Baby boy shares a birthday with his dad, uncle and grandfather

Three generations, one birthday.
Three generations, one birthday.  

When the Jones family sings Happy Birthday on August 5 each year, the rendition will take a little bit longer than usual.

That's because, thanks to the arrival of a baby boy last week, the family will now be celebrating the birthdays of four members from three generations all on the same day.

The baby, who is yet to be named, was born not only on dad Ashley's birthday, but also grandfather David's and uncle Adam's.

"I have no idea why this has happened again," 27-year-old dad Ashley told the UK Express. "We made national news 25 years ago when Adam was born, so it is mad that my son is the third generation with the same birthday.

"Who knows, it could go on to a fourth!"

The baby boy is the second child for baby Ashley and partner Bethan, who already have a two-year-old daughter Rosie.

The little one was determined to arrive on August 5 and was born at home after a speedy labour which meant his parents could not make it to hospital.

"It just happened so suddenly. Around 2.30am there was a few little pains but at 5.30am her waters broke. Fifteen minutes later a head appeared and it was too late to take her to hospital," Ashely told the Express.

"It was just a split second decision and I backed myself to help. I had never had any kind of experience like that before.

"I am quite good with my hands so I was on the phone to the emergency services who were talking me through it. He only took three minutes to come out.

"He is healthy and doing well, luckily a midwife got to our house in good time and cut the cord."

Uncle Adam is happy to share his birthday with his new nephew.

"It is incredible that he was born on the same day, I can't believe it. What are the odds of it happening again?" he said.

"I could not work the day it happened. I was so shocked I could not concentrate."