Psychic president? Trump's Super Bowl prediction was off by just TWO POINTS

  • In an interview with Bill O'Reilly, President Trump predicted the Patriots would beat the Falcons by eight points
  • The Patriots ended up beating the Falcons 34-28 - just two points off from Trump's prediction

He was right when he said he would win the Republican nomination. And many were surprised when he was elected over Hillary Clinton, just like he said he would.

So is it any surprise that President Trump correctly guessed the outcome of the Super Bowl, almost down to the exact score?

Trump was asked to make the prediction in an interview with Bill O'Reilly, which aired before the game on Sunday.  

He guessed that the New England Patriots would win the game by eight points. 

Scroll down for video 

President Trump correctly predicted the winner of the Super Bowl on Sunday, in an interview with the game with Bill O'Reilly 

President Trump correctly predicted the winner of the Super Bowl on Sunday, in an interview with the game with Bill O'Reilly 

The Patriots beat the Falcons 34 to 28 in overtime. Trump said the Patriots would win by eight points - which is just two points off from what happened 

The Patriots beat the Falcons 34 to 28 in overtime. Trump said the Patriots would win by eight points - which is just two points off from what happened 

[Clip starts at 8:35] 

While the Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in an historic overtime game, they had been trailing behind Matt Ryan's squad by eight points for almost the entire fourth quarter.

During the interview, Trump said he hates 'to make predictions' - but gave into O'Reilly's requests anyway. 

He also boasted about his personal friendship with Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. 

When asked if he was rooting for the Patriots, Trump said 'you have to stick up for your friends, right?'

Brady's relationship with Trump, which was forged when he was asked to judge a Miss USA competition several years ago, got the quarterback into hot water during the campaign.

Many criticized him for not joining the hordes of celebrities advocating for Hillary.   

Trump is set to meet with the Patriots at the White House later this year, to honor them for their Super Bowl win as is tradition. 

So far, one Patriots player has said he will not go to the White House to protest Trump.

After the win on Sunday, Martellus Bennett told the Dallas Morning News we would go.

'It is what it is. People know how I feel about it. Just follow me on Twitter,' he said.


In an interview with Bill O'Reilly on Sunday, President Trump correctly guessed the winner of the Super Bowl. Below is a transcript of their exchange. 

O'Reilly: 'Fox Sports is demanding that I ask you to make a prediction.'

Trump: 'Well I hate to make predictions.'

O'Reilly: 'But you have to.'

Trump: 'But I hate to do it. But I'll say -'

O'Reilly: '- Because I won't leave unless you do.'

Trump: 'I'll say - I don't know, what are the odds? I guess it's pretty even, right? Two great teams.'

O'Reilly: 'Yeah.'

Trump: 'I'll say the Patriots will win.'

O'Reilly: 'By how many points?'

Trump: 'By eight points.'

O'Reilly: 'That's a good presidential prediction.'

Trump: 'I shouldn't be doing those things but that's OK.'

O'Reilly: 'And you don't need any data.' 

Trump: 'I need no data.'


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