Some girls DO want a guy just like their dad! Photo of Selena Gomez and beau The Weeknd causes a stir online because the couple looks EERILY like Selena's parents back in the '90s

  • A photo of Selena Gomez's parents in the early '90s has been compared to one of the singer and her boyfriend The Weeknd
  • Fans have been commenting on how much the young couple looks like Selena's parents did 

The old cliche that girls want to date guys like their fathers certainly isn't always true — but it seems to be the case for Selena Gomez.

Last week, an Instagram post comparing photos of Selena and her new guy The Weeknd with her own parents back in the '90s began to go viral, thanks to the striking visual similarities between the couples.

Most people seemed stunned by how much the 24-year-old and her 26-year-old guy looked like her own mom and dad years ago.

A photo comparison of Selena Gomez with The Weeknd and Selena's parents (pictured) has drawn commentary online
A photo comparison of Selena Gomez with The Weeknd and Selena's parents has drawn commentary online

Wow! A photo comparison of Selena Gomez with The Weeknd (right) and Selena's parents (left) has drawn commentary online

So alike! Fans can't get over how similar the two couples look

So alike! Fans can't get over how similar the two couples look

Selena and The Weeknd have been dating briefly but some have taken it as a sign that they are mean to be

Selena and The Weeknd have been dating briefly but some have taken it as a sign that they are mean to be

Selena was born in 1992 do Ricardo Joel Gomez and Amanda Dawn Cornett, and a picture of the couple shortly after her birth has gone viral.

In the snap, Amanda, then 16, holds a baby Selena while smiling at the camera, and Ricardo sits behind her with a half grin.

Compared side-by-side with a recent photo of Selena and The Weeknd, though, it's almost like there's a little time travel at play.

Despite differences in hairstyles and fashion, the resemblance between the two couples is remarkable. Selena clearly got her mother's genes, and her beau looks coincidentally like her father.

Selena's parents split when she was five, and her mother Amanda has remarried Brian Teefey (right)

Selena's parents split when she was five, and her mother Amanda has remarried Brian Teefey (right)

Mother-daughter bonding: Selena was mostly raised by her mom, who goes by Mandy

Mother-daughter bonding: Selena was mostly raised by her mom, who goes by Mandy

Of course, Selena is eight years older than her mother in the picture, but the resemblance is still clear. 

Over 26,000 people have like the Instagram post, and 1,000 have left comments on the original.

'Welp that's it they are soul mates,' wrote one fan, while another wrote, 'Oh lord I can't handle what's going on now.'

Selena's parents split when she was five. Her mother remarried Brian Teefey and the two have a daughter, while her father has a daughter with his second wife, Sara.

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