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Once again, development comes first

  • Greg Mier

"I've just witnessed an appalling act of official vandalism – the destruction of a magnificent, healthy lemon-scented gum tree at the junction of the Tullamarine Freeway and Flemington Road," wrote Michael Howe from Ascot Vale in a letter to the Age in July last year about the loss of a near 100-year-old tree. The scenes Mr Howe describes have become all too familiar across our once liveable city.

Just days before Christmas I witnessed a similar act of vandalism as workers for the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) pushed over tree after tree on the Beaumaris High School site.

Education Minister James Merlino has dismissed community concerns over the high school project. Photo: Chris Hopkins

I will never forget this disturbing scene of destruction as devastated residents stood in stunned silence, or yelled in grief and anger.

The loss of these magnificent trees, many of which preceded white settlement, were representative of our sense of place, our collective memories and heritage. For many a loss of heritage meant the demolition of a historic university pub in Carlton. In Beaumaris, our loss of heritage was the destruction of these stoic and gracious trees.

But why should these Beaumaris residents be so sad? After years of hard community campaigning Education Minister James Merlino, and the benevolent Melbourne Cricket Club were apparently bestowing the Beaumaris community with a state-of-the-art new high school, and with "world class" sporting facilities.

The reality is otherwise. Joining this school with the MCC is not a marriage of equality. The new school occupies a considerably smaller footprint than the one it replaces. It will be a three-storey vertical school like the ones they build in inner suburbs with limited space. The school footprint has been marginalised to a corner of the site next to one of the busiest, increasingly polluted, and most dangerous intersections in Beaumaris.

Beaumaris residents are united behind building the school. The footprint for the new school was effectively cleared of buildings and trees and ready for building works well before the tree protest ever started.

The protest was not about the school. It erupted at the 11th hour when the VSBA informed three local environment representatives about the loss within days of well over 200 trees to accommodate the MCC oval, the grandiose MCC pavilion, MCC car parking and a multi-purpose pitch for the MCC lacrosse team and local soccer club.

The school can use the facilities during school hours but will require MCC approval to use the senior oval wicket.

The MCC has effectively partitioned off public land or at minimum what has for decades been enjoyed by the community as quasi-public land for private commercial interests and compromised precious school space for both passive and shaded recreation.

Characteristic of the CFA dispute, James Merlino dismissed community concerns. In a rear guard action, the VSBA undertook token consultation in a failed show of integrating its world-class facilities in a world-class natural environment. The sham community consultation process treated the community with contempt, refusing to answer questions. A minimal number of trees were saved from destruction.

During the tree removal wildlife carers were excluded from the site, there was no fencing identifying and protecting trees to be retained and behind a shield of police and security the VSBA "community engagement" appointee smirked at the resident's distress.

Under the Andrew's government consultation has become "insultation" – a box you tick before you barge through your original plan.

Beaumaris residents have always treasured and fought hard to protect their trees in a bushy suburb. That is why they fought to achieve protection of indigenous and native trees across the whole suburb by a Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO). Located next to the Long Hollow reserve containing heathland of state significance the environmental qualities of the site were known to the VSBA but they relied on an obscure exemption to the VPO and, appeasing the MCC land grab, trashed a significant and valued natural environment. The belated sideshow put on by the VSBA to address community concerns are an enduring insult to the Beaumaris community.

The students, the teachers and the quality of the education programs, will define Beaumaris High School as a world-class school not the excessive footprint of the MCC and its cohorts. Unfortunately, the opportunity to provide a learning experience in an irreplaceable environmental setting has been lost forever.

Greg Mier is president of the Beaumaris Conservation Society.