Kirsten Robb


Journalist , Filmmaker, Curls. Not named Kristen.

Joined August 2010

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  1. Hold on to your fedoras Fitzroy, the tattooed hordes are coming and there aren't enough sharehouses to go around:

  2. What's the number one room in the house we want to change?

  3. retweeted

    Sydneysiders are snapping up 'cheap' Melbourne homes |

  4. . telling it like it is: Don't tell Gen Y home buyers they are too picky via

  5. retweeted

    How old is too old to buy a home?

  6. First-home buyers borrowing more than ever: ABS via

  7. Does anyone know any first home buyers over 35 years old? Thanks guys!

  8. At the Results Q&A with Guy Pearce. Presenter: "You can ask him anything" Guy: "Just don't ask me to explain Momento."

  9. retweeted

    A 1970s time-warp bags a very modern price at auction:

  10. Eight things racists say to try and convince people they're not being racist via

  11. retweeted

    WE WILL DECIDE WHEN We’re Being F**King Racist, White People Tell Black People➪

  12. Low-income renters forced further to the outskirts of Melbourne via

  13. House and land packages snapped up in seconds. We move quick down here in via

  14. Why do you boo Adam Goodes? Is it because ... | First Dog on the Moon

  15. I can't possibly understand why anyone would not support Adam Goodes .

  16. retweeted

    it was exactly a year ago that we covered the opening of the cat cafe

    • @flatmates

      Australia's largest share accommodation site. Every 5 1/2 minutes someone finds a flatmate with us...

  17. Failed Hampton renovation sells for $1.5 million via

  18. This is how we do a news meeting . Oh, and happy birthday !

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