'I got tazed that time': Young children break down in tears as their black parents detail harrowing experiences with the police, before teaching their kids how to deal safely with cops

  • The new video by WatchCut features parents revealing the moments they were singled out by law enforcement despite doing nothing wrong
  • It also shows how the parents teach their kids how to lift their arms, narrate their actions and always behave respectfully in order to interact safely with cops

A heartbreaking video shows black parents and children alike becoming emotional as they discuss how to handle encounters with police officers.

The new clip, produced by WatchCut, sees several parents of young children share their own personal experiences with law enforcement as well as reveal the instructions their little ones have memorized in order to keep them safe.

The overarching lesson taught by the parents in the video is that while 'there are lots of great police officers out there, there are also some police officers that are not so good' - but either way, it's important to follow instructions and remain calm and respectful.

Talking it through: A new video sees black parents teaching their children about dealing with police officers

Talking it through: A new video sees black parents teaching their children about dealing with police officers

'We actually have a line that we do at our house, we practice this thing,' explains one father, sitting next to his young daughter, before turning to ask her: 'What is it?'

The little girl immediately raises her arms and states: 'I am Arriell Sky Williams, I'm eight years old. I am unarmed and I have nothing that will hurt you.' 

Another parent, a mother with two children with her, explains how cops are people before they become police, and therefore bring their own ideas, opinions and prejudices into the job with them 

'How about that time when they pulled us over and they arrested me, and left all of you guys sitting in the car on the side of the road?' she says. 'And nobody knew how to drive, all because the bumper was kind of hanging off.'

Striking a balance: The parents tell their kids about how there are lots of good policemen, but also some not so good ones, but they should always be careful of their behavior

Striking a balance: The parents tell their kids about how there are lots of good policemen, but also some not so good ones, but they should always be careful of their behavior

Getting emotional: Some of the kids in the video became teary as they talked about being prejudiced against because of their skin color

Getting emotional: Some of the kids in the video became teary as they talked about being prejudiced against because of their skin color

Telling it on: The parents also revealed moments where they were slammed to the ground by police for nothing at all

Telling it on: The parents also revealed moments where they were slammed to the ground by police for nothing at all

Picking on: This mom was arrested by a policeman, leaving her family, none of whom could drive, in the car on the side of the road simply for having a loose bumper

Picking on: This mom was arrested by a policeman, leaving her family, none of whom could drive, in the car on the side of the road simply for having a loose bumper

Another mom was pulled over because the police said her rear break light wasn't working, but after the ordeal discovered that they were working just fine.

One dad describes to his daughter - who could only be in her early teens - that when he was her age he was grabbed by police and thrown onto a police car when he had done nothing wrong. 

Another father then describes an experience so harrowing that it leaves his daughter in tears.

'I remember being put in handcuffs for something that had nothing to do with me, I was literally just walking in the mall,' he says. 'Cops slammed me down, busted my lip, chipped my tooth - actually made me really mad.'

Later in the video he adds: 'I got tazed that time. That time they tazed me because they said I wasn't complying.' 

Overwhelmed: This little girl begins to cry as her father reveals that he was tazed by police

Overwhelmed: This little girl begins to cry as her father reveals that he was tazed by police

Holding close: He comforts his little girl, by saying 'it's okay, I'm alive, right? Every day I get to see you'

Holding close: He comforts his little girl, by saying 'it's okay, I'm alive, right? Every day I get to see you'

Step-by-step: This mom teaches her son to always raise his hands and always 'say what you're going to do before you do it'

Step-by-step: This mom teaches her son to always raise his hands and always 'say what you're going to do before you do it'

At that point his little girl wells up and begins to cry, so he takes her into his arms and tells her: 'It's okay, I'm alive, right? Every day I get to see you.'

In the next series of clips, the families go through scenarios of being pulled over by a policeman and how to handle the encounter.

All the parents instruct their kids to show their hands, not to question the cop and to always 'say what you're going to do before you do it'.

One careful mom tells her son to call someone he knows and leave the phone on speaker phone throughout the exchange. 

'If he tells you to be quiet. Be quiet,' another mom tells her daughter, choking back tears. 'Do everything you can to get back to me.'

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