Baby born on mum AND dad's birthday

Tom, Caitlin and their new baby Lucy all share a birthday.
Tom, Caitlin and their new baby Lucy all share a birthday.  Photo: Facebook/Dr Brad Robinson

The birth of a baby is always a special occasion, but the parents of one newborn who arrived earlier this week had more reason to celebrate than most.

Brisbane couple Tom and Caitlin welcomed daughter Lucy on Tuesday August 16 - the same day both parents turned 30.

The family's unique birthdays came to light after obstetrician Brad Robinson posted the story of little Lucy's arrival on his Facebook page.

"HOLD THE PHONE! You are not going to believe this story! This is Caitlin, Tom and their brand new daughter Lucy. So get this ... both Caitlin and Tom turned 30 yesterday. Born within 50 minutes of each other on 16/08/86," Dr Robinson wrote with the post. 

"Guess who else now has a birthday on 16 August? YEP. Lucy was born yesterday after SPONTANEOUS labour on the same day as her parents! The chances of that happening are 1 in 48 million! I feel kinda bad now because I'd been goading Caitlin for a week that I was somehow going to make this happen - so she now blames me for putting a hex on her!

"How incredible is it that the three of them now have the same birthday? And what a gorgeous family they make!"

News of the Brisbane birthday sharing family follows the arrival of a UK baby earlier this month who became the third generation of his family to have the same birthday.
The little boy, who arrived on August 5, was not only born on dad Ashley's birthday but also his uncle Adam and grandfather David's birthday. 

"I have no idea why this has happened again," Ashley told the UK Express about his son's birthday. "We made national news 25 years ago when Adam was born, so it is mad that my son is the third generation with the same birthday.

"Who knows, it could go on to a fourth!"