
Updated: 14:31 EST

Victoria Beckham (left and centre) returned to work in New York today for the first time since her family's brand was left hanging in the balance following her husband David's (right) leaked email scandal. The footballer has faced a backlash from fans after his emails to his PR manager, Simon Oliveria, were hacked, revealing the former England champ had branded the honours committee 'c****' for not giving him a knighthood. Her appearance comes two days after she was being rushed through London Heathrow Airport on Saturday following reports that her husband was a victim of a £1million blackmail plot over hacked emails. It comes as MPs hit out against a potential 'bend it for Beckham' rule for the rich and famous amid claims the former footballer was advised by Whitehall on how to fit the Knighthood criteria.

Donald Trump WON'T speak in Parliament on UK state visit

Donald Trump faces being banned from making a speech in Westminster Hall on his state visit after Speaker John Bercow said he was 'strong opposed'. The Speaker - one of three 'keyholders' for the ancient hall who must agree to its use - said he had been opposed to the US President addressing MPs and peers before his migrant ban. And he said the ban on migrants from seven majority Muslim countries had increased his opposition. Speaker Bercow was applauded by MPs after his intervention, prompted by a point of order from Labour MP Stephen Doughty.

West Midlands Police said it had discovered the body of a man in an 'inaccessible area of waste ground' next to the M6, while searching for Zahid Mirza.

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

Plasters can be rendered useless if they don't correctly fit. A Japanese Twitter fan, @ponzuyo, has been sharing how to keep a Band-Aid firmly in place with a simple cutting technique.

If you think that taking a hot shower in the morning sets you up for the day ahead, think again.

In a memo marked top secret, he wrote to one of his trusted aides in North Africa saying that in the extreme conditions of being kept separate from their wives, the terrorists could masturbate.

Step inside Meghan Markle's Toronto home

Meghan Markle has been showing off her Toronto home in Instagram, giving a hint as to how she could redecorate Kensington palace. Clockwise from top left: The star favours white furnishings,and sleeps in a bed with a huge birdcage style frame, keeping a £51 candle and Buddhist prayer beads on her bedside table. Despite having two dogs with muddy paws, she has a white sofa and adds pops of colour with accessories such as a striped rug in the hall. Over the bed in the spare room, she's hung a watercolour figure study by artist Inslee Fariss.

Rare archive footage shows the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II on her Coronation day in 1953. She was cheered along by thousands as her great procession made its way along Pall Mall.

Meghan Markle makes a bold declaration of her love

The Suits actress, who has 'virtually moved into' Prince Harry's Kensington Palace cottage, stepped out to shop for flowers in London and the gold ring embossed with the Prince's initial was impossible to miss, right. The Canadian actress, who has previously worn a necklace with his initial on and matching love bracelets with her boyfriend, looked casually chic in Hunter wellies, a green Barbour jacket, jeans and a blue beanie hat as she navigated the streets.

NEW Flight Lieutenant Andrew Townshend, 49, was flying 187 passengers from the UK to Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, when he was practicing 'long-exposure photography' while his co-pilot got a cup of tea.

The motorist, who has not been identified, noticed that she had parked next to another silver Ford Kuga at Melbicks Garden Centre in Coleshill, Warwickshire.

It was claimed the footballer engineered the cut-price transfer 'miles away' from the English club in a bid to prove to his wife that the affair was over and to get his marriage back on track.

Nigel Farage’s wife confirms that the couple are separated

The MEP was supporting Ukip leader Paul Nuttall's bid to win the Commons by-election when they were pelted by a protester. The incident came after wife Kirsten confirmed they had been living 'separate lives' for years as it was revealed he is sharing a Chelsea mansion with an attractive French politician 15 years his junior. Kirsten Farage, 50, who no longer wears a wedding ring, said that the former Ukip leader moved out of their family home in Kent 'a while ago' and 'this is a situation that suits everyone'.

Amanda Telfer (pictured) was passing by a building site in Hanover Square, central London when a strong gust of wind toppled over three 13ft-by-13ft wooden structures weighing 655kg.

Celeste Smith, 19, from Cornwall, was due to meet the father of her child and attend a meeting about the pregnancy the day after her disappearance - but failed to show for both.

Graham Mills told to up ex-wife's money after she spent it

Part-time beautician Maria Mills (left), 51, received a £230,000 lump sum - along with £1,100 monthly maintenance payments - when she split from her husband Graham (centre) after 13 years of marriage. But, since the divorce in 2002, Mrs Mills has invested the money 'unwisely' in a series of properties, landing herself in debt because of her 'poor' decisions. Judges said that, each time, Mrs Mills increased her mortgage and 'moved upmarket', going from a house in Weybridge, Surrey (top right), to a smart three-bedroom flat in Wimbledon, south west London (centre, right) and then to a two-bedroom apartment in a luxury Victorian mansion block in Battersea, London (bottom right), which is now worth £1m. Mr Mills argued he 'should not be the insurer against the wife's poor financial decisions'. But the businessman - who has since remarried and has another child with his new wife - has now been ordered to increase Mrs Mills's monthly payments to £1,441 so she is 'able to meet her basic needs'.

Stefano Brizzi, who murdered PC Gordon Semple at his south London flat last April, is understood to have taken his own life at Belmarsh prison in south-east London yesterday.

Kate Middleton attends mental health conference in London

The Duchess of Cambridge dazzled in an Oscar de la Renta creation as she stepped out for a conference in London on Monday night. Kate, 34, opted for a peplum jacket and matching skirt from the luxury label at the Guild of Health Writers event, which focuses on mental health, with William, 34. The Anxiety Epidemic conference is being supported by the Heads Together initiative - an umbrella campaign spearheaded by the Duke and Duchess along with Prince Harry.

A new survey has found that 55 per cent of Britons struggle to identify the correct way to hang the UK flag. When shown two images only 45 per cent were able to choose the right option.

Shelia Fedrick, 49, rescued a girl from human trafficking after spotting the disheveled teen on a plane. The Alaska Airlines flight attendant noticed she was sitting next to a well-dressed man.

Kate and Prince William visit a London primary school 

The Duchess of Cambridge first dazzled in this red Luisa Spagnoli skirt suit during a visit to St Andrews University in February 2011 (left), two months before she married Prince William. Today the mother-of-two showed how little time - or children - has changed her enviable figure as she stepped out in the same vibrant two-piece (right). Not only that, but the royal, now 35, looked even slimmer than she did six years ago. The outfit has become a favourite of the royal and she made sure it was in her suitcase for the 2014 royal visit to New Zealand in 2014 (centre).

It has now been revealed that former England, Manchester United and Real Madrid midfielder David Beckham (pictured) could have been the victim of a targeted £1million blackmail plot.

Just one short week ago, David Beckham was one of the most celebrated people in the land. The former England football captain was adored and admired by fans around the world.

Hilarious photos show ingenious pranks by partners

Hilarious photos compiled by Bored Panda show the ingenious pranks people have played on their partners. Clockwise from top left: Someone took a request for a 'toasty shower' too literally; Bruce Willis hiding in the air vent; a touching selfie in the delivery room; a sandwich 'cut in half'; Worf from Star Trek lurking in the shower, and an unwanted bumper slogan.

The arm, created by scientists at Imperial College, London, detects spinal nerve signals rather than current models where the user twitches remaining muscle to move the limb.

Stella Weston, 36, from Halesowen, complained when a woman parked in a disabled bay in a McDonald's store she needed for her dementia-suffering nan - only to find it was the manager.

Peter Scotter, 55, of Roker, Sunderland, appeared at Newcastle Crown Court to admit racially aggravated assault by beating and a separate charge of racially aggravated harassment.

Facebook posts see parents humiliate their kids online

This hilarious collection of images reveal how children have been left mortified by their parents' online presence. From offering out relationship advice to bringing up embarrassing secrets these pictures might just have you reaching for the 'unfriend' button.

New eyeballs please! Great Britain wins Davis Cup clash by default - after Canadian teenage star puts the UMPIRE in hospital by smashing the ball into his face in flash of temper

Canada's teenage star Denis Shapovalov wrote his name into the Davis Cup competition's 117-year history by handing a 3-2 victory to GB with a flash of temper in Ottawa, Ontario, that could have ended in serious injury. Kyle Edmund was already well in control of the deciding rubber when his opponent, the reigning Wimbledon junior champion, hit French umpire Arnaud Gabas (pictured) flush in the left eye when he angrily smashed the ball away from mid court. Having just been broken to trail 6-3 6-4 2-1, Shapovalov - 17 and tipped as a potential Grand Slam winner - could not contain himself and was issued with an immediate default to confirm Britain's place in the quarter finals. A crestfallen Shapovalov afterwards immediately sought out Gabas to apologise, before the umpire was taken to hospital for a check-up.

European Parliament documents on the new ban on roaming charges say they will not apply to British travellers after the UK officially leaves the EU - expected to be in spring 2019.

Van der Westhuizen, who is widely regarded as one of the greatest scrum-halves in the sport's history, died in hospital on Monday at the age of 45. He played 89 Tests for the Springboks.

Mark McLelland from Glasgow woke up on what he thought was Monday after a night of drinking - and, feeling worse for wear, decided to pull a sickie. But it was actually Sunday, his day off.

Research by the British American Tobacco R&D; Center found lungs exposed to e-cigarettes suffered just two gene mutations - compared to the 123 genes changed by exposure to tobacco.

'Pot bellies are sexy!' Lady Gaga's fans hit back at Super Bowl bodyshamers as they celebrate her for flaunting natural figure during epic half-time show

While she has received huge acclaim for her hits-packed set, some viewers were less focused on the performance, and more about being critical. As the star danced up a storm on stage in a crop top, some critics hit social media to mock the star's 'belly'.

The perfect meal prep foods for weight loss revealed

Meal prepping is the craze for preparing healthy weekday meals in advance. About 4.5 million photos of perfectly prepped food are tagged under the hastag #mealprep on Instagram (right). If you're looking to join the trend, a new graphic (left) showing you exactly what to fill lunchboxes with may be useful. According to MealPrepOnFleek.com, all you need is three ingredients: a lean protein, a starch and a vegetable.

Iris Sibley, 89, had been taken to Bristol Royal Infirmary last June after she suffered a fall at her care home. It took health officials until January 4 to find her a suitable nursing home.

NHS trusts are not meant to have more than 85 per cent of their beds occupied - but 137 of the 152 trusts are currently operation above this, according to an analysis of figures by the BBC.

Patrick Marshall, who used to work at the south-west London school, was found guilty of 24 counts of indecent assault against nine boys and teenagers, and one count of indecency with a child.

Wealthy landlord David Lubin, 59, was jailed for eight months at Cardiff Crown Court after he invented bogus tenants to take the blame for speeding in his Jaguar.

Letters found in an attic reveal WWII love story

Cyril Mowforth (inset) served with a tank regiment in El Alamein, North Africa, and Germany. He exchanged letters with bride Olga (right), from Sheffield, nearly every day from 1940 to 1946. Daughter Sue, 68, discovered the letters (left), which were tied up in a ribbon, when she was clearing out her parents' house. She has collected the messages into a book, Good Evening Sweetheart, which has been accepted into the Imperial War Museum collection.

The warnings are part of the government's 'Get It Right' campaign which aims to warn internet users of the dangers of online piracy. The consequences for ignoring the warning are not yet clear.

Pretty Jessica Hunt, from Plymouth, discovered her image had been 'catfished' - used by someone online to secure dates - but they'd unusually swapped out her face for another.

Aaron Cauchi, 19, Robert Molloy, 20, and another youth aged 16, who cannot be named because of his age, admitted launching the foul-mouthed tirade on the tram in Manchester.

A warning went out to millions of parents around the world that schoolchildren could be sending nude selfies after being groomed by paedophiles through teenage dating app Mylol.

For many people, having children is one of the best and most rewarding decisions of their lives - however there are others who feel very differently.

Facebook slammed after mother killed herself after claim

Jayne Pearce, 23, suffered 'vitriol' at the hands of an online 'pitchfork mob' after two mothers hacked into her Facebook page and falsely alleged she had tried to smother one of their children. During her ordeal the warehouse worker was charged with attempted murder and locked up in jail for three months to await trial after one of the women put a 'fake confession' on her timeline. Although Miss Pearce was eventually cleared of wrongdoing and her accusers arrested, she turned to drink to block out the memories of her incarceration. Two days before the women were due in court, Miss Pearce was found dead in her flat in Royton, Greater Manchester, after ingesting a fatal combination of vodka and drugs. At Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester, mother-of-two Leonie Hampson-Ogden, 24, and Shauna Stanway, 21, who has one child, were both jailed for ten months each.

'I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!' Trump tweeted.

Trump has been burning up White House telephone lines calling his world counterparts and, during those talks, has committed to several trans-Atlantic trips.

Sean Spicer said he thought Saturday Night Live had 'crossed over to mean' on Sunday after Melissa McCarthy delivered a blistering impersonation of him the night before.

President Donald Trump left a Super Bowl viewing party while the Patriots were still struggling 28-3 against the Falcons - but congratulated New England quaterback Tom Brady later on.



HMP Fight Club: Shocking video shows one inmate knocking out another while fellow prisoners cheer during brutal boxing match in a British jail

A video showing two inmates entering a boxing match while other prisoners cheer them on has been published online. The footage, apparently filmed at HMP Featherstone in Staffordshire, shows a crowd of around 20 convicts baying for blood as the fighters trade blows, shouting 'finish him' while the beaten man lies helpless on the ground. At least three mobile phones - banned in British prisons - were used to record the bout and not a single guard is seen during the five-minute clip.

Denver Beddows, 95, from Warrington, was arrested after his wife Olive suffered serious injuries. The pensioner appeared in front of magistrates this morning and has been remanded in custody.

Sam Burbidge is said to have left her partner Adrian Bayford's £6million home near Cambridge last month with the animals and an expensive horse box.

Emily Nikols, 25, from Liverpool, wears nothing but Marigolds to dust shelves, vacuum and iron at her naturist clients' homes. Her customers are forbidden from making advances towards her.

The company's website proudly states: 'We are the only motorbike tour company that hires young and beautiful lady drivers' and goes on to say 'Our mission is to provide a service like no other.'

A lunar eclipse is forecast to appear, casting a shadow across the moon. And just a few hours later, Comet 45P - the New Year comet - will make its closest approach to the Earth.

A 12-year-old girl, named Tania (pictured), died after being drugged, raped and drowned in a canal, her family claim - but say police in Pakistan are refusing to investigate.

Melbourne woman Toni O'Sullivan was left shaking and in tears after a Stimson's python slid out onto her windscreen as she was driving, before it was safely secured by a snake catcher.

A photo shared on social media of of three Australian electricians changing a light bulb with an unusual looking setup has divided the internet.

Hayley Browning, 27, from Chelmsford, Essex, shared her experience online in the hope of helping other women find lumps before it is too late for them to be treated.

Ministers yesterday vowed to make it 'easier' for older homeowners to move into sheltered accommodation. Pictured is housing minister Gavin Barwell.

Several caravans and vans, believed to be from the travelling community, have set up camp at the supermarket in Hull - and furious residents claim shopping trolleys are being vandalised.

Appearing on BBC Woman's Hour on Monday, Dame Margaret Barbour revealed the Queen was offered a wax jacket on her Diamond Jubilee but insisted she wanted her old one back instead.

£360m 'Sailing Yacht A' to be delivered to billionaire

A mammoth $450million (£313million) sailing yacht was spotted pulling into Nobiskrug shipyard in Germany yesterday evening to be delivered to her new owner after months of rigorous testing. The 468ft-long vessel, owned by Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko, was an impressive sight to behold as it sailed into the German Naval Yard in Kiel, north of Hamburg on Friday evening. The impressive superyacht, which was has three 300ft masts standing  taller than Big Ben's tower, was imaginatively named 'Sailing Yacht A' by its owner. Mr Melnichenko hit the headlines back in September when he moored his other £225 million masterpiece, 'Motor Yacht A', on the Thames.

Lauren Bolt said she had a 'complete breakdown' after receiving a letter from Cardiff Magistrates' Court ordering her to pay £616.30 before the end of this week.

Lindsey Paradiso, from Fredericksburg, Virginia, took to Facebook to share her emotional story of having an abortion at 23 weeks. At 18 weeks doctors noticed baby Omara had a tumor.

NEW A sex doll company is set to release a robotic sex assistant that can form emotional bonds with its users. Each life-like silicon 'RealDoll' requires about 80 hours of work to make and has customized genitalia.

Julia Bushby, 46, and Natalie Murray, 35, from Dewsbruy, appeared on This Morning ahead of the BBC drama The Moorside about the abduction of Shannon Matthews.

Horrifying footage shows a confrontation between two men before a fight breaks out in an area of secluded woodland in South Molton, Devon. Ollie Richmond suffered a fractured skull and eye socket.

The short exposure technique was devised by researchers from the Institute for the Developing Mind at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (stock image).

In the race to build a commercially available flying car, Uber has hired Mark Moore, an advanced aircraft engineer from Nasa's Langley Research Centre in Virginia.

Robert Colwell, 18, was shot in a car at the Ship Inn in Llanbedrog, North Wales just after midnight on Sunday. Officers recovered a shotgun from the scene and four men were arrested and bailed.

A family of four can enjoy a week's holiday in Paphos, Cyprus, for £1,130, according to Post Office Travel Money. the island of Lanzarote was the second cheapest, coming in at £1,663.

Knox is known all over the world because of the notorious killing of Meredith Kercher, for which she spent four years in jail but was later acquitted.

'Thugs are randomly shooting at anyone who passes': Looting, rape and murder break out on the streets of Brazil after military police go on strike

With officers staging a walk-out over conditions, thugs are running riot in Brazil, with people running rampant with guns and machetes, shops being robbed, buses set on fire and dead bodies are left lying in the street. The chaos has been compared to the 2014 thriller film The Purge where a lawless night of terror leads to horrific crimes. Schools have been closed and even football matches cancelled in the affected areas due to the lack of security, which has meant many people are refusing to even venture outdoors.

A viral video of an ominous fin circling a pelican close to shore at a beach in Western Australia over the weekend has divided the internet.

Ruslanas Solovjovas, 39, took aim at passers-by and shoppers from a third floor window in Boston, Lincolnshire, injuring his victims and leaving another woman traumatised.

Spooky footage appears to show a creepy black spectre floating in and out of the walls of a maximum-security Brazilian prison. Guards at the Rio de Janeiro jail believed it was an inmate trying to flee.

The youngsters' passage to Europe and the UK is being funded by the terror groups, who hand over cash to human smugglers to get them over the border having radicalised them at some stage along the way.

Fighters from the Free Syrian Army disembark from a vehicle near the town of Bizaah northeast of the city of Al-Bab on February 4, 2017 ©Nazeer al-Khatib (AFP)

Syria's army and its allies advanced towards the northern Islamic-State held city on Monday, cutting off the last main supply route that connects to militant strongholds further east towards Iraq.

Seattle-based Amazon has plans for a robot-run supermarket with a drive-thru service. A staff of robots on the top floor will automatically grab shopping from shelves and bring it down to customers.

Sometimes you don't have to travel far to experience something weird and wonderful. It can be right on your doorstep - as internet users have been explaining on a US-based forum thread.

According to the international team of researchers, the trend suggests viewers are more likely to see a performance as 'truly brilliant' if they from the same social group as the actor.

Jack Mitchell, 24, died at the Warehouse Club in Stroud, Gloucestershire at the weekend and a 28-year-old local man has since been arrested on suspicion of murder and is in police custody.

Bonnie Morgan terrifies Rings co-stars with method acting

The actress went through quite the transformation to become the terrifying movie villain, and apparently took her tole very seriously. Costar Matilda Lutz revealed that Bonnie stayed in character while onset, saying that it was 'pretty scary' seeing her around. 'But then one day, I walked in the makeup trailer and I saw the whole process [of getting her ready],' she said.

Paul Thompson said at an inquest that he and his wife were 'pushed' towards choosing Tunisia, and were told by travel agents that a previous attack in the capital had been a 'one-off'.

Maria Christofi, 42, from London, was diagnosed with a fibroid - a benign tumour - a decade ago. She made the decision to have surgery last month after the symptoms became too much.

The excruciating spectacle in north west London was captured on camera by bus driver Ash Bhudia as he cleaned his bedroom - and he says the woman has parked in the same space for 20 years.

British Transport Police has released video of Elliot Nash ranting at a female train worker before kicking and lashing out at her colleague on a London Midland service.

Morrisons is selling oysters for £1.50 for six or 25p each at fresh fish counters. The luxury delicacy usually sells for up to £2 each at restaurant while Waitrose sells theirs for 79p each.

Police Constable Christian Ciobanu, based in Barnet, north London, received a penalty notice on his car - so made a false entry on the police database to support an application to have the notice quashed.

These are the shocking moments that California teenager Devon Johnson, 18, and his friend Andrew are put at risk by an exploding laptop - not once, but four times in a row.

Ben Thomas, 15, who has autism, was last seen in his school uniform in a shop in the village of Stokenchurch, in Buckinghamshire.

Single mother-of-three Leanne Keating, from Abergale, North Wales, claims 10-year-old daughter Tia was left with an angry, itchy rash which developed five days after using the product.

Domino's Pizza admit buying £1 potato wedges from ASDA

Staff member was snapped buying £1 bags in bulk at Asda by Sinead Sarah on Twitter. Domino's sells side portions of wedges for £3.49. The chain did the same thing in 2014 when a staff member was caught buying wedges for 59p from Aldi.

The study comes from researchers at the Boston Children's Hospital, who used a laboratory-made virus to deliver corrective DNA into the inner ear of mice.

Some 2,348 appeals for British cancer patients were launched on JustGiving in 2016 - a seven-fold increase in just one year, figures obtained by BBC Radio 5 live revealed.

Victoria Riley chased burglar Lee Cheney out of her home in Hedon, Yorkshire, after coming back to the property to find him in her kitchen. Cheney was later sentenced to 10 months in prison.

Shocked workers and shoppers saw Eugenio De Freitas (pictured), 52, touching himself underneath his clothing while in the store in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire.

Charles Declan Lindley (pictured), trawled through Instagram and Facebook asking girls as young as 13 for explicit selfies. The 20-year-old was jailed for three years at Teesside Crown Court.

Michael and Joan Parkinson could not believe their eyes when they spotted the albino blackbird in their garden in Nottinghamshire and now it pops by on a daily basis for food and a wash.

Dawn Wilkinson-Russell, 32, who lives on the Isle of Wight, wanted to help others after having five children of her own over 12 years and has now helped to create two boys and four girls.

Daniel Burgess used a large potato to block the inflow and outflow pipes of 48-year-old Michael Horner's house in Newlyn, Cornwall, during a Christmas Day attack.

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania professor, Dr Adam Grant, and researcher Reb Rebele, explain that selflessness at work ends up hurting the very people you intended to help.

'They saved my life, but our baby died': Mother shares her ectopic pregnancy story in a heartbreaking viral video

One mother has shared her heartbreaking experience of an ectopic pregnancy - in the hope she can raise awareness and alert other women to the signs of the condition. Kerri Stedman, who lives in Wexford, shared the story of her own ectopic pregnancy in a powerful video which has been viewed more than 83,000 times in just three days. Kerri, 34, suffered an ectopic pregnancy back in December 2015, just weeks after discovering she was pregnant.

The leather cases, complete with a Samsung logo, show the S8 will have a fingerprint sensor on the rear - fitting with previous claims it will have no home button but an 'infinity screen' on the front.

The amazing images were taken at the Mara River, Masai Mara, Kenya by 46-year-old dental technician, Elmar Weiss, who captured the 400kg predator's powerful attack on the helpless Wildebeest.

Bishop of Guildford Andrew Watson said he had endured a 'violent, excruciating and shocking' beating at the hands of John Smyth QC - and he has now told Hampshire Constabulary about it.

The 52-year-old founder of Alibaba - China's equivalent of eBay - is set to give $20 million to fund an educational program to the University of Newcastle in Australia.

Jacqueline Cox (pictured with her niece), 69, visited the supermarket in Levenshulme, Manchester, to pick up a few groceries when she asked for an employee to help her on the tills.

The baby-faced gunsmith! Girl, 12, is so fast at assembling magnums and machine guns she even teaches POLICE how to do it 

Twelve-year-old girl, Salisa Yasuwat, from Chiang Mai in Thailand is so fast at assembling weapons that she has begun teaching police officers how to take apart their own guns - even M16 rifles and revolvers. Incredible footage shows the youngster at speed taking apart high-powered rifles and shotguns. She begins with a silver Smith and Wesson 686 Magnum .357 - taking just ten minutes - before moving on to giant weapons including pump-action shotguns that are almost as big as her. Chiang Mai police constable Damrong Saenduangdee, who has his guns serviced regularly by Salisa, said: 'I've never seen a young girl like this. I cannot do what she does. She is much, much faster than me and has a greater knowledge of firearms. She is very, very good.'

Sarfraz Khan (pictured) was stabbed to death and his three brothers seriously hurt when a row with cousins at the family ice cream business in Bradford escalated in April last year.

The 313-mile-wide moon (504 kilometers) has been of great interest to scientists in recent years, with Cassini's observations revealing possible signs that it could support life.

In an article for The Conversation, Caspar Addyman, a Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London explains how the 'ultimate lullaby' was created (stock image).

Francois Fillon and Penelope Fillon, originally from Wales, face prison after French prosecutors launched a corruption investigation of abuse of public funds, embezzlement and concealment.

Judges ruled the original terms imposed on Patrick Reilly (pictured) and his sister Deborah Corcoran, were 'unduly lenient'. They were first sentenced in Wolverhampton Crown Court.

Extremer skier Jeremie Heitz is reduced to a tiny spec as he swoons downs Switzerland's nigh vertical Obergabelhorn mountain making him difficult to spot in a set of stunning photos.

Beverley Pearce, 54, paid herself 90 extra wages at building company Brecongate. It is now struggling to survive and may have to sack 60 employees, Cardiff Crown court heard.

A female shark off the coast of Jupiter, Florida, has caught the eye of divers across the nation thanks to her toothy smile that looks reminiscent of Bruce from the hit film Finding Nemo.

Shocking CCTV footage shows a police officer smashing a handcuffed man's head through a car windscreen, outside a Tesco store in Dublin. Guardai suspected the man of shoplifting.

A shoplifted in St Petersburg, Russia stunned security guards when he revealed where he had hidden his stolen goods. Camera footage shows the man pulling a chicken from his trousers.

The model, who appeared on the French version of the show, was modelling a Vercella Vita bra but it seems viewers were distracted from the lingerie she was trying to sell.

The creepy abandoned South Korean theme park

These eerie snaps show an abandoned theme park that looks like something from the end of the world. Once a place of laughter, Gaya Land in South Korea is far from the tourist hotspot it once was.

Footage of the near-fatal accident in Zhejiang, eastern China, shows around twenty passersby lifting the vehicle in a bid to free the woman.

Brendan Wells, 22, filmed himself and his brother, Todd, took the incredible footage while paddling down rapids on the White Salmon River and Outlet Creek in Washington State.

Found in India, the tree pictured is called The Great Banyan and its canopy now covers 155,000 square feet of land. But the canopy of the record holder covers 200,000 square metres.

A survey of 2,000 adults found that some 47 per cent defined themselves as JAMS, with Coventry the city with the highest concentration (70 per cent).

Lexi, 26, and Danny Reed, 28, from Indiana tipped the scales at a combined weight of 770lbs (55st) but in just 12 months the couple have now lost 308lbs (22st) between them.

David Gallacher will appear before a magistrates after the Somalian woman, who was wearing a headscarf, was attacked outside the Co-op in Bletchley, Buckinghamshire.

It does also appear that it is possible to be 'too nice'. This is clearest in instances where people become overburdened with the need to care for or provide for others.

Consuming grapes for just six months also helped to boost memory, according to research funded by the California Table Grape Commission - designed to expand markets for fresh Californian grapes.

Viewers were not happy with the news that fan favourite Shelagh Turner could lose her baby. She was told by doctors after she started bleeding that she could 'abort spontaneously'.

The television regulator had received a total of 44 complaints over the two episodes, which saw a bus crashing in Albert Square after the driver had a heart attack.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has spoken out a year after a United Nations' working group found he was being 'arbitrarily detained' by the UK and Sweden.

Pedestrians in Namibia's capital Windhoek have been warned not to drink and walk after police said they will breathalyze anyone involved in a collision with a vehicle.

A new Australian-based study says sitting is not as bad for you as previously believed because of the varied difference between TV sitting time and other sitting behaviors.

Boat International Media unveil most ultimate luxury boats

Sensational superyachts including Sybaris with three wins, and Genesi and My Song each with two prizes were chosen by an influential panel of judges from the worlds of architecture, vehicle, industrial, lighting, interior and furniture design, including Mercedes-Benz's Steffen Köhl and Gosling's director Tim Gosling. Also judging the awards were leading naval architects, a superyacht captain and three yacht owners, whose combined expertise formed a diverse analysis of the 149 individual entries. The finalists come with some pretty unique features - from an open-plan deck large enough for a basketball court,  to a wellness space featuring everything from a hair studio to a hammam, to asymmetric lighting that creates the illusion of floating walls.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Samir Hussain, 28, left the Cineworld at Crawley Leisure Park in West Sussex when Michael McPherson, 27, threw sulphuric acid in his face.

Bolebec House in Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire, sits at the foot at the ruins of Bolebec Castle, which was destroyed before 1651 under the orders of Oliver Cromwell in the Civil War.

An Easyjet pilot alerted flight handlers of a near collision with a drone flying close to his Airbus as he prepared to land at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

British schoolgirl Xia Vigor has wowed Filipino talent judges with her impersonation of Ariana Grande. She starred in the popular reality show, Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids.

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Today's hottestfashion finds

  • Gisele

    Keep it casual in chambray like Gisele with a Sam&Lavi top

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  • Hailey

    Look sleek and chic on the beach with Matteau Swimwear

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  • Meghan

    Stay dry this winter in Meghan's Barbour jacket

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  • Hailey

    Look pretty in pink like Hailey in Same Swim

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Labrador gives birth to a GREEN puppy

A dog owner has named a new puppy after a character from Shrek after her chocolate Labrador gave birth to a green puppy. Two-year-old mother Milly had four male puppies and one girl during her first litter (shown right). But gender wasn't the only difference that marked the female puppy from her brothers because she emerged not golden like the others - but green. The green tinge (pictured left) is down to over exposure to a substance called biliverdin, which can be found in the placenta. It's a rare condition and owner Elaine Cooper believes their pup - could be just the third case in the world. Elaine and husband Mark have now nicknamed the pup Fifi after the famous green ogre Princess Fiona from Shrek.

An artist's impression of the more than 100 million pieces of debris in orbit around the Earth

An experimental Japanese mission to clear 'space junk' or rubbish from the Earth's orbit has ended in failure, officials said Monday, in an embarassment for Tokyo.

A senior paramedic opens up anonymously about the back-breaking work every day working in the British ambulance services and what lies in store for the future with the increasing pressure on our NHS.



500 relatives gather for drone family photo in China

If you had a family photograph taken how many people would be present? Well, for one supersize family in China, 500 relatives turned up for their photo session, requiring a drone to fly back from a distance in a bid to get the full clan in the frame. Apparently it took more two years for the Ren family to coordinate the impressive stunt, which took place close to their ancestral town in the Zhejiang province.

Families living in the building in the town of Serov have lodged a formal complaint with local housing chiefs saying the icicle of frozen urine and faeces is a public health hazard.

Jian Zhicheng was described as a 'butcher with beauty' and inundated with threatening messages after it emerged that she had been forced to euthanise more than 700 pets in two years.

Pipe down! Bagpiper gets a hilariously frosty reception from commuters as they ignore his attempts to start a Yellow Submarine singalong on packed train 

A bagpiper in Glasgow got a frosty reception after making a deafening bid to get commuters to sing along to the Beatles. The video shows the musician loudly playing Yellow Submarine to the annoyance of the passengers. Michelle Andrew, filmed the action at about 11.30pm as she travelled on the Glasgow to East Kilbride service on Saturday. Her 28-second recording starts as the piper, wearing a kilt and black polo shirt emblazoned with the 'Caledonian Pipe Band' logo, begins to belt out the 1966 number one. After Michelle posted the clip online, the scenes got a fairly hostile reception.