SPAIN: Over 100,000 Protest in Favor of Refugees in Barcelona February 180:10

About 160,000 demonstrators gathered on the streets of Barcelona, Spain, on Saturday, February 18. The march demanded open borders for refugees and criticized the Spanish Government?s lack of action in the matter, according to reports. The protest was considered the largest in Europe in favor of refugees. At the end of the march, a non-profit organization simulated a rescue of refugees on the beach of La Barceloneta. Credit: Twitter/ernest_sant via Storyful

Spain: Hundreds of thousands demand govt. take more refugees in Barcelona1:41

Hundreds of thousands of pro-refugee protesters marched through the street of Barcelona on Saturday, calling for the Spanish government to allow those coming from warzones into the country. Marching under the banner of "No more excuses, refugees welcome", the protesters accused the government of not exerting enough effort to help the victims of wars in countries such as Syria and Iraq, demanding that institutions take necessary measures to allow more refugees into the country. The march remained peaceful and demonstrators repeated anti-European slogans, waving banners that read "we want to host" and "Catalonia, place of refugees". Authorities estimated the numbers of demonstrators at 160,000, while the organisers of the demonstration put the numbers at at least 300,000 participants. The demonstration was organised by an independent group that calls itself 'Casa nostra, casa vostra' (Our house is your house).

Omar Abdel-Rahman, ?Blind Sheik? in 1993 Trade Center Attack, Dies1:04

Omar Abdel-Rahman, architect behind the 1993 truck bombing of New York?s World Trade Center, died Saturday at a federal prison of natural causes. He was 78. Photo. Getty.

Three struck by lightning in NSW storms1:55

Three women have been struck by lightning as destructive storms swept through NSW.

Over 20 overdose at Melbourne music festival2:05

More than 20 people have been taken to hospital after overdosing at a Melbourne music festival.

SPAIN: Over 100,000 Protest in Favor of Refugees in Barcelona February 180:10

Spain: Hundreds of thousands demand govt. take more refugees in Barcelona1:41

Omar Abdel-Rahman, ?Blind Sheik? in 1993 Trade Center Attack, Dies1:04

Three struck by lightning in NSW storms1:55

Over 20 overdose at Melbourne music festival2:05

Paul Kelly's View Sunday Agenda3:31

US strongly supports NATO: Pence2:55

Germany: Trump considering new 'streamlined' travel ban ? HLS's John Kelly1:04

France: Police face-off with anti-brutality protesters in Rennes2:20

China: Say bye-bye babies, hello 'Man with the Iron Crotch'! Kung fu pro shows ball-breaking stamina2:16

World Trade Center attack 'mastermind' dies0:38

Ukraine: LPR leader Plotnitsky praises Putin?s decree recognising Donbass passports2:35

Germany: Poroshenko hits out at Russia?s validation of Donbass passports0:36

Germany: IS propaganda so 'murderously seductive' it's hard to fight - de Maiziere1:07

Austria: Luxurious 'NATO' barbed wire that 'keeps out migrants' raises eyebrows in Vienna3:00

France: Teargas engulfs Dijon as protesters rail at police brutality1:15

Germany: Putin's decree on Donbass residents' rights a humanitarian decision - Lavrov3:28

Germany: Tensions high as protesters decry Turkish PM Yildrim's visit to Oberhausen1:35

Liberal and Labor to launch WA campaigns2:11

Ciobo heads to China to drive Chinese tourism2:01