Can't stand guacamole? Detest Taylor Swift? New dating app 'Hater' matches you based on mutual dislikes... so will YOU sign up? 

  • A new dating app matches you with people based on what you mutually hate
  • Hater is the brainchild of a former Goldman Sachs employee, Brendan Alper
  • It launches around the world on February 8, but can already be downloaded
  • There is a wide variety of topics to hate, from guacamole to slow walkers

If you hate slow walkers, biting ice cream or Taylor Swift, you're not alone.

A new dating app has been announced that matches you with potential partners based on what you mutually hate.

'Hater' is the brainchild of a former Goldman Sachs employee, Brendan Alper, 29, and it launches publicly around the world on February 8.

Haters gonna hate: A new dating app has been announced that matches you with potential partners based on what you mutually hate (stock photo)

Haters gonna hate: A new dating app has been announced that matches you with potential partners based on what you mutually hate (stock photo)

Hater works by being downloaded and then asking users to swipe to show how much they love or hate certain things.

Swiping up denotes 'love' of a certain topic, down means you 'hate' it, right is 'like' and left is 'dislike'.

The topics vary widely, and include everything from Donald Trump to 'butt selfies'.

Up to you: Hater works by being downloaded and then asking users to swipe to show how much they love or hate certain things (pictured: the Hater app)

Up to you: Hater works by being downloaded and then asking users to swipe to show how much they love or hate certain things (pictured: the Hater app)

Diverse: The topics vary widely, and include everything from Donald Trump to 'butt selfies' (pictured: two topics currently on Hater)
Diverse: The topics vary widely, and include everything from Donald Trump to 'butt selfies' (pictured: two topics currently on Hater)

Diverse: The topics vary widely, and include everything from Donald Trump to 'butt selfies' (pictured: two topics currently on Hater)

It's a match! At present, there are over 2,000 topics to like, dislike, hate or love, and once you've been through enough of them, the app will let you see your matches

It's a match! At present, there are over 2,000 topics to like, dislike, hate or love, and once you've been through enough of them, the app will let you see your matches

At present, there are over 2,000 topics to like, dislike, hate or love, and once you've been through enough of them, the app will let you see your matches, with each percentage determined by your shared dislikes.

'It started off as a joke, a wouldn't-it-be-funny-if and then we kept playing around with it and it seemed like it could work as an actual idea,' the app creator, Brendan Alper, said previously.

'People seemed to come together around things they hate. It surprisingly brings people together,' he said.

Bonding point: 'People seemed to come together around things they hate. It surprisingly brings people together,' creator, Brendan Alper, said (stock photo)

Bonding point: 'People seemed to come together around things they hate. It surprisingly brings people together,' creator, Brendan Alper, said (stock photo)

After doing some research and finding out that there are real studies which show that the hating of things brings people closer, Mr Alper started developing the app. 

'We thought it was a good contrast to other lovey-dovey things out there – I like art, I like surfing – but who really cares?,' he said.

The app is already available on the app store, but it remains to be seen whether it will take off as much as fellow dating apps, Tinder, Happn and Bumble, have in the past.

Will you be downloading? 

For more information about Hater, click here.

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