
Economists say health insurance premium hikes well above CPI are unwarranted

Most economists believe that health insurance premium hikes that are well over the inflation rate can't be justified, a survey shows.

In the lead-up to the federal government's decision on what sort of premium increase it should allow, a survey has found 12 out of 18 economists and economic experts believe hikes well in excess of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 1.4 per cent are "unwarranted".

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How to make the most of your health cover

Top tips to save you money and optimise your private health insurance in 2016.

The 18 respondents, including economists Saul Eslake and Shane Oliver, were part of a broader, monthly survey involving 32 economists and economic experts by comparison website Finder.

In line with decisions made in previous years, newly installed Health Minister Greg Hunt is expected to give the industry the go-ahead to raise premiums by 5 per cent - coming on top of cumulative increases of 28 per cent since 2012.

The minister can refuse to approve the requests if they appear contrary to public interest. Changes take effect on April 1.

Premiums increased by an average 5.59 per cent last year, compared with 6.2 per cent in the previous two years. Medibank lifted its premiums by 5.64 per cent, Bupa, by 5.69 per cent and NIB by 5.5 per cent.


Dr Rachel David, chief executive of industry group Private Healthcare Australia, said premiums increased each year because health input costs increased each year.

"Health funds have no control over input costs which include medical device benefits, hospital accommodation costs, allied health costs e.g. dental, and medical specialist gap costs among others," she said.

"These contribute to health inflation, which rises at 6 to 7 per cent per year versus CPI at 1 to 2 per cent per year."

She added that the ageing population, improvements in technology and consumer expectations also contributed to the situation.

"The premium increase is necessary to ensure health funds have adequate capital and income to pay for what they will be expected to fund in the next 12 months," she said.

Shane Oliver, AMP Capital's chief economist, said he understood why rates had to rise.

"If the costs of providing health insurance are rising faster than the CPI then its perfectly reasonable for premiums to rise faster than the average increase in the CPI," he said.

Finder said Australians that were paying $2000 a year for health insurance in 2010 are now paying close to $3000, based on Department of Health data.

Consumers are being encouraged to pay their annual premium in March. Finder said the average policy costs $3947 per year, which if premiums were to rise by 5 per cent, would go up to $4145.

"This means that if you paid your premiums upfront you could save yourself $197," it says.

Consumer group Choice has launched a website called "Do I need health insurance?", which requires users to take a quiz before they receive a yes, no, or maybe answer.

Fairfax Media recently revealed insurance bosses have in some cases doubled their multi-million dollar remuneration packages since 2012.

Saving tips from Choice

  • Take the Do I need health insurance? health check

  • If you need cover, a top level hospital cover with an increased excess is often better value than reducing your cover

  • Pay your annual premium in March to avoid the April 1 price rise for now

  • Check if you can join a restricted membership health fund for your industry

  • Think of extras cover as a budgeting tool; if your annual payouts are less than the cost of your policy, it may not be worth the money