


  1. 固定されたツイート

    I'm going to pin this at the top of my page forever. When people ask HOW we fix police brutality, use this.

  2. 3 時間前

    The has now found at least 5 members of Trump's family registered to vote in 2 or more states.

  3. 3 時間前

    White supremacist Steve Bannon writes the Executive Orders as tags along, not quite clear what they do or don't say.

  4. 3 時間前

    With every day that passes, more and more American's believe this is the truth. has proven it to be true, actually.

  5. 3 時間前

    I am told the increasing volume of these images, which will likely plague 's entire presidency, completely unnerves him.

  6. 3 時間前

    A victory and an enormous disappointment. Glad for the family, but just disturbed that nobody, yet again, will be held liable for this

  7. 3 時間前

    Trump is literally picking out curtains and has decor books he has been seen thumbing through. The President is doing Interior Design.

  8. 3 時間前

    1. Trump ends his day, alone, at 6:30pm. 2. Changes into a bathrobe. 3. Is obsessed w/ the decor of the White House

  9. 3 時間前
  10. 3 時間前

    It's like when a business puts VIP in its name - it means it isn't.

  11. 3 時間前

    "Honestly, I'm in charge!" - says the man who clearly isn't.

  12. 4 時間前

    Rep. Nancy Pelosi: "It's a stunning thing that a white supremacist, Bannon, would be a permanent member of National Security Council."

  13. 3 時間前

    Says the former White House Counsel for Richard Nixon about

  14. 8 時間前

    هممممم 🤔🤔🤔 لم يعلم عندما وقع قرار رئاسي انه عين مستشاره السياسي النازي ستيڤ بانون في مجلس الامن القومي

  15. 5 時間前

    How the hell does he sign an EO he HASN' FULLY READ?

  16. 3 時間前
  17. 5 時間前

    When John Yoo, author of torture memos, has concerns about Trump's abuse of executive powers, you know it's very bad

  18. 3 時間前

    White supremacist Steve Bannon writes the Executive Orders as tags along, not quite clear what they do or don't say.

  19. 3 時間前

    With every day that passes, more and more American's believe this is the truth. has proven it to be true, actually.

  20. 3 時間前

    I am told the increasing volume of these images, which will likely plague 's entire presidency, completely unnerves him.

  21. 3 時間前

    When a President has to assure people that he calls his own shots, it's clearly getting to him that we know he doesn't.




