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greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Thursday December 03, 2020 19:32 by Revolutionary Anarchist Action   image 1 image
The Power announced open-ended and incomprehensible prohibitions under the name of Covid19 measures. The Power, which applied the ostensible measures during the pandemic, did not implement realistic measures. It applied the measures by separating the lives of the poor and rich. This segregation was not only economic, but also turned into a social segregation by favoring it’s own cultural segments. This is evident in the latest pandemic prohibitions announced by the president. While workers are working in workshops, factories and constructions, bosses maintain their isolation. While coffeehouses and cafes are closing, shopping malls remain open, and the religious services continue their operation. These clearly show us this segregation. These restrictions have nothing to do with Covid19. Prohibitions are a product of the effort to control the society that is faced with the crisis and to hide the crisis by making it incomprehensible and imperceptible. read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Thursday December 03, 2020 19:27 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   image 1 image
İktidar Covid19 önlemleri adı altında ucu açık ve anlaşılmaz yasaklar açıkladı. Salgın süreci boyunca göstermelik önlemleri uygulayan iktidar gerçekçi önlemleri uygulamadı. Önlemleri fakir ve zengin yaşamını ayrıştırarak uyguladı. Bu ayrıştırma sadece ekonomik değildi, tarafı olduğu kültürel kesimleri kayırmasıyla sosyal bir ayrıştırmaya da dönüştü. Başkanın açıkladığı son salgın yasaklarında da bu açıkça ortadadır. Atölyelerde, fabrikalarda, inşaatlarda işçiler çalışıyorken patronlar izolasyonlarını sürdürmekteler. Kahvehaneler ve kıraathaneler kapanıyorken AVM’ler açık kalıyor, dip dibe yapılan ibadetler sürüyor. Bunlar bize, yapılan bu ayrıştırmayı apaçık göstermektedir. Bu yasakların Covid19 ile alakası yoktur. Yasaklar, krizle karşı karşıya kalan toplumun kontrolünü sağlamak ve krizi anlaşılamaz, algılanamaz kılarak saklama çabasının bir ürünüdür. read full story / add a comment
Σε απάντηση στο βιομηχανικό, καπιταλιστικό μοντέλο παραγωγής τροφίμων που έχει αποδεκατίσει τους αγροτικούς τρόπους ζωής και τη μητρική μας γη, κοινωνικά κινήματα σε όλο τον κόσμο έχουν προσδιορίσει την αγροοικολογία ως εναλλακτική πρόταση για αγροτική ανάπτυξη. Βασισμένη σε αγροτικές και αυτόχθονες γνώσεις, αγώνες για την κυριαρχία των τροφίμων και αγροτική μεταρρύθμιση, η αγροοικολογία θεωρείται από τα κοινωνικά κινήματα ως «εργαλείο για τον κοινωνικό, οικονομικό, πολιτιστικό, πολιτικό και οικολογικό μετασχηματισμό κοινοτήτων και εδαφών». read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / miscellaneous / opinión / análisis Tuesday December 01, 2020 10:19 by ViaLibre   image 1 image
Los pasados días 19 y 21 de noviembre se presentaron dos jornadas de movilización y protesta nacional que consideramos importante reseńar y analizar. read full story / add a comment
Alexei Alexeivich Olonetsky (1893-1964) ή Sadikov, Sadikov-Olonetsky - «Ένας πολύ μορφωμένος επιστήμονας, ένας θαυμάσιος εκπρόσωπος της προηγμένης Ρωσικής διανόησης στα τέλη του 19ου - αρχές του 20ού αιώνα. Από το A. Kuprava. Άνθρωποι: Χρόνος και ζωή. - Sukhum, 2010. read full story / add a comment
Masivas movilizaciones contra el Congreso y el nuevo Ejecutivo
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / miscellaneous / portada Tuesday November 24, 2020 03:21 by Franz Verne   image 1 image
Es claro que esta siempre fue una disputa interburguesa, entre dos facciones de derecha, cada cual representando sus propios intereses y agendas políticas. Y en esta contienda perdió el que tuvo menos respaldo estratégico. La caída de Vizcarra demuestra un Ejecutivo debilitado y carente de gobernabilidad, pues —entre otras cosas— nunca tuvo una bancada parlamentaria que lo respalde y frene las arremetidas del Legislativo que sí logró consensuar su ataque en bloque bajo la desgastada argucia de la «lucha anticorrupción», cuando siempre estuvo claro que en ambos poderes del Estado el nivel de putrefacción es realmente alarmante. Ahora, con la toma del poder de Manuel Merino, quien está abocado a convocar un gabinete ministerial acorde a sus socios parlamentarios, empieza una nueva repartija del poder, que no quepa ninguna duda. read full story / add a comment
Εμείς είμαστε η πλατφόρμα για όλους και όλες που δεν έχουν συμβιβαστεί με το καπιταλιστικό σύστημα, για εκείνους και εκείνες που επιθυμούν να προχωρήσουν προς τα μπρος, στον δρόμο για μια κοινωνία χωρίς εκμετάλλευση και καταπίεση.
Αν θέλετε να βαδίσουμε μαζί αυτό το μονοπάτι, τότε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας είτε ηλεκτρονικά είτε απευθυνθείτε απευθείας στις τοπικές δομές μας. (→ read full story / add a comment
Ενάντια σε όλες τις αδικίες και τις κυριαρχίες που επιβάλλονται μέσω του καπιταλισμού και της ρατσιστικής και πατριαρχικής κοινωνικής δομής ... συνεχίζουμε να δρούμε στους αγώνες των κάτω, από κοινού με τους καταπιεσμένους ... βαδίζοντας με σταθερά βήματα προς μια άλλη κοινωνία ... ακολουθούμε τον οργανωμένο αναρχισμό του ειδικού, λατινοαμερικάνικου πλαισίου με: ηθική, δέσμευση, αλληλεγγύη, οργάνωση και αντίσταση ... για τη συμβολή στην οικοδόμηση ισχυρών λαών, για τη λαϊκή εξουσία ... προς τον ελευθεριακό σοσιαλισμό! read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / link to video Sunday November 22, 2020 02:11 by Li berteri   image 1 image   video 1 video file
Beating Our Heads Against the Wall – It Was Worth It (2020) is a short documentary film, that depicts a period of anarchist activities in Croatia (2008-2020), with a focus on the regions of Kvarner (Quarnaro/Carnaro) and Istria, but also on a larger scale across Croatia, and other countries such as Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain. This document illustrates years of organisation, struggle, and lengthy legal proceedings. read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / education / press release Thursday November 19, 2020 14:25 by Written by Laya   image 1 image
These universities are not alone. In fact, this struggle for our lives, for our freedom to dictate our destiny, is the struggle of every student, in every institution across the archipelago! All schools, colleges, and universities have their own versions of our very native concept of bayanihan, that entails a camaraderie and solidarity where no one will be left behind. It is in our values and in our history that we can learn what it takes to take our liberty now. read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / miscellaneous / review Sunday November 15, 2020 17:44 by LAMA   image 1 image
A review of the political fable DISORDER read full story / add a comment
Capitalism and anti-capitalism
international / miscellaneous / link to pdf Saturday November 14, 2020 20:14 by International Labour Research and Information Group   image 2 images
In South Africa over the last few years we have seen many struggles within workplaces and communities. A feature of these struggles, however, has been the difficulty in maintaining and building organisations that are long-lasting and that are also inclusive and participatory. In these struggles, new layers of activists have emerged. This booklet is a tool to introduce these new activists to what capitalism is, how it functions and in whose interests, how society is divided into different classes with differences in power and interests, what role the state plays, and how the state functions in the interests of capitalism and the ruling class. read full story / add a comment
international / the left / opinion / analysis Saturday November 14, 2020 11:12 by Wayne Price   image 1 image
A fundamental thesis which all varieties of revolutionary socialists and anarchists once generally accepted: this state cannot be used to create socialism (communism or anarchism). It must be overturned, destroyed, and replaced by alternate social forms. read full story / add a comment
west africa / community struggles / feature Thursday November 12, 2020 17:33 by Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
A video went viral on social media platforms on October 3, outlining how the notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit of the Nigerian police force shot a young man, dumped him at the side of the road and stole his car. What followed was three weeks of protests by young people against such police brutality and the corruption that defines the state; initially via social media, #EndSARS, and later in towns and cities across Nigeria. During these protests the Nigerian state used various tactics to either suppress the protests or to try and demobilise them through insincere “concessions”. To begin with, the ruling class, the state it controls and its head, President Muhammadu Buhari, attempted to quell the protests through window dressing. Inspector General of Police Mohammed Adamu promised on October 11 that the SARS unit would be disbanded and supposedly replaced with a new unit called SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics). This was an obvious lie, as the same personnel that formed part of SARS would form part of SWAT. Over the last several years the government has made similar announcements resulting in no actual change. Needless to say, the protests continued and grew into the largest in the history of Nigeria. As the protests grew, the state changed tactics and responded to the escalation with outright violence. Part of this involved the state deploying thugs to attack protestors in order to try and intimidate people off the streets. When this failed to produce the state’s desired result, it deployed the military and implemented a curfew in a number of cities. By October 20, however, the protests had spread across Nigeria. Some of the assets of the Nigerian ruling class were also targeted during these protests and the largest and most lucrative toll road in country, Lekki, in Lagos, was blockaded. On that day the military attempted to brutally end the protests and shot dead 12 people at the Lekki tollgate. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / luttes en milieu de travail / opinion / analyse Thursday November 12, 2020 02:48 by Union Communiste Libertaire   image 1 image
La rentrée scolaire du lundi 2 novembre a été marquée par un mouvement social dans l’Éducation Nationale. Cette nouvelle mobilisation se démarque de ses prédécesseuses par plusieurs points qu’ils nous semblaient pertinents d’analyser. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / opinion / analysis Sunday November 08, 2020 19:42 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
After months of lockdown, during which the state continued to rape, murder and massacre, Colombians are out in the streets again to protest their criminal government. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday November 07, 2020 18:10 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
Ο αγώνας που υποστηρίζουμε θα αποκαλύψει σε εκατομμύρια πώς ο καπιταλισμός και οι ανθρώπινες ανάγκες είναι έννοιες εκ διαμέτρου αντιθετες. Θα δώσει ώθηση στην εξουσία εκείνη που θα μπορούσε να κάνει κάτι γι 'αυτό. Μπορεί να είναι η αρχή ενός επαναστατικού κινήματος. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εκπαίδευση / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday November 04, 2020 18:11 by ΕΣΕ Εκπαίδευσης   image 2 images
Μπροσούρα "Επιδημική Σκέψη- Για μια δημόσια, ελευθεριακή παιδεία" από την ΕΣΕ εκπαίδευσης:Μια συλλογή κειμένων που γράφτηκαν από μέλη της Ελευθεριακής Συνδικαλιστικής Ένωσης εκπαίδευσης. Τα κείμενα αυτά προέκυψαν σαν ανάγκη έκφρασης κατά τη διάρκεια της γενικευμένης καραντίνας που επιβλήθηκε λόγω του νέου Κορωνοϊού την περασμένη Άνοιξη, ενόσω η κυβέρνηση προχωρούσε σε ραγδαίες, αντιδημοκρατικές μεταρρυθμίσεις με πρόσχημα την κατάσταση Έκτακτης Ανάγκης υπό την απειλή της πανδημίας, εργαλειοποιώντας έτσι την υγειονομική κρίση για να μας καταστήσει κοινωνικά και πολιτικά αδύναμ@ς. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 03, 2020 19:14 by Melbourne Anarchist Commounist Group   image 1 image
In either case, it is by building working class struggle that the threat of Fascism will be best addressed. Struggle against a re-elected Trump would be necessary as he accelerates the class polarisation of society and moves further towards dictatorship. Struggle against a President Biden would explode the poisonous identification of the Left with the Democratic Party that Republicans make and from which Fascists benefit. read full story / add a comment
Το κείμενο που ακολουθεί είναι μια απόπειρα να αποτυπωθεί σε γραπτή μορφή η προφορική εισήγηση της συνέλευσής μας στην εκδήλωση «Επαφή: Προβολή & συζήτηση για τους κοινούς αγώνες ντόπιων και μεταναστ(ρι)ών», η οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 3 Οκτωβρίου 2020 στον κατειλημμένο χώρο του Common Multiple στην Φοιτητική Εστία της Πανεπιστημιούπολης με αφορμή το ντοκιμαντέρ της ομάδας Pyropath για την ιστορία του καταυλισμού των μεταναστών στην Πάτρα και του αλληλέγγυου κινήματος την περίοδο 2005-2009 αλλά και την έκδοση της μπροσούρας μας «Μαζί ή τίποτα: Εμπειρίες κοινών αγώνων ντόπιων και μεταναστ(ρι)ών την τελευταία δεκαετία». read full story / add a comment
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