Public Defender eBay

Aussie sellers short-changed on eBay

AUSTRALIANS who sell on eBay say they are being stitched up because the $45 billion online auction behemoth is biased towards buyers.

Embracing that sweet summer sweat

HI-RES: PerthNow columnist and hit929 breakfast radio presenter Heidi Anderson.
I HAVE sweat everywhere and anywhere. I've always hated it. Now, it's time to take action. From now on, I will wear my sweat with pride. 

Letters to the Editor, January 26

Letters to the Editor, January 26
TODAY, readers discuss Australia Day; the role of police in the Bourke Street car attack; an arts masterplan that ignores country SA and the clipper ship City of Adelaide needing a permanent home.

Best post-Australia Day sickie excuses

Best post-Australia Day sickie excuses
GOT the urge to chuck a sickie tomorrow? No worries! Rowan Dean gives his top Politically Correct Sickie Excuses for the Day After Australia Day that no boss will ever question.

Why trump has left us out of the cool gang

Why trump has left us out of the cool gang
REMEMBER that uncomfortable feeling back at school when it slowly dawned on you that you weren’t part of the gang anymore? That’s what’s happened to Australia, writes Rowan Dean.

Smoking is actually quite good for you

Smoking is actually quite good for you
DESENSITISED after years of political spin, I thought I was immune to pollie shock. But the arrogance and audacity of one recent lie made even me gag.

No shame in loving Australia Day

No shame in loving Australia Day
GREEN anarchists plan to celebrate Australia Day by burning the flag. If they don’t like it here perhaps they would like a one-way ticket out of the place.

Australia Day: A time of reflection

Australia Day: A time of reflection
THE longer I was away from Australia, the more I came to realise just how fortunate I was to be born and raised in such a lucky country, writes Ben Roberts-Smith.

Lockout laws: Don’t celebrate just yet

Lockout laws: Don’t celebrate just yet
The softening of the Queensland lockout laws at the 11th hour is a victory for common sense. But there’s more to it than meets the eye.

‘Feminising’ education is setting us up to fail

‘Feminising’ education is setting us up to fail
The way our children are taught has been softened to encourage more girls to study technology and science, writes Caleb Bond. No wonder our standards of education have slipped.

Let’s be honest. Parental status matters in politics

Let’s be honest. Parental status matters in politics
Voters want to know about politicians’ private lives and they have every right to, writes Louise Roberts. This includes knowing about their parental status.

Letters to the Editor, January 25

Letters to the Editor, January 25
TODAY, readers discus Transforming Health, the Bourke Street Mall attack and making the perfect roast potato.

The rise of the snivelling class

The rise of the snivelling class
I’M FED up with the socialist intelligentsia and its media cheer squad that keeps campaigning for more entitlements that drive us deeper into debt.

Young guns needed to keep RSL alive

Young guns needed to keep RSL alive
TO secure the RSL’s future for the next century, it’s time to hand the baton over to a new generation of leaders, writes Peter Stephenson.

Come on, Australia. We should be a republic

Come on, Australia. We should be a republic
Let us stand up for the Republic of Australia. Such a move will also give us a new national day — an opportunity to have a truly inclusive Australia Day, writes David Muir.

January 26 is Australia Day. Stop trying to change it

January 26 is Australia Day. Stop trying to change it
Instead of denigrating Australia Day, we should recognise that it’s only because of the First Fleet that we are such a prosperous country, writes Kevin Donnelly.

Goodbye TPP, hello TPP 2.0

EDITORIAL: The demise of the TPP comes as no surprise. What’s needed in Australia now is a sensible, coherent conversation about where to go from here.

Move the date, scrap the holiday

Move the date, scrap the holiday
DON’T change the date of Australia Day to appease a disgruntled minority. Change it because it makes sense, writes Kylie Lang.

Privately, the Libs are predicting a bloodbath

Political commentator Peter van Onselen at home in Vaucluse in Sydney with some of his favourite things. Picture: John Fotiadis
WITH just over six weeks left before the WA election, a macro survey suggests a change of government is on the cards. But formal campaigns are always risky for oppositions. Just ask Barnett.

You think this is progressive? Really?

You think this is progressive? Really?
THAT poster with the little girls in hijab hides a not-so-nice conversation some find too difficult — and it’s hurting Muslim women fighting injustice.

If you love Australia, change the date

If you love Australia, change the date
All Australians, including indigenous Australians, should be able to celebrate our country and its unique identity, writes Warren Mundine. This is why Australia Day must be moved.

Letters to the Editor, Tuesday January 24

Letters to the Editor, Tuesday January 24
TODAY readers continue to question the Transforming Health plan, the tragedy in Melbourne’s Bourke St and the presidency of Donald Trump.

Why the City Council should stick to its knitting

Why the City Council should stick to its knitting
FORGET social engineering — minimising the cost of living and the cost of doing business in the City of Adelaide are key to population growth.

Why Twitter is a politician’s best friend

Why Twitter is a politician’s best friend
Whether it’s Donald Trump sharing his thoughts or Pauline Hanson and Lee Lin Chin having a spat, Twitter has influenced the way we perceive politicians.

How to stem SA’s crippling brain drain

How to stem SA’s crippling brain drain
OUR young people are leaving the state in droves and I don’t blame them. Here’s a few ideas to stem South Australia’s brain drain.

Summer accidents and alcohol-related injuries

Summer accidents and alcohol-related injuries
EVERY weekend we see people coming into our emergency department, often from overindulging in alcohol and suffering from injuries which could have been avoided, Professor Gordian Fulde reveals.

Mike was different but did he make a difference?

Mike was different but did he make a difference?
LONG before Barry O’Farrell had ­resigned, Mike Baird and I had a ­conversation about whether he would ever  be interested in taking on the top job, writes Linda Silmalis.

Child sex abuse victims deserve better

Artist    Staff Gary Adshead   Photo Jody D'Arcy
EVEN after the ups and downs, which inevitably come with eight years in power, the Barnett Government hopefully learnt a lesson the hard way this week.

Donald’s lessons could make NSW great again

Donald’s lessons could make NSW great again
ABOUT two hours before dawn on the East Coast Australian time, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the US, sending a ­dramatic signal that the world has changed, Piers Akerman writes.

I’m a size 14. Are you calling me a freak?

I’m a size 14. Are you calling me a freak?
I’m not skinny but I’m by no means big, writes radio host Bianca Dye. And yet I was fat-shamed by a clothing store because I didn’t fit a size 12. Go figure.