Governments should want a spotlight in dark corners, whether convenient or not, says Gary Adshead. Picture: Nic Ellis

Governments should want spotlights in dark corners

HEAVEN forbid a government operative would ever tell a journalist the whistleblower he might be talking to was “playing a dangerous game”. That's a red rag to a bull.

Beyonce’s twins announcement: Over the top? Absolutely

Did I miss something, or has no woman in the world before Beyonce given birth to twins, asks Kerry Parnell.

Sharia apologist’s tour a disgrace

Sharia apologist’s tour a disgrace
Many Muslim Australians escaped oppressive Islamist regimes, so why did we pay for Yassmin Abdel-Magied to tour Saudi Arabia and Sudan, asks Miranda Devine.

We all need a good broken heart

We all need a good broken heart
Today’s Tinder generation is missing out on one of life’s great lessons by choosing to chase quick flings over feelings, writes Angela Mollard.

Labor blew it on marriage equality

Labor blew it on marriage equality
If Labor hadn’t claimed gay people were too fragile to handle debate, same-sex marriage might have been legalised this week, writes Miranda Devine.

PNG waste stretches neighbourly concern

PNG waste stretches neighbourly concern
GLOBE-trotting fashionista Foreign Minister Julie Bishop needs to explain why Australian taxpayers are bankrolling Papua New Guinea’s vanity projects when our own economy is ­wallowing, Piers Akerman writes.

Grass grows under bill for medical marijuana

Grass grows under bill for medical marijuana
THE legislation has been passed yet using cannabis for medical purposes remains a crime, Lucy Haslam writes, and the black market is thriving.

Public feasts are in bad taste

Public feasts are in bad taste
THERE’S a time and place for everything. And a packed waiting room full of hormonal women at various stages of pregnancy is no place to consume a boiled egg, Lillian Saleh writes.

Why we’re in better state than Sydney

Why we’re in better state than Sydney
PAUL Keating once quipped that “if you aren’t living in Sydney you’re camping out”. If that’s the case then pack my tent because Adelaide is best place to live in Australia.

Preference deal 'smacks of desperation'

Joe Spagnolo
WITHOUT a shadow of a doubt, my favourite quote so far during this 2017 State Election campaign would have to be from Premier Colin Barnett.

Power politics in strong supply

Power politics in strong supply
LABOR is getting itself in a similar bind over renewable energy to the one it found itself in when Julia Gillard said its climate change policy was ‘kind of tax’.

Dementia: The cruellest disease

Dementia: The cruellest disease
By 2056, it’s estimated one million Australians will be diagnosed with dementia. Denial is not a strategy; funding needs to be prioritised now, writes Corrine Barraclough.

Millennials a worry over their concerns

Millennials a worry over their concerns
IN this uncertain and violent world, nothing is more troubling to the millennial mind than not being able to pick up a three-bedrooms, two-bathroom property in Marrickville, Moonee Ponds or Millswood.

Workplace safety must become the priority

Workplace safety must become the priority
WORKERS are struggling to improve safety on South Australian construction sites despite recent deaths, writes Aaron Cartledge.

Reboots: Hollywood just loves making us dumber

Reboots: Hollywood just loves making us dumber
Hollywood is treating audiences like idiots, and it’s about time great ideas started winning out over pointless sequels and dodgy reboots, writes Xavier Symons.

We must not allow suicide to become normalised

We must not allow suicide to become normalised
The incidence of youth suicide has not decreased in Australia since the 1990s, writes Kylie Lang. And as another schoolgirl takes her life, we must address this properly.

Arts can help create wider harmony

Arts can help create wider harmony
THE arts contribute much more to society than just economic activity, writes Douglas Gautier.

We can’t use the ‘ancient history’ excuse. It’s not over

We can’t use the ‘ancient history’ excuse. It’s not over
Racial discrimination against the indigenous community went unchallenged until the 1970s, writes Meg Perkins. And that has a long lasting impact.

Islam, the most feminist religion? Oh, come on

Islam, the most feminist religion? Oh, come on
In suggesting that of all the faiths practised around the world Islam is “the most feminist religion”, Yassmin Abdel-Magied delivered pure comedy, writes James Morrow.

Grant Hackett: ‘I’m only human and it does hurt’

Grant Hackett
As the fallout from the latest Grant Hackett incident continues, Mike Colman recalls a powerful conversation he had with the troubled swimmer.

What’s so secret about Safe Schools?

What’s so secret about Safe Schools?
THE NSW Education Department is refusing to disclose which schools have signed up to the Safe Schools program, writes Kevin Donnelly.

Give small business a fair go

Give small business a fair go
WHAT if I told you it was possible for a bank to default on a small business loan, even though the borrower has an impeccable loan history, asks Kate Carnell.

Deregistered charities are a bad look for the giving sector

Deregistered charities are a bad look for the giving sector
A charity being deregistered can destroy trust in the giving sector. We’re a generous bunch, writes Jane Fynes-Clinton, but we’re also entitled to be cynical.

It’s stupid to deny teens this vaccine

It’s stupid to deny teens this vaccine
An alarming 20 per cent of Aussie teens aren’t getting the HPV vaccine, writes Louise Roberts. Wake up, parents — denying them this is failing in your duties.

How life would look if One Nation ruled

How life would look if One Nation ruled
ONE can only imagine how ridiculous life might become under a LNP/One Nation coalition in Queensland. Let’s take a satirical look at the future.

Leave it to Gunners to stir up this most Aussie of rivalries

Leave it to Gunners to stir up this most Aussie of rivalries
As Guns N’ Roses head to Adelaide, they’d best study a map, or risk recommitting that most Spinal Tap of rock blunders, writes James Wigney.

Throw the book at Uber X drivers

Throw the book at Uber X drivers
CARS being illegally used to collect Uber X passengers should be seized and crushed, says Jim Triantafyllou.

The gravy train just gets longer and longer

The gravy train just gets longer and longer
WE really are a nation of welfare bludgers. I recently told you how much of your money is going towards welfare, now Treasurer Scott Morrison has confirmed it. HAVE YOUR SAY

How the meth policies are wrong

Tom Percy.
JUST when you were hoping that one of the major parties might come up with some new policy, it was back to the tired old law-and-order bidding war, in a cheap quest for votes.

This is how we should discuss One Nation

This is how we should discuss One Nation
PEOPLE should stop yelling about the car crash and concentrate on the traffic. One Nation is developing a range of positions and policies that actually matter.