
Warning of bump for Donald Trump next year with slide into recession

US President Donald Trump's economic honeymoon could come to an end as soon as next year, senior London fund managers have forecast, with the US at risk of plunging into recession.

Nine years on from the start of the financial crisis, the US recovery may be overheating, Legal & General Investment Management economist James Carrick has warned.

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He has predicted a series of interest rate hikes will tip the US into a 2018 recession.

"Every recession in the US has been caused by a tightening of credit conditions," he said, noting inflation is on the rise and the US Federal Reserve is discussing plans for higher interest rates.

Officials at the Fed have only raised interest rates cautiously, because inflation has not taken off, so they do not believe the Fed needs to take the heat out of the economy.

But economists fear the strong dollar and low global commodity prices have restricted inflation and disguised domestic price rises. Underneath this, they fear the economy is already overheating.


As a result, they expect inflation to pick up sharply this year, forcing more rapid interest rate hikes.

That could cause a recession next year, they say. In their models, the signals are that this could take place in mid-2018.

"Inflation is picking up and that is the game-changer because it brings the Fed into play," said Mr Carrick.

"That means we could get an increase in bad loans, which could cause the economy to head into reverse."

His study of data going back to 1967 shows that every recession came after banks tightened credit conditions.

"We did have a big loosening of credit conditions in recent years, and now we are moving to neutral," he said.

On his historical data, "two to three years before every recession you had a big loosening of policy, about a year before the recession you've turned neutral, and then you see a tightening," Mr Carrick said.

"I've been very cheeky, saying we are five quarters before the next recession. It is cheeky, but every recession in the US has been caused by a tightening of credit conditions."

Mr Carrick added that rising rates will also strip the economy and financial markets of one source of insulation from unexpected political events, which has encouraged stability in recent years.

Mr Trump is preparing to roll back bank regulations under Dodd-Frank enacted to stop the next financial crisis.

He's also attracted the wrath of Silicon Valley's elite, who dislike the new US President's immigration controls. Many were shocked at the abrupt travel ban Mr Trump imposed just seven days after becoming President.

The executive order, which froze entry to residents of seven largely Muslim countries, prompted a furious backlash.

Technology executives tripped over themselves to deride the ban. Their comments ranged from the measured – Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said he was "concerned" and Apple's Tim Cook said it was "not a policy we support" – to the aggravated.

Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, said: "Trump's actions are hurting Netflix employees around the world, and are so un-American it pains us all."

Google co-founder Sergey Brin joined hundreds protesting at San Francisco airport. "I'm here because I'm a refugee," he told a reporter.

On Monday, the words turned to action, when Microsoft and Amazon took legal action against Mr Trump's order, throwing their weight behind a challenge from Washington state.

Mr Cook added that Apple could follow, and would at least press the White House hard on the matter.

The ban had few supporters across corporate America, but in the pro-immigration, jetsetting and naturally optimistic tech world, it was anathema.

Many dotcom bosses, including Google's Sundar Pichai and Microsoft's Satya Nadella, are immigrants.

Silicon Valley's most famous icon, Steve Jobs, was the biological son of a refugee from Syria – one of the seven countries on Mr Trump's blacklist.

Outside the boardroom, thousands of programmers come from abroad.

Given the outcry among staff, tech companies knew they could not stay silent about the ban.

But equally, there were fears that a shaky rapport with the new administration was a risk. Mr Trump is a man who works on deals and relationships, after all.

After the drama of the past week, it may appear that tech companies are in for a particularly rough ride over the next four years.

Telegraph, London