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    prije 7 sati
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    Buddy the only man to kick 100 goals in HnA season this century. Will anyone do it again?

  4. Sunday changes: ESS: In: Leuenberger, Hocking, Brown. Out: Howlett, McKernan, Hartley. CARL: In: Kerridge, Williamson. Out: Armfield, Smedts

  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 20 sati
  6. 6. tra

    Tim Worner has quit the board. "As the club surges towards the last weekend in September, I'll be right there beside them."

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    TIPPING | Caro has raced to the lead after two rounds after an opening seven and a perfect 9 last week |

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    After 26 touches and 21 marks last time against Brisbane, Nick Riewoldt named for his return against BL via

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    Round three teams .... Six changes for : Sutcliffe, Tucker, Pearce, Dawson, Suban and Griffin dropped

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  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
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    Sean Dempster retires. 5x grand final player, last of the Sydney 2005 premiership team to be playing in the AFL. 2012 AA.

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    5. tra

    Do hometown teams get more free kicks than their opponents? Have your say and find out what our podders think:

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  17. 5. tra

    Do hometown teams get more free kicks than their opponents? Have your say and find out what our podders think:

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