Macquarie Group's Nicholas Moore eyes mooted US tax cuts, infrastructure spend

Macquarie Group chief executive Nicholas Moore said: "A material fall in the [US] federal tax rate would have a material ...
Macquarie Group chief executive Nicholas Moore said: "A material fall in the [US] federal tax rate would have a material benefit for Macquarie." Rob Homer


Macquarie Group's chief executive Nicholas Moore said the financial services giant would book a "material benefit" from potential Donald Trump-inspired US tax cuts, while a boost in US infrastructure spending would take some years to add to earnings.

Mr Moore's comments, the first on the new US administration since President Trump came to office, came as Macquarie continued to point to flat profits in 2017 following a record $2.06 billion result a year earlier.

Macquarie noted its 2017 tax rate, for the year ended March 31, would be "broadly in line" with the previous year when it came in at 31 per cent. The company's Australian operations account for about 41 per cent of income, followed by the US at 23 per cent.

"It's still early days ... We are a full payer of US fed tax so if there was to be a reduction we would see the benefit of it," Mr Moore said during Macquarie's annual operational briefing on Tuesday. He added that Macquarie did not receive tax concessions in the US and confirmed it was keeping on top of developments on tax reform. "A material fall in the federal tax rate would have a material benefit for Macquarie."

Finance chief Patrick Upfold said: "It is really going to come down to what happens with the tax rate and what other changes happen at the time."

President Trump has also talked up the prospect of increased US infrastructure spending, an area that Macquarie dominates in across global markets.

"If we are going to see more infrastructure investment happening in the US it will be over a number of years," Mr Moore said, noting that it would take several years for any lift to be reflected in Macquarie's accounts.

He also clarified to analysts that two large transactions, consummated by Macquarie in December, were not included in the company's third-quarter update.

Macquarie was part of a consortium that agreed to acquire a majority stake in National Grid's UK gas distribution business as part of a £3.6 billion deal and separately the silver doughnut struck a £1.6 billion transaction with Denmark's DONG Energy to buy half of an offshore wind farm in the UK, in a scaling up of its overseas renewable energy investments.

Macquarie executives shrugged off suggestions from one analyst that any winding back of global banking regulations including the Dodd-Frank regulations would make it more difficult for Macquarie to compete with more emboldened US and European banks.

Cadence Capital managing director Karl Siegling said Macquarie would position itself to benefit from any proposed tax or infrastructure changes in US.

"There are a lot of positives there if any of those things come to pass," he said. Mr Siegling thinks investors over reacted when they sold off Macquarie stock on Tuesday, despite some analysts questioning where the company's next leg of growth would come from.

"The fact they can do it again [post a $2 billion profit], given the economy has come off in some areas just points to the diversity of their earnings."

Consensus analyst estimates suggest Macquarie will report an annual profit of $2.1 billion in May. The shares closed 1.4 per cent lower at $82.75 on Tuesday, extending the calendar year's decline to 5.1 per cent.

Contango Asset Management's managing director George Boubouras, whose firm is overweight on Macquarie, was also unfazed by the briefing.

"Nicholas is always considered and measured in his comments," he said. "One would have to expect the capital markets divisions going forward, with positive dynamics in North America, should be conducive for earnings for the next period," he said.

But Macquarie's year-to-date update as at December 31 showed mixed results across its five operating groups.

Macquarie executives remained confident the company would be able to deploy capital where it saw opportunities and seek to divest of assets where appropriate.

Macquarie said group capital surplus stood at $3.7 billion. Its infrastructure funds had $11.5 billion to deploy. Assets under management rose 2 per cent to $501.7 billion in the three months ended December 31, helped by foreign exchange and market movements, while the corporate and asset finance (CAF) unit was hit by a weaker British pound.

Mr Moore declined to comment on Macquarie controversially being labelled the preferred bidder for the UK government's Green Investment Bank. But the company was at pains to point out its huge focus on the green energy and infrastructure sectors.

"We believe the green energy story is here to stay for the forseeable future," head of Macquarie Capital Tim Bishop said.

Mr Bishop said Macquarie sought to "create and develop" projects after which it would find natural long-term owners of the assets.

Macquarie's "secret sauce" involved coupling bankers with engineers and other professions with technical knowledge, in a unit internally known as MacPro.

Mr Bishop said when Macquarie pursued principal deals it looked to balance risk against potential returns and typically targeted an average internal rate of return across its many investments of 20 per cent.

Macquarie is also seeking to capitalise on opportunities in Asia, despite the region only accounting for 11 per cent of earnings.

Macquarie's so-called annuity style businesses, spanning asset management, corporate and asset finance (CAF), and banking and financial services, printed an improved contribution to profit in the December quarter.

But for the nine months ended December 31 their profit contribution was "slightly down" on the same period in 2016 when the asset management unit booked strong performance fees.

Macquarie's business units that are leveraged to financial markets, including advisory, securities and commodities, saw their December-quarter profit contribution dip largely due to weaker equity capital markets activity. Earnings were also impacted by the timing of deals in Macquarie Capital, the company's advisory arm, which also undertakes proprietary investments.

For the nine months ended December 31 those divisions also had a lower contribution to profit, despite stronger activity earlier in the year in areas including China's equity markets.