Life & Love

Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: How Do I Deal With My Very Ill-Mannered Boyfriend?
He makes me feel like an uptight "prissy girl" for expecting a simple "excuse me."
Life & Love
The Cutest Celebrity Couple PDA Moments
Got me looking so crazy in love.
Sex & Relationships
My Weekend at a Sex Lodge
Can a champagne-glass-shaped Jacuzzi and a mirror-encircled bed overcome the drag of daily married life?
Sex & Relationships
I Tried All the Sex From "Fifty Shades Darker" in One Weekend
Help. Me.
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: How Do I Start a Fashion Blog?
I'm afraid everyone will laugh at my attempts.
Life & Love
How Telomeres Can Help You Stay Young and Healthy
Or make you feel old, if you don't treat them right.
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: My Boyfriend Is Exchanging Shirtless Selfies With His Guy Friends
Is this a new thing or should I be worried?
Life & Love
When Erica's Twin Sisters Were Adopted, She Thought She'd Still See Them Regularly. She Was Wrong.
Sibling relationships are vital for kids in the foster system, but they're often neglected.
Life & Love
I Loved Pregnant Sex Even More Than Regular Sex
The orgasms were insane.
old time woman on phone
Life & Love
A Sign Goes Up In a Texas Day Care and the Momternet Explodes
Sometimes being on the phone after hours is what has to happen to keep it all together.
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: My Boyfriend Thinks We're Gwyneth and Chris, Circa 2003
How real can this relationship be?
Married couple with bouquet of flowers
Sex & Relationships
Getting Married Will Cost You More Than Ever
Tying the knot? Get ready to empty your wallet.
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: Should I Leave My Steady Job to Pursue My Dreams?
Competing in a beauty pageant made me realize my real love is fitness. Is it foolish to switch careers?
Life & Love
Can Technosexuality Fix Your Long-Distance Relationship?
When Skype and late-night texts can't quite cut it.
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: Should I Ditch My Great but Unadventurous Boyfriend Because He Won't Propose?
Our home life is perfect, but I want more excitement (and a ring!).
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: Are These Signs He Likes Me?
They're so little, but could they mean something?
Ask E. Jean
Ask E. Jean: My Friends Keep Rescheduling On Me
Should I just give up on them?
interracial marriage
Life & Love
My Future Mother-in-Law Didn't Think I Was Right for Her Son
I'd never felt so white in my life — and that was before she saw me completely naked.
Life & Love
Women Get Deeply Honest About Why They Had Abortions As Moms
59% of women getting abortions are already mothers. Why would they do it? You'll have to ask them.
Life & Love
The Childbirth Pain No One Warns You About
It was like a migraine on steroids had a threesome with car accident whiplash and the flu.
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