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International acclaim for 90-year-old Perth grandfather's soulful singing

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He's never sung professionally. Never performed to more than a handful of people at a time.

So 90-year-old Danny Doran from Wanneroo never expected the worldwide applause he's been getting after a video of his Roy Orbison-like crooning went viral.

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90-year-old singer goes viral

A video of a 90-year-old singing in a Joondalup park has had over 200,000 views on facebook.

"Dad used to sing in pubs and clubs back home in Liverpool but nothing serious, just for fun," his son Kevin Doran said.

"And I have an acoustic band called the Leg Ends and we play fundraising gigs and do busking around Perth. Sometimes Dad comes along and has a beer and then gets on the mic and does a few songs and he's just brilliant - we get much more donations so he's a good asset to have!"

On Monday, coming back from a gig, the Dorans stopped at Central Park in Joondalup and decided to do an impromptu concert, complete with PA system and amplifier.

Father and son performed a classic track together, Kevin on the guitar and the senior Doran taking the microphone to sing a pitch perfect rendition of 'Liverpool Lou.'


At the end of the video, Mr Doran's grandson gave him a hearty clap. But soon, a much larger round of applause would come the senior singer's way.

'We stuck it up on Facebook and lo and behold it's got something like 200,000 views! We can't believe it," Kevin Doran said.

"Dad's blown away. It's been in the papers back in Liverpool, over in Dublin, people getting in touch and leaving messages with us.

"We had one lady say she's suffering a depression-type illness and she heard dad's song and said it just changed her whole day. It's so nice to hear all the comments and see that connection he's having."

The senior Mr Doran's new found fame even saw him perform a Facebook Live mini-concert for ABC 720 on Tuesday afternoon. 

"He's a humble man, dad. He's really enjoying the attention though. It's made him very happy," Kevin Doran said.