Medium captured a Beatles reunion when she snapped what appear to be the faces of dead legends John Lennon and George Harrison on a piece of silver paper 

  • Christine Hamlett invites spirits to reveal themselves in reflective substances
  • She claims to have seen celebs like Princess Diana, Elvis and Michael Jackson
  • Medium says latest snap shows Lennon and Harrison visiting her from beyond

A medium claims to have captured a Beatles reunion after images resembling the faces of John Lennon and George Harrison appeared on a piece of paper. 

Christine Hamlett, 60, from Cheshire, invites spirits to reveal themselves in reflective substances such as water, steam and silver origami before taking photos.

The grandmother-of-four claims to have been visited by the ghosts of Princess Diana, Elvis, Michael Jackson and Winston Churchill.

Christine Hamlett, 60, from Cheshire, claims to have been visited by George Harrison and John Lennon after capturing their likenesses on silver paper (pictured)

Christine Hamlett, 60, from Cheshire, claims to have been visited by George Harrison and John Lennon after capturing their likenesses on silver paper (pictured)

Her method of reaching out to the 'spirit world' via camera is a form of instrumental transcommunication - the use of electrical equipment to make contact with those who have died.

Ms Hamlett believes that she may have enjoyed a joint visit from two members of the Fab Four after spotting the overlapping faces of Lennon and Harrison.

She said: 'I use silver origami paper - you have to pin it to a hard surface so I use a tray - and then I ask the spirits to show themselves and take a photo.

'I don't invite any particular ghosts or spirits to reveal themselves. I want any spirit to have the opportunity. I don't see who it is until I look at the pictures afterwards.

'This time as soon as I looked at the photo, I instantly thought it looked just like John and George.

'I looked at it another three or four times thinking 'is it them, isn't it?' It's always good to doubt and question yourself.

Ms Hamlett, 60,  invites spirits to reveal themselves in reflective substances such as water, steam and silver origami before taking photos

Ms Hamlett, 60,  invites spirits to reveal themselves in reflective substances such as water, steam and silver origami before taking photos

'It is a gorgeous photo. I think the faces are so clear. I have no idea why they would chose to appear. I have no connection to them, apart from being a big fan, but there they are.

'It's not the first time I've been visited by celebrities. I also have pictures of Princess Diana and Michael Jackson but it is rare.

'Most of the spirits that come through are just everyday people and then I'll get the odd pet. I have a lovely photo of a little dog. Sometimes you do get some really weird things.'

When Ms Hamlett takes a photo of what she identifies to be a spirit or ghost unknown to her, she posts it on her social media.

She claims people have contacted her about identifying lost loved loves.

Ms Hamlett said: 'Believing in something after death does bring me some comfort but, of course, you never stop missing the person.

'And even thought I can feel a connection to my dad, sister and other spirits, I'd still say I'm only 99.9 per cent sure of an afterlife. It is always good to keep questioning otherwise you stop progressing.

'I don't expect everyone to believe that I can capture pictures of spirits. I don't do it to try to prove it to people, I do it to prove it to myself.

'If there is an afterlife, I'm sure John and George are doing exactly what they did best in this life - making music and inspiring others.'

Ms Hamlett said: 'Soon as I looked at the photo, I instantly thought it looked just like John and George'

Ms Hamlett said: 'Soon as I looked at the photo, I instantly thought it looked just like John and George'

The medium, who used to have her own TV show and claims to have a passion for finding celebrity doppelgangers from past lives, delved into developing her abilities after losing her father to a stroke in her early twenties. 

Ms Hamlett said: 'I have memories for as long as I can remember of having these feelings, feelings that something or someone was there.

'When my dad died, even though I had always felt there was something after life, I wanted to know for sure.

'I went to a spiritual church and I said to my dad in my head 'just give me something, a sign, just tell me you love me and I'll know'.

'And then at the end of the evening, the medium turned to me and told me there was a gentleman that just wanted me to know he loved me.

'That was it, I knew then it had to come from my dad because I hadn't told anybody that thought. After that sign I started to develop my abilities.' 


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