Federal Politics


Politics live: Cory Bernardi quits Turnbull government as Parliament returns for the year

Senator Cory Bernardi, Social Services Minister Christian Porter and shadow treasurer Chris Bowen are among those ...
Senator Cory Bernardi, Social Services Minister Christian Porter and shadow treasurer Chris Bowen are among those reportedly affected by the breach. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Will others follow Senator Bernardi's lead?

The most likely suspect, Queensland MP George Christensen, ruled out leaving the Coalition yesterday and repeated his loyalty in interviews this morning.

The nature of the comments made by senior government members about the defection would leave anyone possibly inclined to follow Senator Bernardi's lead in no doubt as to how their actions would be seen.

MPs have spent the morning at the traditional church service to mark the start of the parliamentary year.

Mr Joyce was asked for his advice for Senator Bernardi: "Pray. Pray hard."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declined to comment.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a service at St Christopher's Cathedral in Canberra to mark the start of the ...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a service at St Christopher's Cathedral in Canberra to mark the start of the Parliamentary year, on Tuesday 7 February 2017. fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghausen Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Senator Bernardi will make his statement to the Senate at 12.30pm.

He's kept a very low profile since my colleague Latika Bourke broke the story he would leave the Liberal Party to set up his own conservative party.

You can read Latika's story about the reasons for Senator Bernardi's decision here.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is none too happy either.

"I've seen this movie before, that one ends in tears," he told ABC radio this morning. "I thought that Cory was made of sterner stuff. Bravery presides in staying in the party and trying to change the party, not running away because you can't handle the heat of the kitchen."


Senator Bernardi has what we might call a robust sense of self but he's receiving a crash course in how fast friendships can end.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Lucy Turnbull and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during a church service on ...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Lucy Turnbull and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during a church service on Tuesday morning. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

I was going to say no one mention the word 'rat' but it's stacks on Senator Bernardi.

Here's a flavour of some of the things his soon-to-be-former party colleagues are saying about him.

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo: "He's never laid a glove on the Labor Party."

Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne: "Cory Bernardi was elected as a Liberal. The honourable course is for him to resign his seat and for him to recontest it as an independent."

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton: "It is a betrayal when someone leaves....People will be angry and they will be disappointed. I think people will be angry about any defection, angry about the betrayal of the Liberal Party values."

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It's hard to keep up, isn't it?

We've barely recovered (if we ever did) from the saga of the most talked about phone call since Prince Charles declared his ambition to be a tampon.

Now we've got Cory Bernardi to leave the Liberal Party and stay on in the Senate as an independent.

Good morning and welcome to the day, indeed the year, in politics.

Alex Ellinghausen, Andrew Meares and I are here to keep you company.

Happy new year and thanks for joining us.