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WA election: Labor says no to preference deals with One Nation

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WA Labor has categorically stated it will not cut any preference deals with One Nation ahead of the March election.

There had been rumours doing the rounds of the corridors of Parliament both Labor and Liberals had meetings with One Nation about doing preference deals.

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Given a recent Newspoll in The Australian had One Nation's primary vote at 13 per cent, PHON (Pauline Hanson's One Nation) is going to play a critical role in deciding the outcome of the election.

Last week, Labor leader Mark McGowan didn't rule out striking a deal with One Nation, but denied he has sat down with any of their powerbrokers.

On Tuesday morning Labor took to Facebook to announce it would not strike a deal on preferences with One Nation.

"WA Labor believes supporters of all parties should make up their own mind," the statement wrote.


"When choosing how to vote, we encourage all voters to consider which party is best placed to create new jobs, save Western Power from privatisation and stop the job-destroying mining tax.

"Only a WA Labor Government can achieve this."

Labor then took a swipe at the Liberals, claiming the party had all but stitched up a preference deal with One Nation.

"It is a sign of how arrogant and out of touch Colin Barnett has become, that he thinks nobody would notice he is trying to sneak back into power on the back of One Nation preferences," the release said. 

"A returned minority Liberal government that relied on National Party and One Nation support in Parliament would threaten WA's economy and make the outlook for jobs even worse."

Given the recent Newspoll claimed Labor would romp to victory and pinch as many as 14 seats from the Liberals, Mr McGowan knocking back any deals with PHON shows the party is confident of sweeping to power come March.

It looks likely the Barnett government's eight-year reign will come to an end unless it can stitch up preference deals with PHON.

Mr Barnett told reporters last week he hoped One Nation would preference the Liberals ahead of Labor at the March state election, but said he was not involved in preference deals.

"I imagine in some seats we will; I imagine in some seats One Nation will give their preferences to the Labor party ahead of the Liberal party," Mr Barnett said.

"As I've said several times, I expect in pretty well every seat, the Liberal party will either come first or second. In other words, our preferences will never be allocated."