George Michael's funeral is delayed AGAIN while his body is held for further tests as his family are warned they may have to wait until the end of February to bury the star

  • Toxicology tests are taking place to see if drugs played a part in Michael's death
  • Coroner cannot release body until tests - which can take 8 weeks - are complete
  • Death is not suspicious but full inquest will be held if natural cause is not found
  • Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz, 40, is no longer part of the police investigation

George Michael's family might have to wait several more weeks before the singer's body is released for his funeral

George Michael's family might have to wait several more weeks before the singer's body is released for his funeral

George Michael's family might have to wait several more weeks to bury the singer because crucial tests over his death are still taking place.

Sources say toxicology reports on the 53-year-old - which were ordered when the post-mortem examination was 'inconclusive' - will not be completed until the end of February.

The tests will determine whether drugs contributed to Michael's death but can take around eight weeks to complete, meaning the singer's loved ones are still unable to hold a funeral.

A source told The Sun: 'I would have thought the results will come back towards the end of the month.

'There have been no new updates on the case - but police have said (his death) was not suspicious.'

The toxicology tests, which were ordered at the end of December, will look at blood and tissue to establish whether any toxic substances contributed to Michael's death.

They cover prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol and any other chemical substances which the toxicologist has been instructed to test for.

Until those tests have take place, the singer's body cannot be released by the coroner. 

Although police have said his death is not suspicious, a full inquest will take place if no natural cause of death can be confirmed. 

Last night, Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz posted a picture on Twitter of he and the popstar hugging one another while on a boat. He wrote in the caption: 'Today 5 years ago :(. I love you x'. 

It comes days after the 40-year-old was told by police that he is no longer part of their investigation.

The former hairdresser, who dated Michael for four years, had been questioned by officers as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star’s life.

Last night, Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz posted a picture on Twitter (pictured) of he and the popstar hugging one another while on a boat. He wrote in the caption: 'Today 5 years ago :(. I love you x'

Last night, Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz posted a picture on Twitter (pictured) of he and the popstar hugging one another while on a boat. He wrote in the caption: 'Today 5 years ago :(. I love you x'

It comes days after the 40-year-old (left, with the singer) was told by police that he is no longer part of their investigation 

It comes days after the 40-year-old (left, with the singer) was told by police that he is no longer part of their investigation 

Fawaz told them he spent Christmas Eve with the singer, but fell asleep in his car that night, only discovering he was dead when he went to wake him the following morning.

But have now said they do not believe there was any foul play surrounding Michael's death and said Fawaz will not face further questioning. 

Despite this, Fawaz is said to have been frozen out by the star’s grieving family, as well as the ‘inner circle’ of Michael’s closest friends, following the publication of bizarre statements on his Twitter feed claiming Michael wanted to commit suicide.

Sources say toxicology tests on the 53-year-old (pictured in 1987) will not be completed until the end of the month

Sources say toxicology tests on the 53-year-old (pictured in 1987) will not be completed until the end of the month

In a series of messages ten days after the singer’s death, it said: ‘The only thing George wanted to do is die. He tried to kill himself many times and finally he managed.’ 

Last month, Michael's childhood friend Andros Georgiou said he believed the 'reclusive' singer died from a cocktail of drugs and alcohol.

Mr Georgiou claimed the singer, who died at his home in Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, had been trying to 'lead a normal life' but that he accidentally took 'too much of something' shortly before his death.

The music producer - who was so close to the Wham! star that they called each other 'cousins' -  vowed to 'get to the truth' and find out 'who gave it to him and why'. 

Speaking to the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme, Mr Georgiou said hard drugs 'had been back in [Michael’s] life' and crack cocaine was his 'favourite'.

'I just think he took too much of something, mixed with antidepressants and other drugs he was on - with alcohol,' he said. 'I think his heart just stopped beating.' 

He added: 'There’s a lot about this that doesn’t make sense.

'I just want to get to the truth about what happened: what was in his blood at the time, who gave it to him, why he had it again.' 

The former hairdresser (pictured), who dated Michael for four years, had been questioned by officers as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star’s life

The former hairdresser (pictured), who dated Michael for four years, had been questioned by officers as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star’s life

Until his body is released, Michael's loved ones cannot plan a funeral to say goodbye to the Wham! star. Pictured: The mass of floral tributes left outside the singer's London home

Until his body is released, Michael's loved ones cannot plan a funeral to say goodbye to the Wham! star. Pictured: The mass of floral tributes left outside the singer's London home


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