Giving thanks for the amazing work of neonatal nurses

 Photo: YouTube

"She was the first person to let me hold my baby."

"She saved my son's life multiple times."

They are sentiments that any parent who has had a baby cared for by amazing neonatal intensive care nurses will understand.

The words feature in a tear-jerking video produced by Kleenex in recognition of Neonatal Nurses Day in the US.

The clip sees "miracle worker" Renee surprised when a group of children she cared for as babies return with their parents to express their appreciation.

"I feel like if I treat the babies like I would like somebody to treat my baby when I'm not there, that's the most important thing," Renee says.

"I don't do what I do for any kind of thank you, but it's a wonderful feeling to be appreciated."

Aww, thanks Renee - and to all the neonatal nurses who care for babies and families during the most difficult of times.