Trump to visit military headquarters that oversees US forces in the Middle East - as tensions mount with Iran

  • Trump will receive command briefings at MacDill AirForce Base in Tampa CENTCOM and USSOCOM on Monday
  • He'll also have lunch with enlisted troops and deliver an all-hand on deck speech
  •  CENTCOM oversees the United States' military actions throughout the Arabian Gulf and Central Asia, including the operations against ISIS
  • The visit comes just as the United States slapped new sanctions on Iran and refused to rule out additional military and economic punishments 
  • Trump also signed an executive order last week demanding that the Pentagon come up with a new plan to defeat ISIS
  • Barack Obama spoke to the troops in December at MacDill in a final defense of his counterterrorism policies before he left office 

President Donald Trump will make his first visit to the United States' military headquarters that oversee operations in the Middle East on Monday during a swing through Florida that follows a week of heated back and forth between the United States and Iran.

Trump will receive command briefings at MacDill AirForce Base in Tampa from United States Central Command, CENTCOM, and United States Special Operations Command, USSOCOM, officers, the White House says, and have lunch with enlisted troops.

The commander-in-chief will also deliver an address to service personnel at MacDill during the trip that he's being accompanied on by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Joseph Dunford and the White House's National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. 


President Donald Trump will make his first visit to the United States' military headquarters that oversee operations in the Middle East on Monday during a swing through Florida that follows a week of heated back and forth between the United States and Iran

President Donald Trump will make his first visit to the United States' military headquarters that oversee operations in the Middle East on Monday during a swing through Florida that follows a week of heated back and forth between the United States and Iran

Trump is spending the weekend with his wife at his Palm Beach resort Mar-a-Lago. MacDill is a short hop to the north by plane. 

CENTCOM oversees the United States' military actions throughout the Arabian Gulf and Central Asia, including the operations against ISIS. It was created after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. 

The visit comes just as the United States slapped new sanctions on Iran and refused to rule out additional military and economic punishments.

Trump's White House put the country 'on notice' this week after it illicitly tested ballistic missiles, in violation of a United Nations agreement and followed through on Friday.

After arguing that Iran felt emboldened to test ballistic missiles because the country was used to working with the all too 'kind' Obama administration, his administration sanctioned 25 entities associated with Tehran.

'Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how "kind" President Obama was to them. Not me!' he said in a Friday morning tweet. He told reporters later that the country was 'not behaving.'

Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said early Friday, in response to the coming sanctions, 'Iran is unmoved by threats as we derive security from our people.

'We will never use our weapons against anyone, except in self-defense. Let us see if any of those who complain can make the same statement,' he said over Twitter.

Iran had previously said it would ignore the United States' 'useless' threats, belittling Trump as 'an inexperienced person.' 

ISIS will also be on Trump's agenda as he speak to the troops at MacDill on Monday. CENTCOM handles the United States' strikes against the Islamic State, as well.

Trump signed an executive order last week demanding that the Pentagon come up with a new plan to defeat ISIS, a slam on his predecessor's military operations.   

He has not committed to a troop strategy in Iraq, saying at times during the campaign that he could send in more American forces or leave combat fighting to Russia, and is awaiting a recommendation now from his top general, James Mattis, the Department of Defense head.

In the order he signed last week, Trump did commit to 'safe zone' in Syria for refugees in return for an end to resettlement policies in the United States. It's not clear when the United States might begin such a military action. 

Trump is spending the weekend with his wife at his Palm Beach resort Mar-a-Lago. MacDill is a short hop to the north by plane

Trump is spending the weekend with his wife at his Palm Beach resort Mar-a-Lago. MacDill is a short hop to the north by plane

Trump has also authorized a separate directive that placed temporary travel restrictions on citizens of Iraq and Syria and five other nations that are terror prone that he's said will last until the U.S. gets a handle on the chaos overseas.

The order is being disparaged by Trump's opponents, and even some party members, as a 'Muslim' ban because of the religious orientation of most people from those countries, even though the Republican president's administration says it's not.

Republican Senators John McCain, the chairman of the Armed Forces Committee, and Lindsey Graham, warned Trump that the measure could 'become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism.' 

'This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country,' the told him as soon as he signed it. 'That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.'

Trump is likely to address critics of his travel ban, which he says will keep America safe, in his remarks Monday before the troops.

MacDill is getting its second visit from its commander in chief in two months with Trump's visit. Barack Obama met with service members at the base and delivered remarks there near the end of his tenure, offering a lengthy defense of his counterterrorism policies in December.

Obama directed the bulk of his address to criticisms leveled at him by Trump on the campaign trail. Trump is likely to respond in kind, laying out Obama for perceived failures in the fight against ISIS and in nuclear negotiations with Iran.   

At McDill Obama insisted that the conflict in Iraq and homegrown terrorist attacks in the United States could not have been prevented by his administration. 

And he pointedly said in his remarks that the United States is not a country that 'imposes religious tests,' unabashedly going after the Muslim ban that Trump proposed and then backed off of in the Republican primary.

'The United States of America is not a place where some citizens have to withstand greater scrutiny, or carry a special ID card, or prove that they’re not an enemy from within,' he said. 'We’re a country that has bled and struggled and sacrificed against that kind of discrimination and arbitrary rule, here in our own country and around the world. ' 


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