Rezultati pretraživanja
  1. 4. velj

    Hi, my name is Amina and I'm an . I study the effect of cortical proteins on cell division & cancer.

  2. 4. velj

    Q: Why is trending? A: You've awoken the scientists. ❤️

  3. 4. velj

    This is Angela Merkel. She did a PhD in quantum chemistry, but turned German Chancellor.

  4. 3. velj

    I'm Steph, I study human skeletons from archaeological sites in Canada. Sometimes I get a bit dirty

  5. 3. velj
  6. The trend is a reminder of how important it is for scientists to engage with the public:

  7. prije 7 sati

    I'm Andrew, an . I have PhDs in and and work to save & from extinction

  8. prije 12 sati

    Hi, I'm Lorna. I study wetland ecosystems, including swamps that should not be drained.

  9. prije 16 sati
  10. prije 16 sati

    I'm Shabana and I'm an in developmental neurobiology of midbrain dopamine neuron subpopulations

  11. prije 21 sat

    One thing made very clear by the hash-storm yesterday it’s that real science is amazingly diverse and vibrant.

  12. 5. velj

    Most scientists using are happy to answer any qs you have about their research, or life as a scientist, I know I am!

  13. 4. velj

    doing drug development research and growing a baby at the same time

  14. 4. velj

    I'm an epidemiologist improving surveillance of infectious diseases I and am an

  15. 4. velj

    I'm Jinelle, I'm an , I study Parkinson's disease and I'm using zebrafish as a model to develop better therapeutics

  16. 4. velj

    I'm an researching honeybees & disease evolution. Sometimes , but not sure thats what Tump meant...

  17. 3. velj

    Hi, I'm Catherine! I'm an who studies how black widow spiders communicate using chemicals on their silk!

  18. 3. velj

    Hi ! My name is Gee and I study the role of macrophages in lung disease in premature infants. I'm an 💃💃💃👩‍🔬👩‍🔬👩‍🔬

  19. 3. velj

    Hi, I'm Claire & I study how to improve animal, human, and ocean health. I usually smell like a sea lion.

  20. 3. velj

    Scientists are alive and well, and exist in places other than history books.

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