Baby carriers, slings and wraps: the latest and the greatest

Carrying your baby close to your body can be mutually rewarding and a great comfort to your new little human. Coming into the big world from a secure spot in a cosy womb can be affronting and confusing for a tiny baby and close to you is exactly where they want to be.

Moving beyond the newborn stage, many older babies and toddlers love to travel close to a parent, seeing the world from high and close to a familiar voice describing the world as they move through it.

So where do you start? There are more brands and styles than ever before to choose from. There are countless baby wearing groups online to tap into, where there are people passionate about wearing babies and know all of the tricks and tips to it.

There are four main styles:

  • structured carrier or pouch
  • slings
  • wraps
  • backpack carriers

You also need to be aware of any safety concerns around the style of carrier you buy. Research thoroughly, and ensure that you are placing your baby in the correct position in the carrier according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

See CHOICE's guidelines on safety and choosing a baby carrier.

Click through our gallery of brands and styles - all have a link to click to take you through to a retailer to read more about each one.