LISA BUCKINGHAM: Time to take a long hard look at the predatory payday loan gang

Payday lender:Wonga admitted to MPs that up to 15 per cent of its customers do not repay their loans

The University of East London last week became the first such institution to outlaw payday loan firms from anywhere on its campus, amid increasing evidence that its students are taking desperate measures to get out of debt.

The ban is far reaching, including online and even stretching to refusing to stock magazines with advertisements from the payday lenders.

Students are, of course, not usually the finest examples of financial literacy.

But UEL’s deep concerns will resonate far more widely among those who deal with the increasing numbers in our society who are struggling with debt and have fallen prey to the apparent charms of a short-term fix offered by the payday gang.

The Office of Fair Trading is about to write to the 50 largest payday lenders to point out where it thinks they may be falling short of fair standards.

This is, however, likely to be far from a solution to the plague that is now gripping Britain.

The lenders argue that any ‘innovation’ tends to attract controversy in its early days. One executive involved in the sector who I met last week likened it to the early days of double- glazing sales when cowboys were rampant, concluding happily that nowadays no one would have any issues with buying double-glazing.

The sector also claims that it has a self-imposed cap on loans. Yes, the interest rates of up to 4,000 per cent are usurious, but if a borrower cannot repay after six months, interest is no longer rolled up.

Even if you do not compound the interest rate, that would still mean that someone who borrowed only £100 would be staring at a £2,000 liability.

And while the payday lenders claim to turn down about 90 per cent of loan applicants, Wonga –the best known – admitted to a select committee of MPs recently that up to 15 per cent of its customers do not repay their loans, though it claims it checks applicants.

There may be a very few people for whom an exorbitantly expensive short- term loan is an answer.

The problem is that most in this nascent industry have, conveniently, very little idea of the circumstances of people who are using their services.

Many, though, are people who are already struggling with credit card debt – not itself a cheap form of borrowing.

Britain has become a haven for many overseas companies who are finding that the interest rates they can charge in their home markets are capped.

The OFT appears a long way from suggesting a similar cap on loan rates, which make even the harshest of doorstep lenders look reasonable.

There is an argument for new ideas in consumer credit and our mainstream banks are hardly angels with their punitive rates for unauthorised overdrafts.

It is time for our politicians to look seriously at this predatory group of companies. The students at UEL are not the only ones who are being driven to the point of despair and need rescuing from the clutches of a morally dubious industry.


As savers abandon all hope: we could help them with an Isa break

If savers haven’t already abandoned all hope, then the words of Charlie Bean, Bank of England Deputy Governor, last week will make sure they do.

There is, he told MPs, absolutely no prospect of savers getting the chance of a decent rate of interest until the economy is in a better position.

Bean was too judicious, of course, to give any indication of when he expected that to be. But for savers it will be far too far away.

As we edge towards the next Election, with the reek of the Eastleigh humiliation fresh in the air, George Osborne will frantically want to do something to please in this month’s Budget.

The Chancellor has precious little room for manoeuvre and, as he made clear when Britain’s AAA rating was downgraded by Moody’s, he has no intention to splash the cash. Nor should he.

Osborne can, though, give hope to millions of savers – not by increasing the amount they earn on their savings but by upping the amount of cash they can put in an Isa, where the interest is tax-free.

It is a nonsense that savers can put only half their £11,280 tax-proof allowance into a cash Isa. Although share prices have been rising recently, not all savers want to be forced to put money into the stock market.

Allowing cash to be used for the entire Isa allowance would cost Osborne £100million – a tiny price to pay for the gratitude he would earn from Britain’s hard-pressed savers.

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