MoneySaverHQ Cover Pic

Home is where the heart is

WHEN Ali Howell first wanted to launch her kid’s fashion range, it would have set her back thousands. Fast forward a few years and she is well and truly in business.

Money lies that ruin relationships

Money lies that ruin relationships
CHEATING comes in many forms. Kochie explains why naughty money secrets can be costly for the budget and the relationship.

The secret to staying happy

The secret to staying happy
GROWING older has had a bad rap for years, but research now suggests that we can actually look forward to some of the happiest times of our lives as we move into our senior years.

How to live better for longer

How to live better for longer
WHILE walking has its benefits, one of the biggest impacts on lifestyle for older people is building and maintaining muscle tone.

Why it’s not too late to retire well

Why it’s not too late to retire well
YOU’VE been working hard for years, living frugally and telling yourself that once retirement comes, it will be your time to fulfil some lifelong dreams. But how much money do you need to tick off your bucket list?

Mortgage customers go backwards

Mortgage customers go backwards
HUNDREDS of thousands of Australian home loan customers have little or no equity in their homes, alarming new statistics show.

Picking the best super fund

Picking the best super fund
THERE are some easy steps to take to finding a good superannuation fund.

Borrowers urged to lock in rates

Borrowers urged to lock in rates
UNCERTAINTY surrounding the global economy and official interest rate movements going forward has some experts convinced that 2017 is “the year of the fixed rate”.

Reverse mortgages: What you should know

Reverse mortgages: What you should know
CASH-poor and asset-rich retirees looking to access funds often turn to reverse mortgages to cope with the cost of retirement. But there can be hidden traps.

One in three still paying off Christmas

One in three still paying off Christmas
ONE in three Australians are entering February with a post-Christmas debt hangover, new figures have revealed.

Self-check your health insurance extras

Self-check your health insurance extras
CONSUMERS with private health insurance extras covers should do a simple maths equation to work out if it’s worth having.

Perform ‘plastic surgery’ to cut debt

Perform ‘plastic surgery’ to cut debt
OVERSIZED credit card splurges are about to catch up with spenders as Australia’s credit card bill tips $52.4 billion, and many must take action.

Interest rates “getting worse”

Interest rates “getting worse”
THEY have long been a traditional favourite of the savvy saver, but term deposits now offer around half the value they did five years ago.

Couple’s new car stolen in 13 hours

Couple’s new car stolen in 13 hours
EXCLUSIVE: This Aussie couple’s car was stolen the day they bought it. But they are not alone. These are the top ten hot spots for car theft across the nation.

Beware family and finance: Kochie

Beware family and finance: Kochie
IT’S well established that there are no friends in business. David Koch explains what to consider before going guarantor for a loved one.

Gen Y planning post-Aus Day sickies

Gen Y planning post-Aus Day sickies
ILLNESS is spreading across Australia as we speak, as research shows young employees are the biggest culprits for chucking a sickie after a public holiday.

Kochie’s way to grab grocery bargains

Kochie’s way to grab grocery bargains
SAVING on fresh market food can be hard but David Koch has some advice that can put more money in your pocket and add friends to your social calendar.

Kids’ pocket money should go by age

Kids’ pocket money should go by age
ELECTRONIC payments has made it harder for children to see the value of money. Now experts say there’s a better way to manage how much kids get.

When you buy a home you can’t live in

When you buy a home you can’t live in
THERE are strict rules and penalties around super that can affect your investments, including property if you don’t read the fine print.

How to beat the back-to-school spend

How to beat the back-to-school spend
SCHOOL costs are through the roof these days, but there are some measures savvy parents can take to ease the pain to the hip pocket.

Five credit card traps to avoid

Five credit card traps to avoid
MANY Aussies enter the New Year buried in credit card debt. But before the situation escalates, there are five plastic traps that could be catching you out.

How to ace your finances in 2017

How to ace your finances in 2017
THE aggressive baseliner. The serve and volleyer. A new guide that likens the spending habits of Aussies to tennis styles has some surprising insights.

How to get a better broadband deal

How to get a better broadband deal
AS we continue to gobble up masses of data at home each month, Aussie telcos are battling it out to offer more competitive deals we often miss.

How to live like rich people

How to live like rich people
MONEY can’t buy you happiness, but it can certainly improve your way of life. David Koch explains how wealthy people get rich.

Free beer, but there’s a catch

Free beer, but there’s a catch
THE phrase “free beer” sounds too good to be true. But in this case, the company is prepared to give customers their money back under one condition.

The hidden ways to save money

The hidden ways to save money
YOU don’t have to give up your morning coffee if you want to save money. There are other ways you can save without sacrificing the little luxuries.

Divorce more costly the later it hits

Divorce more costly the later it hits
ONE in three marriages end in divorce, and the financial outcomes can be bad for both parties. Here’s how to avoid making a bad situation worse.

Grab your gift cards and buy now

Grab your gift cards and buy now
GIFT cards were a popular Christmas present last month, and anyone yet to use theirs is being urged to think about spending up soon.

Simple tricks to save a packet

Simple tricks to save a packet
COULD you do with an extra $1000, $5000 or even $10,000 without making overly drastic changes this year? Here’s some simple steps to fine tune your finances in 2017.

Reduce your power bill in a flash

Reduce your power bill in a flash
DECIPHERING energy bills can be a challenge, but switching providers can save households a small fortune, especially with average bills on the rise.