
Not by Fire but by Ice


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It’s a cycle, it’s a cycle, it’s a cycle!                               
Listen (free) to this eye-opening interview with author     
 Robert Felix, climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball and             
meteorologist Joe D’Aleo.                                             
                   Should be compulsory listening for every        
                   human being on the planet. - Goeff Adler       

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  Click on image to see sun today

Credit: Landscheidt.info

Please also visit: 

New ice-age blog  - www.iceagenow.info
Many, many readers have asked me to create a blog so that they can leave comments, so here it is: www.iceagenow.info This is where I'll be posting from now on.

Surprise! Underwater volcano off Oregon coast erupts
9 Aug 11 - Leaves a layer of lava more than 12 feet thick and a mile across in some places. 
Surprise! Underwater volcano off Oregon coast erupts

Yet more deep-sea hydrothermal vents    
4 Aug 11 -
Pumping superheated water into the depths, the vent field lies almost two miles down. 
Yet more deep-sea hydrothermal vents

Medvezhiy Glacier Advancing 10 feet per day

30 Jul 11 - Last month, the glacier slid more than 2,600 feet to block a local river and is forming a lake behind a huge ice dam.
See Medvezhiy Glacier Advancing 10 feet per day


Rather than spiraling into a meltdown, we may be heading into next ice age
Shannon Goessling
6 Oct 11 - During a Little Ice Age, "food-producing land becomes scarcer, food-growing seasons become shorter, and the world becomes a much more arid and less hospitable place.
Rather than spiraling into a meltdown, we may be heading into next ice age

Surprise! Arctic tipping point
not even close

6 Aug 11 - For several thousand years, there was much less sea ice in The Arctic Ocean - probably less than half of current amounts - and no tipping point was reached.
Surprise! Arctic tipping point not even close

Four simultaneous eruptions on Kamchatka Peninsula - A fifth eruption possible

5 Aug 11 - Ash plumes from two of the volcanoes are visible in this satellite image.
Four simultaneous eruptions on Kamchatka Peninsula

Rasmussen: 69% Believe Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research
3 Aug 11 -
Sixty-nine percent of American adults say it’s at least somewhat likely that some scientists have falsified research data in order to support their own theories and beliefs.
See Rasmussen: 69% Believe Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research 

Ireland - Coldest June and July in 50 years - 3 Aug 11
Chile - Wettest winter in decades - 3 Aug 11
El Hierro earthquakes now exceed 1,050 - 31 Jul 11  
Dublin - Coldest July in 46 years
- 1 Aug 11
See What's Happening in Other Parts of the World

So much snow that WSDOT can't plow it all - 3 Aug 11
Mt Rainier: Snow-covered trails above 5,000 ft - 4 Aug 11
Portland OR - Coldest July in 20 years - 1 Aug 11
Glacier National Park - All that snow and they're still in denial - 31 July 11
Eruption advisory for Alaskan volcano - 22 Jul 11
See Record low temperatures in the U.S.


Order your copy today

   - See larger image   
   - See fantastic reviews
   - View Table of Contents

- Listen as Kim Greenhouse
  interviews me
  Magnetic Reversals and
  Evolutionary Leaps


Ice-Age Maps







Underwater volcanoes   
Earthquake-tracking sites
Growing glaciers  
Nisqually Glacier Advancing

Antarctic ice growing
Sunspots & global Cooling
Another Dalton Minimum!
It's the Sun, stupid!
Ice-Age Maps
Sea Level During Last Ice Age
Fun photos

Magnetic reversal due?
Magnetic reversal chart
Boiling water in Arctic Sea.
World sea ice: 25-year high

Little Ice Age now
California glaciers growing
Antarctic snowfall doubles
Beware the next ice age
Great videos
Pacemaker of the ice ages
Plant Hardiness Zone Maps
Crane buried in ice sheet
Sea levels falling, not rising
Lie of Deadly Rising Seas
Tuvalu Sea Levels Falling
Solar activity drives climate
Volcano melting ice sheet


I receive no funding from any company, corporation,
or organization.

  31,000 scientists dispute global warming claims

Glaciers growing on Canada’s tallest mountain

Mont Blanc Glacier almost doubles in size

Glaciers growing in Italy

Geology professor
forecasts abrupt cooling

Arctic NOT warming faster






Book reviews (Not by Fire)

Press release


Radio & TV Interviews

Author photo

The next ice age could begin any day.

Next week, next month, next year, it's not a question of if, only when.
One day you'll wake up - or you won't wake up, rather - buried beneath nine stories of snow. It's all part of a dependable, predictable cycle, a natural cycle that returns like clockwork every 11,500 years.

 . . And since the last ice age ended almost exactly 11,500 years ago . .


  Table of contents (Not by Fire but by Ice)      

     Click on photo
      to order book


Table of Contents (Magnetic Reversals...)

Pravda: Earth on brink of Ice Age


It’s a natural cycle!
… it’s a cycle … it’s a cycle … it’s a cycle

          Lose weight
with hypnosis
  Quickly, easily, safely

  Great video debunking
global warming

Rapidly weakening magnetic field suggests reversal

Earth’s Magnetic Field
to Flip Soon

Magnetic reversal imminent

Japanese Refute IPCC 


"Staggering in its implications. A must-read."

Welcome. You've reached Robert Felix's home page.
Here's some information about my book.

Beginning with the dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago,
Not by Fire but by Ice
explores the relationship between mass extinctions, ice ages, and magnetic reversals (times when compasses
pointed south instead of north). 


           Are you prepared?
 I recommend these DVDs

Alaskan glaciers
advance 1/3 mile

India - Record snowfall
revives 2,000 glaciers

Yellowstone rising
at record rate

Largest super-volcano to wipe out 2/3s of the U.S.?

Global warming
on other planets

Rising sea-level claim
a total fraud

Antarctica has cooled
for 35 years

Predicting new ice age

Antarctic sea ice up
since 1980

Dec 09 Snowiest on Record in US

Arctic ice twice as thick as expected

Alaskan glacier
advancing 7 ft per day!

Antarctic ice growing,
not shrinking

Largest glacier in Argentina advancing

Arctic Sea-Ice Extent Updated Daily

We overlooked 193,000 sq. miles of ice

Chaitén a Tambora-sized event?

Temps drop  precipitously

Three Million Underwater Volcanoes

Chaiten Volcano

West Antarctic Ice Sheet losing ice slower

Antarctic ice growing

Alaskan Glaciers Grow first time in 250 years

Greenland icecap thickens

Antarctica's Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf growing

Another Dalton Minimum predicted!

Solar Physicist Predicts Ice Age

Himalayan glaciers thicken & expand

Glaciers Growing in Western Himalayas

Arctic sea ice thickening

Glacier scientist knew data not verified

Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advancing 7 ft per day!

The IPCC is lying

North Magnetic Pole Racing Toward Russia

Earth could plunge into sudden ice age

Hot springs, coral, found in chilly Arctic waters

Croat scientist warns ice age could start in 5 years

Winter poem to lift your spirits

Arctic sea-ice 500,000 sq km more than last year

No warming since1995, Climategate scientist admits

Repeat of Dalton Minimum likely

Three Million Underwater Volcanoes

Claim that sea level is rising a total fraud

Ice age engulfed Europe in matter of months

Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking

Glaciers in Norway growing again

Pio XI - Largest glacier in Chile growing every day

New Zealand Glaciers Growing

Misleading reports about Antarctic melting

Did climate change kill dinosaurs?

Volcanic Eruptions Killed Dinosaurs

Volcanism Killed Dinosaurs

Maybe an asteroid didn't kill dinosaurs

Pacific NW Snow Pack - the True Story

Dramatic increase in Arctic ice confounds warmists

Britain facing Little Ice Age

Russian scientist - Arctic getting colder

Arctic ice sets 30 records in April - One each day

Ice age could be just one winter away

Heartland 4th Intnl Climate Change Conference

It's not about the science, stupid

Cold kills millions of fish in Amazon

Long Term Solar Minimum could lead to Little Ice Age

Bare-faced lies - glacier  advances - Headline screams global warming

Contrarian New Zealand Glaciers Keep Growing

Quiet Sun could lead to Evolutionary Leaps

OOPS, We Forgot Siberia

Antarctic sea ice 3rd highest in satellite record

NOAA Busted - Temps may be 10 - 15 degrees too high

Meteorologist expects monster La Nina - Drastic cooling

BP oil spill driving us into an ice age? - I don't buy it

Glacier Accused of Global Warming Denies Allegation

Brutal Winters Ahead, says Meteorologist

Last Ice Age in less than year

Coal and Oil Built our World Denying Benefits to Peasants

Arctic Ice Thickening

Global warming is 'bulls--t,' says Ryanair boss

Giant Iceberg Breaks off Growing Greenland Glacier

New Zealand Glaciers Growing Despite Global Warming

Leading UK scientific body admits climate change uncertainties

Last ice age ended precisely 11,711 years ago

Royal Society continuing cover-up & dereliction of duty, says astrophysicist

Coming winter coldest in 1,000 years

UCSB Geologist links earth orbit and climate

We could have an ice age any time, says Swedish climate expert

Global Warming - Greatest Deception in history of science - Dr Timothy Ball

Sea ice same level as 1979

CIA-Ice age threatens to cause major migration and mass starvation

Hydrothermal Vents May Heat Oceans More Than Anyone Realized

Construction crane buried in Antarctic Ice Sheet

Missing sunspots: Is this the big chill?

NEXUS magazine reviews Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps

Possibly headed into another Little Ice Age

Antarctica - Highest September snowfall on record

We cannot trust NOAA or NASA data bases, says meteorologist

Underwater volcanoes Bake Sediments, Add to Warming

Mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts "A genuine ice age might then settle in"

Italian geologist thinks the way I do

Food and Fuel Shortages Imminent as New Ice Age Dawns

Croat scientist - Ice age could start in five years

UK Winter may be Coldest in 1000 Years

Whoa! Wind farms don't work in the cold

Glaciers growing in Spain

Magnetic reversal may be in progress - BGS

Guess what is heating the seas - 24-second video

I'm a denier - Song/Video

Black is white and warm is cold 

Unprecedented La Niña signals colder winters to come

Wind chill U.S. Temperature Map

Longer term Solar Minimum could lead to Little Ice Age

Greenland much warmer in the past - Once boasted butterflies & lush forests

Glaciers growing on Mt. Shasta

Prepare for Ice Age Now says top paleoclimatologist

USGS Seismic Map

Volcano heats high-mountain lake to 108 degrees

Gore had Cause and Effect Reversed

Greenland Temperatures Falling

Vikings arrived in Greenland during warm period like today

Eminent geophysicist - On verge of mini ice age

Meteorologists reject global warming fears

Anthropogenic global warming a huge costly fraud, says climatologist

Alaskan glacier advancing 10 feet per day

Harsh winter caused by planetary motion and low solar activity says geophysicist

Earth may enter a Little Ice Age within a decade

The Redemption of Robert Felix

NASA scientist accused of advocating global warming to enrich himself

Shivering Britain: Little Ice Age could be on its way

Glaciers growing in Italy

Lull in global warming caused by Asia pollution

Underwater volcanoes heating Antarctic waters

NOAA inflating sunspot counts

Recent Ireland and UK winters markedly colder than average

Volcanoes impact climate far more than realized

1,500 Years of Cooling in the Arctic

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

Scientist who said polar bears were drowning investigated for 'scientific misconduct'



Author honored
28 Aug 08 - Prentice Hall has included an entire chapter from Not by Fire but by Ice in their college-level textbook The Millennium Reader (5th edition). With the publication of his chapter "Fatal Flaw," author Robert W. Felix joins such luminaries as Charles Darwin, Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Maya Angelou, Aldous Huxley and Walt Whitman.

Earth may enter a Little Ice Age within a decade say US scientists
14 Jun 11 - "May be the science story of the century," says UK Register. Heavyweight US solar physicists say the Sun appears to be headed into hibernation, meaning that the Earth could be headed into a Little Ice Age. Earth may enter a Little Ice Age within a decade

Underwater volcanoes heating Antarctic waters
13 Jul 11 - Scientists find previously unknown underwater volcanoes around the remote South Sandwich Islands. The volcanoes stand almost two miles tall and contain 3-mile-diameter craters. See Underwater volcanoes heating Antarctic waters

Sweden Interview
12 Feb 11 - Listen free as Henrik from Red Ice Radio interviews me. Ice ages, global warming a hoax, magnetic reversals, Maunder minimum and more. Sweden Interview

2010—where does it fit in the warmest year list? - 9,099th
By Dr Don Easterbrook
See 2010—where does it fit in the warmest year list?-9099th

Black is white and warm is cold
31 Jan 11 - My posts remind reader of
George Orwell's 1984. "The ability to 
believe that black is white, and more,
to know black is white, and forget that
one has ever believed the contrary."
See Black is white and warm is cold


  Temps warmer than today for most of the past 10,000 years
  25 May 10 - See Lieberman-Kerry bill predicated on a lie

Prepare for Ice Age Now, says top paleoclimatologist
By Terrence Aym
28 Mar 11 - "Can Mankind stop it? No. Just as humanity cannot affect the long term climate of the planet, neither can it stop an Ice Age from happening. The climate is primarily driven by the sun."
See Prepare for Ice Age Now says top paleoclimatologist

Volcano heats high-mountain lake to 108 degrees
3 May 11 - Now imagine what a few thousand underwater volcanoes could do to the oceans.
See Volcano heats high-mountain lake to 108 degrees

Our glaciers are growing, not melting -
More falsehoods from Al Gore

8 Mar 10 - "Almost all of the ice-covered regions of the Earth are melting and seas are rising," says Al Gore. Both parts of that statement are false.
See Our glaciers are growing, not melting

Glaciers growing on Mt. Shasta - Record snowfall to spur even more growth
28 Mar 11 - The media has done a great job of covering this up, but the fact is that all seven glaciers on California’s Mount Shasta are growing. See Glaciers growing on Mt. Shasta


Amazing animated map of Christchurch area shows every quake since Sept 4, one by one by one. (Wait a few seconds after it loads and you'll see what I mean.) http://www.christchurchquakemap.co.nz/
Thanks to Cam McNaughton for this link

Site concept and development of this fantastic map: Paul Nicholls of the University of Canterbury's Digital Media Group (Christchurch, New Zealand)

India - Record snowfall revives 2,000 glaciers  
17 Feb 11 - Already more snowfall this month than
1998 record for the entire month. Think you'll see
this in the mainstream media?

See India - Record snowfall revives 2,000 glaciers  

New Little Ice Age 'to Begin in 2014'
20 May 10 - Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, predicts that a new "Little Ice Age" could begin in just four years. See
New Little Ice Age to Begin in 2014

We are being brainwashed, says astrophysicist
3 Nov 09 - Great interview with astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon
and hydroclimatologist David Legates.
See We are being brainwashed, says astrophysicist

La Prossima Era Glaciale
Great news for those who have asked to
read Not by Fire but by Ice in Italian.

A publisher in Cesena, Italy has now
translated Not by Fire but by Ice into
Italian, and published it under the title

La Prossima Era Glaciale
La Prossima Era Glaciale

See also:
Italian geologist thinks the way I do
24 Dec 10 - Saying that I agree with your ideas
is restrictive: I think the same things you said!"
See Italian geologist thinks the way I do

Burt Rutan: Anthropogenic Global Warming a Fraud
1 Jan 10 - "One has only to look at the two most notable charts from two IPCC summary reports, published a decade apart, to realize that something might be seriously wrong," says aviation pioneer Burt Rutan.

Picture 1
See Burt Rutan calls AGW a Fraud

Ice, rather than fire, is the big threat - Must-see video
21 Jun 11 - WeatherBell.com's Joe Bastardi differs with mainstream media: Beware of a Mini Ice Age.
Ice rather than fire is the big threat

MENSA Bulletin, the magazine of American MENSA,
reviews Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps

18 Aug 09 - "At last, here's a probable explanation of those
'missing links' — there aren't any."
MENSA Bulletin reviews Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps


Milankovitch Cycle
Look where we are today!

This chart compares rather
well with the "Pacemaker
of the ice ages"
chart in Not
by Fire but by Ice.
See Milankovitch Cycle

Does my "tiresome anger" offend you?

17 Feb 11 - Reader says he/she agrees with
my work, but is turned off by my "tiresome anger."
What do you think? Would you take me more
seriously if I toned down my comments?
See Does my "tiresome anger" offend you?

Magnetic reversal may be in progress - BGS
17 Jan 11 - British Geological Survey says we could be headed into a magnetic reversal, validating premise of Not by Fire but by Ice and Magnetic reversals and Evolutionary Leaps.

30,000 Anti-Global Warming Scientists Can’t Be Wrong

By Fred Dardick
30 Apr 10 - “It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.”
30,000 Anti-Global Warming Scientists Can’t Be Wrong

Ice ages caused by orbital variations – Next ice age now due
6 Aug 09 - Researchers conclude that wobbles in Earth’s rotation – not changes in CO2 levels – drive the ice-age cycle.
Ice ages caused by orbital variations
– Next ice age now due

Another IPCC Scandal - Sea levels NOT rising
26 Feb 10 - Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a one-time expert reviewer for the IPCC, announced this week that, contrary to IPCC claims, sea levels are not rising.
See Another IPCC Scandal - Sea levels NOT rising


Not by Fire but by Ice
"a fantastic book" says geologist

17 Jan 11 - "I  have to say that Not by Fire was a fantastic book,
easy to read, fast moving, and well footnoted," says geologist.
See Not by Fire but by Ice a fantastic book

Headed for a Grand Solar Minimum - And a Grand Cooling!
21 Jun 10 - Prof. Dr. Cees de Jager,  prominent astronomer, solar expert and former head of the Utrecht University Observatory, The Netherlands, claims
that we are headed for a long Grand Minimum "not shorter than a century."
See Headed for a Grand Solar Minimum

Global warming is 'bulls--t,' says Ryanair boss
10 Sep 10 - The chief executive of Europe's largest
airline brands the  consensus that man-made pollution
is heating the planet as "horses--t."
See Global warming is 'bulls--t,' says Ryanair boss


Website tries to debunk iceagenow
But their own graph proves my point


Tuvalu sea levels FALLING!

9 Dec 09 - We're hearing horror stories out of the Copenhagen
"climate" conference that sea levels are rising in the tiny country of
Tuvalu. That's simply not true. Measurements show that sea levels
around Tuvalu, if anything, have fallen - fallen! - during recent
See Pacific Ocean - Sea Levels Falling

Open letter to Senator John McCain
Are you aware that glaciers are growing in the United States?

13 Jul 09 - See Open letter to Senator John McCain

Hydrothermal Vents May
Heat Oceans More Than Anyone Realized

9 Oct.10 — Scientists find new hydrothermal vent 500 km SW
of the Azores.
See Hydrothermal Vents May Heat Oceans More Than Anyone Realized

Spewing hot fluids up 300C (572F) into the sea (Credit: MARUM)

Eminent geophysicist - World on verge of 'mini ice age'
1 June 11 - "Similar to the 'little ice age' experienced by
Europe from 1300 to 1800 A.D." 
See Eminent geophysicist says world on verge of mini ice age


In case you didn't get the latest dispatch from East Anglia and Penn State - Thanks to Alan Caruba

One of the most important books I've ever read

6 Jun 09 - I consider your book to be one of the most important books I've ever read. The books are written in such a lively style that you can easily miss the fact they are extremely important, revolutionary scientific ideas. See Cleve Blakemore Review


World misled over melting Himalayan glaciers
17 Jan 10 - Warning based on "speculation" and "no formal research."
A must-read.
See World misled over melting Himalayan glaciers

Global Warming - The greatest deception in the history of science
By climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball - 5 Feb 07
See Global Warming - The Greatest Deception - Dr Timothy Ball


Global, very prolonged, temperature drop
What lies ahead “is not catastrophic warming, but a global, and very prolonged, temperature drop,” says Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov. See
Global, very prolonged, temperature drop

Mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts

"A genuine ice age might then settle in"
21 Dec 10 - Piers Corbyn not only predicted the current weather, but he believes things are going to get much worse, says Boris Johnson, London's mayor.
See Mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts


Area Of Thick Arctic Ice Doubled In Last Two Years
31 Dec 10 - Since 2008.


Krakatoa – No plant growth for 2 years - by Michael Relfe
In AD 535 mankind was hit by one of the greatest natural disasters ever. It blotted out the sun for 18 months, resulting in climatic chaos, famine, migration, war and massive political change on virtually every continent”. 
See Krakatoa – No plant growth for 2 years

Global warming is a hoax

5 Jun 06 — So says William Gray, professor emeritus, who works in the atmospheric science department of Colorado State University. 
See Global Warming is a Hoax


Snowfalls now just a thing of the past
Do you feel snookered?
19 Dec 10 - "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," said Dr David Viner, at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia. (Dr. Viner said these words just 10 years ago.)
See Snowfalls now just a thing of the past


The Carolina bays - Giant paw prints in the ground
30 Jul 09 - Hundreds of Carolina Bays in Hoke and Scotland County, North Carolina.
The Carolina bays - Giant paw prints in the ground

I don't think it's enough that Pachauri resign. I think
the entire IPCC is infected and should be dismantled.
                                                                - Robert Felix


Arctic Ice Thickening
2010 Ice Gain vs. 2008
27 Sep 10 - Don't let them scare
those global warming bucks right
out of your wallet.
See Arctic Ice Thickening

Troubling Global Volcanic Activity on the Rise
By Alan Caruba
3 Nov 10 - The news is all about the U.S. elections,
but some of us are concerned about a possible eruption
of the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland. (I like this article.
You'll understand why.)
See Troubling Global Volcanic Activity on the Rise


Disputing Darwin
By Alan Caruba
10 Feb 11 - Darwin’s theories of evolution were quite revolutionary in his time. And since! Even Darwin, had he ever known about magnetic reversals would have had to revise his theories.
See Disputing Darwin


Global temperatures are falling
6 Jul 09 - According to Dr. Roy Spencer, climatologist and former NASA scientist, the Earth has cooled an astounding .74°F since  Al Gore released his propaganda piece "An Inconvenient Truth" in 2006. See
Global temperatures are falling

Greetings from Finland
and keep up the good
work. Your diligent
research and dedi-
cation to your theories
should surely award
you with an honorary
PhD. About a year
ago, I read both your
books while on
holiday in Thailand
and let me tell you,
they were really
difficult to put down
- very well-written.
             - Andy Patel
This is probably the 4th
or 5th issue of "Not by
Fire  but by Ice" that
I've purchased. I keep
loaning them out don't
get them back. Hope-
fully they are making
the rounds. I also keep
telling people of your
I was not the least bit
interested in global
warming until I stumbled
across your book. It was
the first thing I had read
that actually made sense.
I really enjoyed it.

Keep up the good work.
You have the best website
on the net.
        - Gordy Engesmoe
Your site is my daily
must- read. Thank you
for open the eyes of
many people in the
world, like me here
in Brasil."
       - Dimitri
         Ramos da Silva
I can't wait to read
Magnetic Reversals and
Evolutionary Leaps
. I hope
it's as enlightening as Not
by Fire but by Ice
. I have
read it twice and keep
going back to read random chapters. Great
work. Keep it up.
          - Mike Henry

Have you ever picked
up a book, read the
preface or back cover
and just knew this was
something you had been
waiting for? Well, that is
the way both my husband
and I feel about your book.
He has his Masters in
Education and I have my
Juris Doctorate in Law.

 We are both looking
 forward to reading your
 recent book.
      - Percetta

My husband (a Dr of
chemical engineering
and retired senior
scientist for the
national laboratory  
system) is able to measure the truth
of all types of infor-
mation and he found 
your information to 
measure extraordinarily 
high on his measure-
ment scale. We are
both very impressed
with your work.
    - Henry & 
      Celinda Cheung

I love Not by Fire
but by Ice

You have no idea how
much I have enjoyed
Not by Fire but by Ice
I love it. I am a big
believer that the 
Holocene period is
close to an end. When
the ice age happens I
don't see how 90%
plus of the bipeds
are not taken out.
              - Carl Gall


Just finished Magnetic
Reversals. One of the best books that I have
read in years.
        - Arlo Streech

You deserve a
Nobel prize
- After
reading Magnetic
Reversals and Evo-
lutionary Leaps
I am
just blown away! It
has to be one of the
greatest books ever
written. You have
come asclose to the
truth about creation
and "evolution" as
any man in human
When you're right,
you're right.
seems to support your
view in toto. Great work
during the onslaught of
political correctness.
When you are right you
are right! Thanks. Men
like you make a
      - Patrick Finegan

I got your book last nite
and will read it, again,
this weekend. I
absolutely love it.
      - Dennis McCleney

 Keep up the good work -
 Ice Age Now is #3 on my
 favorites list that i check
 every day, sometimes
 twice. - Sam Carlsson
 I love your site, excellent
 source of info. Great job!
- Gerardo Aristizabal

"I have to say that
Not by Fire was
fantastic book
, says
geologist. "Easy to
read, fast moving,
and well footnoted."


I've read both of your
books and found them
remarkable; with the
|additional plus of being
written for the average
man and not some lofty
       - Jim Mileski



 "My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse
or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference."        
- President Harry S. Truman

"The issue is not whether there is global warming or not. It doesn't
even matter. The issue is, nothing justifies oppression, nothing justifies
any government controlling people's lives or businesses. Government
has no business doing anything but protecting individual liberty, and
the right of every individual to live their lives as they choose.
                      - Regi, publisher of the Independent Individualist


Set the Flamingos Free!
- Minnesotans for Global Warming Song
This short video is hilarious.
Thanks to Hans Schreuder for this link

Good Gaia Day
"Outside they toss the unit onto the recycling pile where it joins my TV set. In the hour since the Earth First Brigade had descended on our neighborhood the heap has grown to quite a height. Other green shirts, shining
eerily in the dazzling light of their torches, raise their axes and lay into the dumb metal boxes as if they were killing a rabid dog, quickly reducing the sleek fashionable curves into tangled metal and plastic."
See nightmare story: Good Gaia Day

Sea level rise about the thickness of a dime per year
25 Nov 10 - According to new satellite results, world average
sea level rise is about 1 millimeter per year, or about 0.04 of
an inch. That's about the thickness of a dime.

Sea level rise about the thickness of a dime per year

Magnetic Pole Shift Causing Massive  Superstorms

By Terrence Aym  
4 Feb 11 - Forget global warming—what drives the climate is the sun's magnetosphere and its electromagnetic interaction with a planet's own magnetic field.

See Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms

I used to say that global warming is a myth.
I take that back. The idea of human-caused
global warming is a flat-out lie.    
                                        -- Robert W. Felix


Now colder than during most of the past 7,000 years
16 Nov 10 - Combine this graph with the speleothem graph that I posted a couple of days ago. I think we're sliding into the next ice age ... right now.
See Now colder than during most of the past 7,000 years

The Lie of Deadly Rising Seas
By Marc Sheppard
14 Jan 10 - Measurements of sea temperatures beneath an East Antarctic ice shelf show "no signs of warming whatsoever." "The vast continent has actually cooled since 1979."
See The Lie of Deadly Rising Seas

Huge Underwater Volcanoes in the Arctic Ocean
27 Jun 08 – The eruptions discharge large amounts of carbon dioxide,
helium, trace metals and heat into the water over long distances, but
scientists see "no significant connection" to melting ice.
See No significant connection to melting ice


If the canary is still singing, we’re okay (CO2 is heavier than air)
By Robert Felix
20 Jun 09 – Last weekend I took a whirlwind trip to Chicago. While
there I toured a replica of an old coal mine. The tour guide pointed to
a tiny birdcage which, in one of those old-time mines, would have
housed a canary.
See If the canary is still singing, we're okay

Not by Fire but by Ice "a fantastic book" says geologist
17 Jan 11 - "I  have to say that Not by Fire was a fantastic book,
easy to read, fast moving, and well footnoted," says geologist.
See Not by Fire but by Ice a fantastic book

Earth may be entering a new Ice Age
6 Dec 10 - Astrophysicist Habibullo Abdussamatov thinks we will
enter a little Ice Age as early as 2014. Food shortages may lead to
regional warfare.
See Earth may be entering a new Ice Age


Diamonds raining from the sky
8 Apr 09 - Microscopic diamonds
found at many ice-age sites across
North America suggest that a huge
impact killed the mammoths. The tiny diamonds rained from the sky about 12,900 years ago.
See Diamonds raining from the sky

Another endorsement for book
11 Oct 09 - Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps has been endorsed
by the Directeur de recherche au CNRS at the Université de Pau, France.
See Another endorsement for Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps



Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age
See Mini Ice Age
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"Fiery birth of a new Pacific island!"

The Australian Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Organization (CSIRO) sent researchers
to the Soloman Islands to study a "dormant"
underwater volcano.

Instead, it was very much alive. The scientists
watched in amazement as lava, ash, and plumes
of steam and smoke rose high above the
ocean's surface.

They were witnessing the birth of the Island Kavachi.

See more at Kavachi Island 

Photo by CSIRO

Two of the most important books written in this century

By Lou Guzzo
29 Aug 10 -
For the truth about what is happening the world over
and the extraordinarily serious weather conditions, I am once again
moved to recommend that people in the U.S. and everywhere else
in the world look to the truth about what is happening in two of the
most important books written in this century.
See Everyone Should Read Two Books by Robert Felix


And now, here's the author with indisputable proof that
our government knows the ice is coming

Watch for ice

The signs are everywhere!


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