QIC joins AGL Energy in $3bn renewable energy fund

The AGL/QIC fund will invest in new wind projects to help meet the 2020 renewable energy target.
The AGL/QIC fund will invest in new wind projects to help meet the 2020 renewable energy target. Jessica Shapiro

Infrastructure investor QIC has linked up with AGL Energy in its new $3 billion renewable energy fund, forming an alliance AGL chief executive Andy Vesey says could "set the ball rolling" for the billions of further investment needed to meet the 2020 target.

QIC's Global Infrastructure Fund will invest $800 million into AGL's Powering Australian Renewables Fund, which is expected to build about a fifth of the wind and solar capacity still required to reach the target.

"This is a first in this space, we'd love other people to follow suit," Mr Vesey said in an interview ahead of the official announcement on the partnership on Wednesday.

"We have a big objective: we have to build 5000 megawatts of renewables just to meet the RET target. There's still a lot that has to be done but this gives you confidence if we can start to work through some of these issues there is money for this investment, for the billions of dollars that are needed."

The latest news follows AGL's announcement in February it would seek co-investors for a renewables fund that would be seeded with its two operating large-scale solar plants in western NSW and invest in new projects, backed by power purchase contracts with the retailer. It would initially target 1000MW of capacity, at a total cost including debt of $2 billion to $3 billion.

It comes as South Australia struggles with its increasing reliance on intermittent kinds of generation such as solar and wind, which Mr Vesey said can't be blamed on renewable energy but highlights the need to modify power market rules.

Sought after opportunity

QIC's head of infrastructure Ross Israel, who had already flagged interest in the fund, said the PARF venture provided the opportunity the investor had been seeking for some time to gain large-scale exposure to renewable energy, with risks reduced through the partnership with AGL and diversification across regions and energy types.

"It's strategic in terms of solving this conundrum that has been there for a while, which is how does institutional capital marry with strategic industry players to get some of these much-needed infrastructure projects advanced," Mr Israel said.

QIC is investing on behalf of the Future Fund and others, while AGL is putting in $200 million of equity. The rest would come from debt on a project-by-project basis, with Mr Vesey saying the big Australian banks were lining up to participate.

The first new projects to be funded will be AGL's proposed 200MW Silverton wind farm in NSW and its 350MW Coopers Gap project in Queensland. Mr Vesey said the go-ahead for the first new project is targeted by March 2017, with start-up about 18 months later. The projects would be covered by conventional power purchase contracts for an initial five to seven years, with a further five years covered under a "collar" arrangement that would set a floor price for QIC's revenues and a maximum price that reduces risk for AGL.

The solar projects, comprising a total 154MW of capacity at Nyngan and Broken Hill, will provide immediate cash flows for PARF, acting as "ballast" in the fund, Mr Vesey said. Future renewables projects could be from AGL's portfolio or from third parties.

Mr Vesey also pointed to the possibility of enlarging the fund or bringing in other partners once the initial objectives had been successfully achieved.

Meanwhile, in a further sign of the expected major build-out of wind and solar capacity, engineering company Monadelphous is to enter the sector through a new joint venture with renewable energy specialist ZEM Energy. The venture, Zenviron, will be "well placed" to deliver a share of the new renewables capacity to be built by 2020, said Monadelphous managing director Rob Velletri, who estimated the amount at 6000MW.