@ShaunKing está bloqueado

¿Estás seguro de que quieres ver estos Tweets? Ver los Tweets no desbloqueará a @ShaunKing.

  1. Tweet fijado
    10 sept. 2016

    I'm going to pin this at the top of my page forever. When people ask HOW we fix police brutality, use this.

  2. hace 12 horas

    This is an actual tweet from the man leading the largest Trump event in DC right now - the . America. 2017.

  3. hace 21 minutos

    Yeah, play that rebellion music

  4. hace 17 horas

    He also went from "what's an easy recipe to make at home" to "if a Jew were a vampire, would he still be afraid of crosses?"

  5. hace 17 horas

    Guess we'll find him when he puts the video out. That he edits the shit out of since he didn't get clocked.

  6. hace 17 horas

    Also, john is right next to me. The balls.

  7. hace 18 horas

    I was very kind. Answered cooking questions, then he came with that. Fucking disgusting.

  8. hace 18 horas

    Paparazzi at JFK just asked me "if we evolved from monkeys, why is John Legend still around?" - and people wonder why celebs lose it in pics

  9. 8 nov. 2016

    Dear Muslims, Immigrants, Women, Disabled, and All People of Color, I love you - boldly and proudly. We will endure. We will not break.

  10. hace 7 horas

    You keep thinking your abject horror and disgust has reached its limit, and then...

  11. hace 9 horas

    Dead right. You don't get to put a man in power who has defrauded, mocked, assaulted people his whole life & claim moral high ground. Nope.

  12. hace 10 horas
  13. 19 ene.

    I'm heading to ER now...cops shot me at least twice, aiming for my phone, they broke my pinky and its bleeding BAD..

  14. 19 ene.

    My finger just now getting some color back after turning blue.. nurses say shot to my leg looks like a burn?!?

  15. 19 ene.
  16. hace 23 horas

    Elijah Cummings: ‘If the public knew what Congress knows’ they would boycott the inauguration too

  17. hace 12 horas

    Barack really thinks he's allowed to stop being president son is wildin you better show up to work on monday my guy

  18. hace 17 horas

    Proud to make this one of my final actions as President. America is a nation of second chances, and 1,715 people deserved that shot.

  19. hace 11 horas

    Now is the time.

  20. hace 11 horas

    Reminder: In response to be accused of rape by his wife, Donald Trump's attorney said "You can't rape your wife."

  21. hace 12 horas

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