Cory Bernardi finds an ally as old SA Liberal wounds re-open

Former SA Liberal leader Martin Hamilton-Smith who defected to join the Weatherill Labor government has re-opened some ...
Former SA Liberal leader Martin Hamilton-Smith who defected to join the Weatherill Labor government has re-opened some old wounds among the SA Liberals.

A former South Australian Liberal Party leader who controversially jumped ship in 2014 to become a Cabinet Minister in Premier Jay Weatherill's State Labor Government has re-opened some old political wounds.

Martin Hamilton-Smith, who was the state Liberal Party leader from 2007 to 2009 before being toppled by factional brawling said he understood Cory Bernardi's position because the Liberal Party had steered too far from core values.

Mr Hamilton-Smith said on Tuesday that he sympathised with Mr Bernardi because the Liberal Party had become too focused on "fringe" issues and not mainstream concerns which mattered to their supporters such as jobs, high-quality education and health services.

Mr Hamilton-Smith was himself labelled a "traitor" by senior Federal Minister Christopher Pyne in 2014 when he stunned colleagues and joined the State Labor ministry, shoring up the position of Mr Weatherill's minority government.

"Seven years ago, in the state division of the Liberal party, the left of the party led by Christopher Pyne and Simon Birmingham took the division over and the state division looks increasingly like the Greens," Mr Hamilton-Smith told reporters on Tuesday.

"I understand exactly where Cory's coming from," Mr Hamilton-Smith said who also said that he wouldn't be joining Mr Bernardi's Australian Conservatives party but would contest the 2018 state election as an Independent Liberal.

Mr Hamilton-Smith said there had been an enormous of what he described as "treachery" inside the state Liberal Party for years.

"In my time in the Liberal party, no doubt like Cory I saw quite a bit of rat behaviour and treachery inside the tent". That factional brawling between the so-called "wets" and the "drys" had been disgraceful.

"And I just remind you that this is the party that knifed an excellent Premier in Dean Brown and then set about doing exactly the same thing to another excellent Premier in John Olsen in factional brawls which were quite frankly a disgrace".

Mr Brown was Premier from 1993 to 1996 before being rolled by Mr Olsen, who was Premier from 1996 to 2001, when he stepped down for misleading parliament.

Mr Hamilton-Smith said voters wanted straight-talking and real solutions to mainstream issues. 

"Business as usual in state and national politics is over," he said.

"People are sick of all the spin and all the nonsense from the political class".

He predicted that the Nick Xenophon team would be a force at the next state election due in March, 2018.

South Australian Liberal leader Steven Marshall said on Tuesday that Senator Bernardi's decision was a "massive betrayal" of the people who put their faith and their vote in the Liberal party at the last Federal election.