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These changes in brain connectivity may be responsible for a patient's long-term recovery from mental illness.
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Author Ali Land dedicated her psychological thriller to 'mental health nurses everywhere, the true rockstars.'
Pool via Getty Images
The Duche of Cambridge is yet again schooling the world on negative mental health stereotypes. The duche , along with Prince William and Prince Harry, spoke out about how stigma prevents people with...
michalpalka via Getty Images
The condition is on par with high cholesterol and obesity as a risk factor for heart problems, new research finds.
UIG via Getty Images
We must listen deeply, and with intent.
306cca via Getty Images
The gut-brain connection deepens.
20th Century Fox Television
Men shouldn't feel the need to justify their bonds with other men.
Paola Chaaya Unsplash
It comes down to the biological makeup of your brain.
Chris Ryan via Getty Images
Coursework isn't the only thing they should be teaching.
Brooke Cagle Unsplash
Plus things you can do when symptoms strike.
WIN-Initiative via Getty Images
Step away from the chips.
Aliyev Alexei Sergeevich via Getty Images
Because coming back to reality can be harsh.