

Winter is coming. Or is it?

Winter is coming. Or is it?

IT’S mid-May and we’ve been enjoying some extra beach days and have barely felt the winter bite. So when exactly will it get cold?

Pics show the world is screwed

Pics show the world is screwed

THINK the science of climate change is not settled? These confronting before and after photos of shrinking glaciers will change your mind.

‘Nothing can prepare us for 2050’

‘Nothing can prepare us for 2050’

THERE’S a dire new global warning for the middle of the century, but Australia may not be capable of handling it.

Scientist not impressed with CSIRO

Scientist not impressed with CSIRO

A TOP scientist has said he is dismayed by CSIRO cuts to climate change research and urged the research organisation to reconsider.

Islands wiped off face of the Earth

Islands wiped off face of the Earth

THEY are the tiny places that have literally disappeared. Five Islands in the Pacific Ocean existed two years ago. Now they are nowhere to be seen.

Six things that could wipe us out

Six things that could wipe us out

SCIENTISTS have identified six main dangers that could wipe out humanity including killer robots and nuclear war.

Barrier Reef ‘dead in 20 years’

Barrier Reef ‘dead in 20 years’

IT’LL be harder to find Nemo in years to come with experts saying damage to the Great Barrier Reef is more dire than previously thought.

Australia’s endless summer is over

Australia’s endless summer is over

EL NINO’S the reason we’ve been able to lounge on the beach well into Autumn, but now La Nina is on her way.

‘I take climate change very seriously’

‘I take climate change very seriously’

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s credibility on climate change could come down to how well he distances himself from other Coalition members.

CSIRO’s new climate research hub

CSIRO’s new climate research hub

CSIRO has announced the creation of a new national climate research hub, just months after flagging severe staff cuts to its climate division.

Polar bears’ life-threatening journeys

Polar bears’ life-threatening journeys

AS THEIR habitat dwindles, polar bears are undertaking dangerous long-distance journeys, without rest or food.