Join David Gonski, Grant King at the Financial Review Business Summit

For more information and to book: Presented by BHP Billiton 8-9March, Sydney The Australian Financial Review Business Summit

ANZ chairman David Gonski will join Business Council of Australia president Grant King and Australian Institute of Company Directors chairman Elizabeth Proust at the Growth Agenda summary session at The Australian Financial Review's second annual Business Summit next month in partnership with BHP Billiton.

They will help bring together two days of the 'Risk Takers, Growth Makers, Wealth Creators' summit that seeks to focus the nation's corporate leadership on the forces fundamentally shaping the global business environment:

• the new phase of Chinese economic development,

• deepening digital disruption to established business models,

• and, now, the populist political challenge to the economic globalisation that has supported a generation of Australian prosperity.

BHP Billiton chief executive Andrew Mackenzie, who chaired the B20 trade taskforce for the 2014 G20 Brisbane leaders summit, will open the Financial Review Summit.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce and Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott will join a morning panel session on the global outlook.

Boeing Australia president Maureen Dougherty and former Bunning's chief executive John Gillam will take part in a session on whether big companies can be as truly innovative as start-ups.

Transurban chief executive Scott Charlton and Domino's chief executive Don Meij will give special presentations on applying technology to infrastructure and logistics businesses.

Rich List editor John Stensholt will interview US-based executive chairman of Visy Industries, Anthony Pratt, who has operations in the American mid-West and was not surprised by Donald Trump's election victory. US Vice-President Mike Pence opened Visy's latest Indiana paper mill last year.

Energy Australia chief executive Catherine Tanna will take part in a critical sector focus on resolving Australia's energy crunch along with Turnbull government minister Josh Frydenberg.