Posts|By Jacqueline Maley
We cherish our larrikin spirit, our propensity to shun authority, our refusal to stand on ceremony. It follows that new migrants attending state-mandated January 26 citizenship ceremonies will be forced to conform to a dress code.

Nothing says Aussie larrikinism like the far reach of the federal government into its citizens' wardrobes, with state-imposed rules of dress.

My first column of the year , on Australia Day and the Scott Morrison's plan (sort of) to inspect the starched collars of new migrants:…/nothing-says-australia-like-your-g…|By Jacqueline Maley
We cherish our larrikin spirit, our propensity to shun authority, our refusal to stand on ceremony. It follows that new migrants attending state-mandated January 26 citizenship ceremonies will be forced to conform to a dress code.